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2007-01-24 07:34:31| 人氣85| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

another peaceful day

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yesterday, i and my grandparent came to orient market. The market is full of fresh food! Unagi, seaweed, meatball, so much asian food! We bought some and right after home I tried making some sushi for tomorrow’s my lunch and hers. although the food didn’t look good at the outside... but the materials are not bad.
Today i saw her ran from me before 5th final. At first i thought she was playing with me, but at second thought i think she was mad at me since I tempted her by not talking to her online XD. (hope she is well today :) )
Life goes on. sometimes i feel happier if i look at things at different view. My aspect is keep changing, sometimes i feel God, sometimes i don’t.

台長: 斌斌
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: My Diary |
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Why do you think I see you before the 5th final? Do you think in the other hand : I was in the hurry so i did not see you, and then i passes you?

Thanks your Shusi, i like them so much. i ate then when I was in the final in the class. I feel sweet. Thanks... you made shusi better than me la...

you should cook for me everyday ar.. breakfast, lunch, dinner la... haha...

Your chinese is improving...
2007-01-24 07:48:40
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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