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2009-01-19 14:15:28| 人氣315| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Sunday - Energy back

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My energy is getting back from God.
Today is Church Sunday, also my first time to lead a part of the worship today. Although I did not do quiet well, did not do anything exceed or anything. But from last night, I begin to pray and more power is coming into my will. Today Pastor talked about the tie between friends (believers and non-believers), which can be negative to Christians because they can lose part of Jesus life in order to adept to others. I see it the other way: Christians can also affect their closed friends and change their life - but they need to follow the voice of God. Wenyan seems very miss me these days. I am very happy to see her showing these kind of affections to me. But if she misses me earlier, I might get even happier, ohoh!
Today, she checked some renting apartments, I hope she can find the one she likes and also close to my house. LOL.
Today, I sweat again when I worship. Pastor and I agree that my body has poison and I need to take care my body even more cautious.

Dear Lord.
Please give me strength to be with you this semester. I don't really care if I stay in Berkeley or not. I just want to be with you.
Hope you can guide me to where you want me too. I know you have a lot to talk to me and wait me to open my ears to you again.

Amen. today is great to be with you Jesus!

台長: 斌斌
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此分類下一篇:Monday no school
此分類上一篇:>o< I become lazier..

2009-01-20 02:56:23
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