Photo and Text by Isabella (Part of text from Al pont de Ferr's website)
結合傳統與創新、兼容並蓄的義大利米蘭料理餐廳,位於米蘭熱鬧繁華、酒吧林立的Navigli運河區,今年二月才重新裝潢開幕的米其林一星餐廳“Al Pont De Ferr”,就在人來人往熙熙攘攘的運河橋旁,諾大的招牌很難讓人不注意到,只是在沒訂位的情況下,通常都無法嚐到主廚Vittorio Fusari精湛及貼近人心的迷人廚藝,要想一嚐這相當超值且令人難忘的餐點,一定要記得事先訂位。
Combination of tradition and innovation, inclusive of Milan Italian restaurant in bustling Milan, Navigli Canal Zone, bars everywhere, and in February this year it was renovated opening a Michelin star restaurant "Al Pont De Ferr" which besides the coming and going bustling Canal Bridge. Large signboard is hard for people not to notice, but in the absence of set bits, are usually unable to taste the chef Vittorio Fusari superb and close to the heart of the charming cooking. If you want to taste this considerable value and memorable meals, you must remember making reservation in advance.
Vittorio Fusari is the new chef at the “Pont de Ferr”, the osteria in Milan with one Michelin Star in the heart of the Navigli district. Finished in February, the long working partnership with the Uruguayan Matias Perdomo- who deserves a big thank you for the happy path traveled together – and Maida Mercuri has chosen a chef solidly Italian, capable as few others of combining virtuous tradition and modern thought/thinking.
He was born and raised in the Franciacorta vineyards. Vittorio Fusari achieved the Michelin star at his first restaurant, “Il Volto”, just a walking distance from the Iseo lakefront. His experience was ennobled by the interlude at “Le Maschere”, the gastronomic jewel that has deeply influenced the culture of the Franciacorta food & beverage. He is an educated and passionate spokesman who is historically well known for his relationship with Slow Food.
Vittorio Fusari è il nuovo chef del Pont de Ferr, l’osteria milanese con stella Michelin nel cuore dei Navigli. Terminato a febbraio il lungo sodalizio lavorativo con l’uruguaiano Matias Perdomo – a cui va un grande ringraziamento per il felice percorso compiuto insieme – Maida Mercuri ha scelto un cuoco solidamente italiano, capace come pochi altri di coniugare tradizione virtuosa e pensiero moderno.
Nato e cresciuto tra i vigneti di Franciacorta, Vittorio Fusari ha raggiunto la stella Michelin con il suo primo locale, “Il Volto”, a due passi dal lungolago di Iseo, esperienza nobilitata dall’intermezzo a “Le Maschere”, bomboniera gastronomica che ha inciso profondamente nella cultura della ristorazione franciacortina. Storico anche il suo rapporto con Slow Food, di cui è testimonial colto e appassionato.

(Chef Vittorio Fusari, born in 1953, Lombard Iseo, son of railroad and studies in philosophy, before talented chef was station master in his hometown. From 1981: it was a nest of four friends who wanted, in a tavern, you can taste great wines and eat great mouthfuls. Six years later, that passion and skill discovered in the kitchen, a tasty adventure continued until '95 with its closure and the transfer of his soul "high" in the kitchen of the Face, one of the few authentic taverns of the country where at all times you can play cards and drink a good glass of wine with dishes are also of the highest quality creative. Vittoro Fusari1953年出生,倫巴第伊塞歐,鐵路員工和研究哲學的兒子,前天才廚師是他的家鄉站主。1981:四個朋友曾想,在一個小酒館,可以品嚐優質葡萄酒吃幾大口美食。六年後,他的激情和技巧在廚房裡被發崛,美味的冒險一直持續到95年,轉變為高風味的餐廳,為數不多的正宗的小酒館之一,在那裡的任何時候,可以打打牌,喝一杯優質的酒,嚐嚐佳餚,也都是最高品質的創意。)
(今年二月才重新裝潢開幕的米其林一星餐廳“Al Pont De Ferr”,就在人來人往熙熙攘攘的NAVIGLI運河橋旁,諾大的招牌很難讓人不注意到。)


(We went "Al pont de Ferr restaurant" for high rating recommended setting dishes by other customers such as "Tradition Tasting 65 EURO" which have four dishes and one dessrt and "Marketing Tasting 75 EURO" which have five dishes and one dessert. At that night, Chef made surprise dishes for both of us. I could say I tasted almost all of classical dishes of the Chef. 我們是衝著評價極高的兩套不同的套餐“Tradition Tasting 65歐”和“Market Tasting 75歐”而來的,傳統套餐裡有四道菜和一道甜點,創新套餐裡則有五道主菜和一道甜點,當天主廚送了我們各一道Surprise Dish,幾乎所有主廚的經典菜餚我們都嚐到了。)

(I ordered one bottle of Nebbiolo di Langhe. Nebbiolo is one of my favorite red wine grape. The grape first captured attention outside of Piedmont in the 18th century, when the British were looking for alternative wine sources to Bordeaux due to prolonged political conflicts with the French. However, the lack of easy transport from Piedmont to London would keep the Piedmontese wine from having the enduring relationship with British connoisseurship that is associated with Bordeaux. Nonetheless, plantings of Nebbiolo continued to grow during the 19th century until the phylloxera epidemic hit. With vast swaths of vineyards devastated by the louse, some vineyard owners decided to replant with different grape varieties, with Barbera being a significant beneficiary. Today, Nebbiolo covers less than 6% of Piedmont vineyards. The Piedmont region is considered the viticultural home of Nebbiolo and it is where the grape's most notable wines are made. The two most well known Nebbiolo based wines are the DOCG wines of the Barolo & Barbaresco zones near Alba. Barbaresco is considered the lighter of the two and has less stringent DOCG regulations. In contrast the Barolo DOCG requires 1 year in oak and 3 years total aging for normale bottlings and 57 months total aging for riserva. 我點了一瓶最愛葡萄品種Nebbiolo的葡萄酒25歐。現今在最棒產區皮蒙特省種植面積已不到6%,是彌足珍貴啊!)

(For starters, the wooden colour stick cracker made me impressed, not only its main ingredient was green bean but it tasted delicious. Also, the yellow one crispy chip with saffron flavour impressed me. When I ate the chip, elegant scent spread from my mouth gently. I do love both of them. 從開胃菜開始有兩道令我印象非常深刻:一是木質色棒狀餅乾,不只因為它是綠豆做的,嚼來很香很美味;另一樣是黃色脆片,嚐來有著淡淡隱微藏紅花的香味漸漸散佈在口裡。)
( "Trandition tasting munu of 65 EURO" . It starts from "The Candied version of red onion from Tropea, filled with fresh goat cheese and candied onion”. Besides its lovable appearance, the pairing of goat cheese and red onion were just perfect. 傳統套餐65歐,開始於“吹糖焦糖特羅佩亞紅洋蔥羊乳酪”,除了外型討喜外,焦糖洋蔥和羊乳酪也搭配得相當好食。單點要18歐。)

(My surprise dish prepared by Chef Vittorio FUSARI. It was named "Peas cream and Prawns". I really love this dish. It goes without saying about the good quality of Prawns. When I tasted the peas cream, the special olive oil flavor was slowly emerge at the same time, it was so fresh and so charming. 我的驚喜菜餚“青豆奶油大蝦”是主廚特地幫我準備的。我真的好愛這道菜,除了蝦子的新鮮度好品質不用提外,當我嚐到青豆泥時有股特殊清新和迷人的橄欖油的香味也緩緩地浮現出來。單點要20歐。)


(Second dish was named “Beef Sashimi, Foie Gras, umeboshi plums, bernaise sauce”. I think chef combined two precious ingredients very well, especially used umeboshi plums for balancing little bit strong flavor of them. And bernaise sauce also provided this dish more richer taste. 第二道菜是“牛肉沙西米,有鵝肝、酸梅和荷蘭醬”。我覺得主廚將兩款珍貴食材結合得非常好之外,特別的是使用酸梅去平衡味道稍稍重一些的鵝肝及牛肉,荷蘭醬也增添了此道菜更豐富的滋味。單點菜單上找不到此道菜色。)
(My third dish is "Summertime Risotto". Basically this is Risotto di Milanese with more refreshing taste. It was really yummy. 我的第三道菜色是“夏日燉飯”。基本上它就是比較清爽的米蘭燉飯“蕃紅花燉飯”,也是相當好吃。單點要18歐。)

(The last dish is "Pluma of IBERIAN PORK, burrata cheese, sea urchins saurce". I have only one sentance to describe - Unable to find fault with the perfect marriage which made in heaven. 最後一道菜是西班牙伊比利豬肉配上Burrata起司和海膽醬汁。只有一句話可形容-無可挑剔、天作之合的完美。單點找不到此道菜。)

(My dessert was named "Cheesecake and Campari". The special appearance of this dessert looked very attractive and quite interesting. I loved bottom taste than other parts, which combined cookie, chocolate and cheese. Cheesecake was very very delicious. 這道甜點的名字是“金巴利酒起司蛋糕”。金巴利酒是義大利非常有名的苦艾酒,有很多顏色和口味,但以紅色最具代表,我沒嚐到太突出的苦艾酒香,也許是因其紅色外型而命名。這特殊外型相當有趣及迷人,我很愛瓶底結合了餅乾、巧克力和起司的味道。起司蛋糕真的非常非常好吃。)

(Market Tasting Menu of 75 EURO. The first dish was named "Orange flavoured Campari with Tempura”. 創新套餐第一道菜叫“柑橘金巴利酒和天婦羅”。單點22歐。)

(The second dish was named "S. Margherita Red Prawns Tartare and green pistachios". Not to mention about how sweetness and freshness of S. Margherita red prawns, this tasted really amazing cause of its four colors and flavor sauces. “red color made by Prawns, orange color made by orange, pink color made by red wine and white color made by Ginger. Also, the ice cream of green pistachios was so yummy. 第二道菜名叫“聖瑪格麗特紅蝦韃靼和綠色開心果”。聖瑪格麗特紅蝦的甜度和新鮮度就不用再提了,令人驚豔的是它週圍四種不同顏色和味道的醬汁“紅色是紅蝦做的、橘色是柑橘做的、粉紅色是紅酒做的、白色是薑做的。當然,上方的開心果冰淇淋也是相當好吃。單點要30歐。)
("Monococco in black, Prawns, Mazzarella and Basil" . 相當少見的“一粒小麥內有墨魚、大蝦、Mazzarella起司和羅勒”。Einkorn wheat was one of the first plants to be domesticated and cultivated. The earliest clear evidence of the domestication of Einkorn dates from 10,600 to 9,900 years before present (8,650 BC to 7,950 BC) from two archaeological sites in southern Turkey. 一粒小麥是小麥屬中最原始的二倍體栽培種,野生的一粒小麥發現於新月沃土地區石器時代的遺址中,約公元前7000年左右在今土耳其東南部地區開始被人工培育。一粒小麥的穗較小,麥粒排列緊密。單點20歐。)

(Red Mullet, seafood, goat yogurt, cherry, tomatoes. Its four color sauces have four difference flavors. “red color made by Prawns, orange color made by carrot, black color made by cuttlefish, gray color made by fish, and white color made by Ginger. Also, made me impresse. 紅鯔魚在臺灣稱秋姑魚、海鮮、山羊優格、櫻桃和蕃茄。它的五種顏色醬汁有著五種不同的滋味兒“紅色是大蝦、橘色是胡蘿蔔、黑色是墨魚、灰色是魚、白色是薑做的。同樣地,相當令人印象深刻啊!單點要35歐。)

(PIGEON, lentil sprouts, mustard saurce. 鴿子肉配上芽菜和黃芥茉醬汁。)
