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中西完美融合的香港AMBER法式餐廳 East and West match perfectly "AMBER"

Photo and Text by Isabella


In its fourth year on  Restaurant  magazine’s annual list of the world’s best restaurants 2014, The Landmark hotel’s Amber, moved from no 37 to no 24. It was the only Hong Kong establishment among the elite top 50, and the new position made it the list’s fourth-highest ranked restaurant in Asia. On December 2008, chef Richard Ekkebus was awarded two Michelin Starstwo stars means it really worth for driving by on purposeuntil 2014 and the best restaurant in China 2014. The East and the West cuisines match perfectly is Amber restaurant. You’ll feel very unforgettable once tasting Amber’s famous dishes such as Hokkaido sea urchin in a lobster jell-O with cauliflower caviar andFoie gras lollipops with a beetroot and raspberry jelly coating topped with a thin crunchy brioche.

(AMBER餐廳設計來自世界知名設計師Adam Tihany的巧思,以琥珀色的主體氣氛、美麗餐盤,搭配上相當吸睛、天花板垂下超過四千根、宛如海浪般的銅管。The exquisitely created with amber color and beautifully plated dishes are served beneath an eye-catching chandelier made up of more than 4,000 bronze rods suspended from the ceiling of the Adam Tihany designed dining room.)

(超級親切 平易近人Very Nice and Excellent CHEF RICHARD EKKEBUS)

位於中環置地文華東方酒店七樓,行政主廚Richard Ekkebus 出生於荷蘭,自孩提時代即熱愛美食,他追隨同為開設餐廳的祖父母腳步,而他的祖父母也是他料理的啟蒙導師,教導他美味的秘訣,就在於使用最新鮮食材烹煮料理,因為Richard家鄉靠港口,所以他的料理中多以海鮮為主,採用“傳統法國烹調技術”及結合“世界各地當令最上乘的新鮮食材”如北海道海膽、波斯頓龍蝦、日本和牛、法國黑松露等。他的招牌菜色有北海道海膽龍蝦果凍魚子醬佐海草小脆餅鹿兒島和牛佐法國塞文洋蔥泥以及法芙娜Abinao85%巧克力舒芙蕾佐可可雪葩

身為米其林星級兩位荷蘭大廚 Hans Snijders(料理手法較為新穎,很會融入各地的特有食材) Robert Kranenborg(荷蘭傳統料理大師2011年為荷蘭皇室舉辦大型的宮廷料理,還因此被列入金氏世界紀錄門下得意弟子Richard早期跟隨的兩位大師為他往後事業奠下穩固根基,他在荷蘭即奪得Youth Chef of the year最佳新人廚藝大獎

Richard亦與巴黎的法式料理大師,如米其林三星大廚Pierre GagnaireGuy Savoy以及Alain PassardL'Arpège餐廳,2014全球最棒餐廳第25)等共事,之後又到模里西斯五星級棕櫚酒店The Royal Palm Hotel擔任七年的行政主廚,後來更到了明星名人們的渡假勝地–加勒比海的奢華酒店聖詹姆斯Sandy Lane Hotel任行政主廚,結織了許多愛好Richard料理的明星名人們,如:Michael Jordan(麥克喬丹)、Tiger Woods(老虎伍茲)、
Beyoncé碧昂絲Andrew Lloyd Webber(安德魯韋伯)等,Richard總是不間斷地在磨練自己的廚藝,如今,他已為香港最負盛名的大廚之一,並於 2005 年開設了 Amber現在他旗下有 52 名廚藝精湛的廚師,與他協力合作料理美食,在他的領導下,餐廳在開業六年內即贏得米其林(香港稱米芝蓮)二星級大獎,一直到現在Richard仍努力不懈、兢兢業業地經營著。

Amber restaurant is in The Landmark, Mandarin Oriental’s smaller more individual Hong Kong hotel. Dutch-born chef and culinary director Richard Ekkebus’s food is fundamentally French, but also modern, imaginative. He createsFrench cuisines innovativeby combination traditional French cooking techniqueandutilizing the highest quality of seasonal ingredients from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres such as Hokkaido sea urchinBoston lobster, Japan wagyu beef and French black truffle. For that reason, menus are also seasonal and change every three months. His signatures include sea urchin in lobster jelly, with cauliflower, caviar and crispy seaweed waffle(Hokkaido sea urchin in a lobster jell-O with cauliflower caviar, Kagoshima wagyu beef with purée of forgotten Cévennes onion and Abinao 85% chocolate soufflé with cocoa sorbet.

Richard Ekkebus  is the executive chef of Mandarin Oriental Landmark Hotel in Hong Kong and its fine dining restaurant. December 2008 chef Ekkebus was awarded two Michelin Stars. Ekkebus began as an apprentice under Michelin-starred chefs Hans Snijders and Robert Kraneborg in the Netherlands. He won the prestigious Golden Chefs Hat for ‘Young Chef of the Year’ while he was in the Netherlands.

He then further honed his skills under the tutelage of Pierre Gagmaire, Alain Passard and Guy Savoy in Paris. He then became the executive chef at the Royal Palm Hotel in Mauritius. After seven years, he then took on the executive chef position at The Sandy Lane in the Caribbean on the Island Barbados. Chef Richard has cooked for top international celebrities such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Beyoncé and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Many super stars and celebrities all love the cuisine of Richard. Even Chef Richard won lots of prizes these years, and he still maintains his passion and keeps going on devoting himself in his professional field. 

Week day Lunch Set Menu available from Monday to Friday between 12:00 noon with the last order by 2:30 pm (not available during public holidays and on weekends

午餐菜單 供應於星期一至五 由中午十二時正至下午二時三十分 最後點餐至下午二時三十分(星期六、日及公眾假期除外)

3-course menu 548  4-course menu including coffee or tea 748

我點的是三道精選菜式 配咖啡/紅茶 548   四道精選菜式 配咖啡/紅茶 748

(Meal started with delicious hand-made breads with a choice between salted and unsalted French butter. Shortly after, five bite-sized canapés.餐點始於手工麵包搭配著鹹味與無鹹味的法式奶油 ,隨即而來的是五道小點心。)

(First, second and third of the canapésFoie gras lollipops with a beetroot and raspberry jelly coating topped with a thin crunchy brioche, second one tasted like spring roll with minced pork and the third one is a small ball of pita bread filled pumpkin puree and black truffle, it was crispy with a flavorful velvety pumpkin, so delicious.  第一道小點覆盆子甜菜根鵝肝棒棒糖 第二道小點下鋪茴香籽的點心嚐來好似包了肉末的春捲 第三道小球是內鑲香滑南瓜和黑松露泥的小酥球)

(Forth of the canapésWhite asparagus with egg white and yolk. 第四道小點白蘆筍上綴蛋白和蛋黃)

(Fifth of the canapésAn Easter-inspired amuse bouche was presented celery and morel mushrooms with a light frothy green pea sabayon served in a hollowed out golden egg shell. 第五道小點芹菜磨菇豌豆沙巴翁置於金色蛋殼中沙巴翁(意大利文:Zabaglion;法文:Sabayon以蛋黃為主的醬汁要打至輕如紗般的泡沫。)

(AMBER' s one of classic dish Sea urchin in lobster jelly, with cauliflower, caviar and crispy seaweed waffle (Hokkaido sea urchin in a lobster jell-O with cauliflower caviar) tasted just a round dance "waltz" in your mouthAMBER的經典名菜之一北海道海膽龍蝦凍白花椰菜魚子醬,如慕斯般滑順口感入口即化,鮮香鹹甜的海膽和魚子醬的鮮美及爆破口感再巧妙地搭上龍蝦凍和白花椰菜泥,和海草薄酥餅一起細細咀嚼品味,彷彿同時於口中併出華麗美妙的圓舞曲)

(White 2011 Domaine Leflaive, Chardonnay Mâcon-Verzé - Burgundy, France 170 I was not satisfied with quality of this wine, after asked the sommelier and realized no wonder that the wine opened already for three days. 法國布根地馬貢產區Leflaive酒莊2011年單杯夏多內白酒 170港幣,我很不滿意此單杯酒品質,一問之下才知道原來此瓶白酒已經是開了第三天了)

(Amazing wine list, mostly wines are from France and Italy. 令人讚嘆的酒單多為法國和義大利酒。)

(My favorite and unforgettable dishWhite asparagus cappuccino with chervil, crispy buckwheat toast with japanese white shrimps & spring vegetables. 白蘆筍奶油湯、茴芹配日本白蝦 (下襯脆蕎麥餅 好吃極了) I thought I was drinking cappuccino or milk tea, so tasty. 光是開胃菜的湯品就令我吃得驚呼連連,基本的色香味俱全十分到位之外,鹹香度適中,其滑順濃香口感神奇的讓人以為自己喝的是卡布奇諾或奶茶,奶泡喝到碗底朝天還未完全融化,再配上白蝦和蕎麥脆餅,確實是道令人非常難以忘懷的傑出之作。)

(AMBER's wine cellar has more than 3,000 bottles of wine. AMBER超過3,000瓶葡萄酒的酒窖。)

The platinum menu 精選時令套餐 參考 
5-course menu a celebration of the tasmanian black winter truffle
Amuse bouche
Violinzucchini, Avocado, green olive & fresh almond tartar with black truffle gel& fragments, tomato fougasse 2012 Bovier, Chablis 1ercru ‘Cote de Lechet’

Ukuoka‘hobo’ fish confit in extra virgin olive oil with fennel, tomato & blackwinter truffle compote 2009 Chartron et Trebuchet, Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru‘Les Embazees’

Royal palm heart shaved over stewed mitzutako & paimpol coco beans with table side shaved black winter truffle 2010 Jean-Louis Chavy, Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru‘Les Perrieres’

Veal from hugo wrapped in black winter truffle & lardo cooked in clay, spring vegetables & black truffled potato gnocchi 2011 Domaine Leflaive et Associés, Monthélie 1er Cru‘Sur la Velle

Black winter truffle rice pudding with bourbon vanilla ice-cream 2001 Domaine de la Bongran, Mâcon Villages‘Cuvée Botrytis’

Petits fours coffee, tea or infusions 

5-courseplatinum menu at HK$2,488 per person 5-glass wine pairing at HK$1,388 


法國小黃瓜、酪梨 橄欖及新鮮杏仁薄片、橄欖及新鮮杏仁薄片配冬季黑松露菌及黑松露菌醬佐以法式蓄茄香草麵包 

2012 Bovier, Chablis 1ercru‘Cote de Lechet’


2009 Chartron et Trebuchet, Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru‘Les Embazees’


2010 Jean-Louis Chavy,Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru‘Les Perrieres’


2011 Domaine Leflaive etAssociés, Monthélie 1er Cru‘Sur la Velle


2001 Domaine de la Bongran, Mâcon Villages‘Cuvée Botrytis’

西式美點 咖啡/紅茶/香草茶   每位港幣 2,488  5 款酒另加港幣 1,388

(Corn fed challans chicken breast and upper leg, charred leeks, girolles potatoes mousseline & ‘vin jaune’ jus. 穀飼法國雞胸及雞上腿肉配大蔥、洋蔥、羊肚菌及薯泥黃酒汁。雞胸肉有著淡淡海鹽鹹香和著雞皮的炙香,不論是雞胸肉還是上腿肉都是Q韌相當有彈性,蔥段和珠蔥、羊肚菇一起吃則是格外鮮甜,配上法國JURA產地黃酒(vin jaune)熬煮的醬汁,正如畫龍點睛般地將雞肉香味提升至最高境界。)

Vin jaune (French for "yellow wine") is a special and characteristic type of white wine made in the Jura region in eastern France. It is similar to dry Fino Sherry and gets its character from being matured in a barrel under a film of yeast, known as the voile, on the wine's surface. Vin jaune shares many similarities with Sherry, including some aromas, but unlike Sherry, it is not a fortified wine. The wine is made from the Savagnin grape, with some of the most premium examples coming from the marl based vineyards in the Château-Chalon AOC. In other French wine regions, there has been experimentation in producing similar style wines from chardonnayand other local grape varieties using cultured yeast such as the vin de voile wine produced in the Gaillac. The wine acquires its characteristic yellow color and nutty flavors as it ages for the requisite time of six years and three months, the time that must elapse between harvest and bottling, although at certain points during this time the wine is not necessarily in the cask. After the allotted time, only about 62% of the original wine remains. 
黃酒(vin jaune)當葡萄發酵結束後,葡萄酒要在橡木桶內最少放置6年零3個月,在這期間絕對不可以對它進行換桶與添桶的操作。 在這個相當漫長的陳釀過程中,酒中的酵母會在葡萄酒的表面形成一層保護膜,這個保護膜在防止酒的過度氧化同時也使酒進行了適當的氧化作用就是這酵母賦予了黃酒神秘且豐富的性格特點


(Pineapple poached with aloe vera, banana, micro sorrel olive oil snow & caviar, a sorbet of mango & passion fruit. 慢煮鳳梨配蘆薈、香蕉、酢醬草、橄欖魚子醬小雪球及芒果、百香果雪葩。口感相當華麗的甜點由熱帶水果三冠王-鳳梨芒果百香果配上超級爽口的蘆薈咬破黃澄澄的泡泡裡頭流出清香的橄欖油和魚子醬,令人相當驚豔,各個元素於口中一同交織出完美樂章 )

(I did love this excellent and elegant summer dessert especially the violet sugarLychee sorbet with Opalys white chocolate ganach over strawberry jell-O, seasonal berries, violet’s & macaroon fragments荔枝雪葩配白巧克力泥、草莓果凍、雜莓及紫羅蘭脆糖 覆盆子馬卡龍 PS.Opalys 33% White Chocolate. This white chocolate with a pure, light color and velvety texture has a new  flavor profile: its delicacy sweet taste reveals harmonious aromas of fresh milk and natural vanilla. Composition 33%cocoa 32% sugart 32% milk. 紫羅蘭脆糖優雅香味與細膩口感至今仍停留於我的腦中,裡頭的草莓和覆盆子,不管是水果或甜點都表現得太棒了)

(Petits fours are very delicious:餐後小甜點 上方是 橙花艾克斯糖 覆盆子水果軟糖 中間是 榛果香草小泡芙 橄欖起司馬卡龍 下方是 松子小蛋糕 小檸檬塔 樣樣都超好食)

隔天晚餐點的是 8th DegustationMenu薈萃 精選八道菜

Ebisu rock oyster steamed at 70 degrees and served cold with foie gras confit in Sauterne gel 70度蒸日本生蠔配法國梭甸甜酒鴨肝

2011 Laurenz V ‘Singing’Grüner Veltliner - Niederösterreich, Austria

‘Pineapple’tomato fresh almonds, niçoise olive & summer truffle salad clear gazpacho, stragiatella di buffalo & bellota baguette soufflé


2012 Tenuta delle Terre Nere, Etna rosato – Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy

Hokkaido sea urchin in a lobster jell-O with cauliflower, caviar crispy seaweed waffles北海道海膽、龍蝦果凍配花椰菜蓉、魚子醬 海草薄脆餅

2012 Pascal & Nicolas Reverdy, Sancerre - Loire, France

Brittany abalone black pepper &vinegar seasoned tomato compote braised then crisped oxtail & its jus


2009 Nevis Bluff, Pinot Noir – Central Otago, New Zealand

Omi wagyu beef strip loin; char-grilled, onion, malt & malt vinegar purée brownale braised short ribs with crispy cereals & celtus

近江和牛背脊配洋蔥、麥芽及麥芽醋泥 佐以啤酒燉煮牛小排配脆麥片及萵筍

2008 Clos St Jean, Châteauneuf-du-Pape – Southern Rhône, France

or Barbarie duck roasted, heirloom beetroot puree, green asparagus, cherries

2008 Joseph Roty, Gevrey Chambertin Cuvée de la Brunelle – Burgundy, France

French unpasteurized cheeses matured by bernard antony法國農夫乳酪

2006 Ségla by Château Rauzan-Ségla– Margaux, Bordeaux, France

Lychee sorbet with Opalys white chocolate ganach over strawberry jell-O, seasonal berries, violet’s & macaroon fragments

荔枝雪葩配白巧克力泥、草莓果凍、雜莓及紫羅蘭 (主廚幫我換成下一道甜點)

2007 Caprice de BastorLamontagne – Sauternes, France

Crispy tubes with mascarpone & menton lemon, hibiscus & black currant sorbet, opal basil & fresh "marigold".
捲心酥脆餅內鑲義大利皮蒙特的馬斯卡朋彭起司和法國蒙頓的檸檬 朱謹花和黑醋栗雪葩 新鮮紫羅勒葉裝飾著金盞花

Dulceychocolate spheres coated in manjari 64% chocolate with salted & caramelizedmacadamia nuts & cocoa sorbet


法國農夫乳酪 換change to Abinao 85% chocolate souffle with cacao sorbet 法芙娜Abinao 85%巧克力舒芙蕾佐可可雪葩

2011 Domaine du Grangeon,'Cuvée Mon Coeur', Coteaux de l'Ardèche - Rhône, France

8 courses at 1,888 per person  沒加點酒 另加 1,388元可添配八款餐酒

(Right side is one of the canapés, these two delicate crispy rolls were filled with sweet and creamy crab meat. 右方小點是內鑲滿滿香甜蟹肉的兩根捲心酥)

(Last of the canapéAn Easter-inspired amuse bouche was presented celery and morel mushrooms with a light frothy green pea sabayon served in a hollowed out silver color egg shell. 最後的一道小點芹菜磨菇豌豆沙巴翁置於銀色蛋殼中,上頭的脆培根和著湯一起吃,口感與白味絕佳沙巴翁(意大利文:Zabaglion;法文:Sabayon以蛋黃為主的醬汁要打至輕如紗般的泡沫。)

(Ebisu rock oyster steamed at 70 degrees and served cold with foie gras confit in Sauternes gel Sauternes' sauce and Ebisu rock oyster are perfectly matching. 70度蒸日本生蠔配法國梭甸甜酒鴨肝 極度鮮甜甘Q韌的日本生蠔還貼心地切成五小片,配上熬得濃淡合宜優雅香甜的法國索甸產區甜白酒醬汁可真是絕佳組合)

Sauternes Wine Sauce: Sauternes, 40 miles (65km) south of Bordeaux city, is a village famous for its high-quality sweet wines. Although some wineries here produce dry wines, they sell them under appellations other than the sweet-specific Sauternes appellation. The village is surrounded on all sides by vineyards, the best of which produce some of the world's most prestigious, long-lived and expensive dessert wines. A half-bottle of top-quality, aged Sauternes wine from a good vintage can command prices in excess of US$1000. The classic Sauternes wine has an intense golden color (darker than most other dessert wines), which turns a deep amber as it ages in bottle. The aromas include blossom and stone fruit, with a hint of honeysuckle–the trademark of botrytized wines. The best wines balance sweetness with acidity, concentration with freshness, and power with elegance.

(‘Pineapple’tomato fresh almonds, niçoise olive & summer truffle salad clear gazpacho, stragiatella di buffalo & bellota baguette soufflé. 有機原生蕃茄配鮮杏仁、尼斯黑橄欖沙拉、西班牙凍清湯、水牛乳酪及伊比利火腿、法式長棍小麵包)
This dish in perfect balance and harmony between each material of food, just like golden triangle "tannin, acidity and sweetness (body)" described in the wine tasting清爽十足的西班牙冷湯配上超濃郁香甜的原生種小蕃茄及鹹香的黑橄欖和伊比利火腿,料理裡頭的極佳平衡感好似品酒裡頭金字塔三角丹寧、酸度和甜度的極致平衡,是料理的最高境界

(AMBER' s one of classic dish Sea urchin in lobster jelly, with cauliflower, caviar and crispy seaweed waffle (Hokkaido sea urchin in a lobster jell-O with cauliflower caviar) tasted very unforgettable. AMBER的經典名菜之一北海道海膽龍蝦凍魚子醬,如慕斯般滑順口感入口即化,鮮香鹹甜的海膽和魚子醬的鮮美及爆破口感再巧妙地搭上龍蝦凍和白花椰菜泥,和海草薄酥餅一起細細咀嚼品味,彷彿同時於口中併出華麗美妙的圓舞曲)

Perthuis green asparagus in vintage sherry dressing, black winter truffle coulis, with aged bellota ham 法國佩爾地斯綠蘆筍  佐年份雪莉酒 黑松露醬汁 配上西班牙熟成火腿 

(Brittany abalone black pepper & vinegar seasoned tomato compote braised then crisped oxtail & its jus even though was a little bit salty, still tasted very good. 法國鮑魚配黑胡椒、醋漬番茄、燉煮牛尾及其肉汁,鹹味雖稍重了些,但其鮑魚口感與牛尾都做得極好,是道相當濃郁華麗的菜色)

(Omi wagyu beef strip loin; char-grilled, onion, malt & malt vinegar purée brownale braised short ribs with crispy cereals & celtus 近江和牛背脊配洋蔥、麥芽及麥芽醋泥 佐以啤酒燉煮牛小排配脆麥片及萵筍) The Omi beef is one of the three most famous types of Japanese Wagyu.  The other two are Kobe and Matsuzaka.  History has it that it was served to the Japanese Emperor as the initial official Japanese Wagyu.  Till this day, Omi beef is the official beef of the Japanese Imperial Household.   So what does it take for the Omi beef to be so special? Apparently, at the cattle farms, each paddock keeps only 2 cows.  This is to provide each cow companionship and the space conducive for a stress free environment.  The natural surroundings of Shiga Prefecture has the most desirable, unpolluted, tranquil environment and the clear, clean water from the Mother Lake Biwa to raise the cattle.  This certainly differentiates Omi from other Wagyu. 

AMAOU STRAWBERRIES (日本草莓之王-博多草莓) I did love this VERY SPECIAL DESSERT. The top strawberry in Fukuoka of Japan is perfectly sweet and tart inside. The best season of Amaou is in April and May. I was so lucky.
あ a: 甘い amai (sweet)
ま ma: 丸い marui (round)
お o: 大きい ookii (big)
う u: 旨い umai (tasty)
Crispy tubes with mascarpone & menton lemon, hibiscus & black currant sorbet, opal basil & fresh "marigold".
捲心酥脆餅內鑲義大利皮蒙特的馬斯卡朋彭起司法國蒙頓的檸檬 朱謹花和黑醋栗雪葩 新鮮紫羅勒葉裝飾著金盞花


(Dulcey chocolate spheres coated in manjari 64% chocolate with salted & caramelized macadamia nuts & cocoa sorbet 64%巧克力球配鹽味焦糖夏威夷果仁及可可雪葩)

(Abinao 85% chocolate soufflé with cacao sorbet 法芙娜Abinao85%巧克力舒芙蕾佐可可雪葩)

(Petits fours are so delicious:餐後小甜點 上方是 橙花艾克斯糖 覆盆子水果軟糖 中間是榛果香草小泡芙 橄欖起司馬卡龍 下方是 松子小蛋糕 和 小檸檬塔 樣樣都超好食。吃不下了但一定要打包帶走讓美味延續才行)

有機會到香港絕對要試試這頂尖的超級美味。You definitely have to try this top restaurant when you go to Hong kong. 


Amber atThe Landmark Mandarin Oriental

7/F, TheLandmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong

+852 2132 0066 f +852 3172 8006


台長: 牡羊座的可人兒

2014-06-20 19:15:08
Haha, I'm always so lucky. ^_^
2014-06-21 10:10:49
恭喜您的文章登上7/29的新聞台會員報唷!! 文章將於2015年7月29日發行,歡迎前往訂閱查看~^____^
還沒有訂閱的可以前往http://member.pchome.com.tw/cancel.html 訂閱喲!
2015-07-28 18:12:33
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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