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世界上最古老的博物館卡比托里歐 The oldest museum “Musei Capitolini”

Photo and Text by Isabella  Part of Text from Wiki and Musei Capitolini's website

卡比托利歐博物館(義大利語:Musei Capitolini)是位於義大利首都羅馬卡比托里歐山山頂,羅馬的行政中心–卡比托山丘Capitolini是羅馬城的發祥地,而卡比托山丘“Capitolino”自古以來就是羅馬的行政中心所在地,英語capital(首都)一詞即由此衍生而來。從羅馬廣場向西行,來到卡比托山,這裡有一座世界最古老的公共博物館–卡比托利歐博物館(Musei Capitolini),肇始於1470年代教皇將其收藏的文物開放給民眾參觀,後來教皇的收藏擴大,公展也成為了規律與常態,於是成立正式的博物館。


卡比托利歐博物館包括環繞卡比托利歐廣場的三座主要建築,以及連接它們的廣場地下長廊。卡比托利歐博物館的三座主要建築是:元老宮Palazzo Senatorio),建於12世紀,根據米開朗基羅的設計做修改;保守宮Palazzo dei Conservatori),16世紀中葉由米開朗基羅重建,首次使用巨柱式“giant order”的圓柱設計;新宮Palazzo Nuovo),建於17世紀,與廣場對面的保守宮外觀設計相同。

Les  musées du Capitole  sont un ensemble de musées d'artet d'archéologie situés sur la Place du Capitole à Rome.  Ce sont les plus anciens musées du monde. Leurs collections comprennent des statues en marbre ou en bronze, des peintures, desmosaï ques et des inscriptions, toutes en provenance de Rome et de sa région. Elles sont conservées dans les deux palais de la place du Capitole, le palais Neuf et le palais des Conservateurs, ainsi qu'à la centrale Montemartini, dans un faubourg de Rome.


Les musées du Capitole sont créésen  1471 par le pape Sixte IV  pour accueillir quatre exceptionnelles statues de bronze, jusque là conservés au palais du Latranet données au peuple romain : la  Louve capitoline,  le Camille,  le  Tireur d'épineet deux fragments d'une statue colossale de Domitien (la tête et une main tenant un globe). Commele précise l'inscription conservée au palais des Conservateurs, il s'agit nond'une donation mais d'une « restitution » : « il jugea queces remarquables statues de bronze, témoignage de la grandeur antique du peuple romain qui les avait créés, devaient lui être restituées et données sansréserve »Sixte IV choisit pour abriter les bronzes la colline du Capitoline, dominéealors par le vieux palais sénatorial, lui-même bâti sur les restes du  tabularium, siège des archives romaines. La Louve est placée sur la façade du palais des Conservateurs, en remplacement du lion qui se trouvait là jusqu'alors, et devient le symbole de Rome.


En 1537, le pape Paul III  ordonne le transfert au Capitole de la statue équestre en bronze de Marc Aurèleet  etdemande à Michel-Angede  redessiner la place du Capitole pour l'accueillir. L'aménagement s'étalera sur un siècle : Michel-Ange remaniele palais sénatorial, qui donne sur le forum, mais la rénovation du palais des Conservateurs, à droite de la place, ne commence qu'en 1563. La première pierredu palais Neuf, jumeau de ce dernier, est posée en 1603. Le nouveau musée estinauguré en 1734, sous le pontificat de Clément XII. Entre temps, les papes ont continué à enrichir les collections du musée. Ainsi, la statue en bronze doré d'Hercule, découverte sur le Forum Boarium, rejoint très vite le groupe original de bronzes. En 1513, c'est au tour de deux statues colossales dedivinités fluviales. En 1566, Pie V, donne un lot de trente statues en provenance du palais du Belvédère, jugeant inconvenant que le successeur de Pierre conserve chez lui des idoles païennes. Dès 1523, les ambassadeurs vénitiens qualifient les collections capitolines des « plus belles et les plus célèbresau monde ».

The  CapitolineMuseums (Italian:  MuseiCapitolini ) are a group of art and archeological museumsin Piazza del Campidoglio, on top of the Capitoline Hillin Rome, Italy. The historic seats of the museums are Palazzo dei Conservatori and Palazzo Nuovo, facing on the central  trapezoidal piazza  in a plan conceived by Michelangelo Buonarroti in 1536 and executed over a period of more than 400 years. The history of the museums can be traced to 1471, when Pope Sixtus IV donated a collection of important ancient bronzes to the people of Rome and located them on Capitoline Hill. Since then, the museums' collection has grown to include a large number of ancient Roman statues, inscriptions, and other artifacts; a collection of medieval and Renaissance art; and collections of jewels, coins and other items. The museums are owned and operated by the municipality of Rome.

The statue ofamounted rider in the centre of the piazza is of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It is a copy, the original being housed on-sitein the Capitoline museum. Many Roman statues were destroyed on the orders of Christian Church authorities in the Middle Ages; this statue was preserved in the erroneous belief that it depicted the Emperor Constantine, who made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire.

Musei Capitolini  costituisconola principale  struttura museale civicacomunale di Romae fanno parte del "Sistema dei Musei in comune". Utilizzanouna superficie espositiva di 12.977 mq. Si parla di "musei", al plurale, in quanto alla originaria raccoltadi sculture antiche fu aggiunta da  Benedetto XIV, nel  XVIII secolo, la Pinacoteca,costituita da opere illustranti soggetti prevalentemente romani.

Aperti al pubblico nell'anno  1734, sotto Clemente XII, sonoconsiderati il primo museo  almondo, inteso come luogo dove l'arte fosse fruibile da tutti e non solo daiproprietari.

米開朗基羅重新設計了這個廣場,這個廣場所有細節,以及地面鋪設的設計,均是出自米開基羅的手筆。它的布局略呈梯形,米開朗基羅在周圍新建建築物,代表了羅馬城新的政治中心,使其不再面向古羅馬廣場,而是面向聖伯多祿大殿,他設計了一個新的宮殿新宮Palazzo Nuovo;重新設計了保守宮Palazzo dei Conservatori,消除了所有的中世紀結構,與正中的元老宮Palazzo Senatorio一致。他在那裡增加了一個雙樓梯,用來進出面向廣場的新入口。米開朗基羅還設計了台階Cordonata和欄杆,通往山下的天壇廣場piazza d'Aracoeli元老宮目前是羅馬市政府所在地,卡比托利歐博物館Musei Capitolini開放於1735年(世界上最古老的公共博物館)設在保守宮和新宮兩個樓宇內,由一個地下隧道連結。卡比托利歐廣場正中心是青銅鍍金的五賢帝最後一位馬爾庫斯·奧列里烏斯騎馬雕像Statua equestre di Marco Aurelio,由米開朗基羅自聖若望門廣場移來,現在廣場上的是複製品,原作保存在卡比托利歐博物館內。工程進展緩慢,以至於米開朗基羅只能看到完成進出元老宮的雙樓梯,但是工程仍按照原計劃繼續進行,在17世紀完成,直到1940年才按照藝術家的原始圖紙鋪設了路面。

(卡比托利歐博物館的正門在保守宮一側,主樓梯兩側是大型歷史浮雕,這些浮雕是從裝飾羅馬的公共紀念碑上搬過來的。 其中最著名的是從馬可·奧勒留紀念碑上搬過來的描繪馬可·奧勒留的,另外三個浮雕是描繪哈德良皇帝的。從馬可·奧勒留紀念碑上搬過來的Relief from honorary monument to Marcus Aurelius,雕刻於176-180年,350cm大小。)






Conservator’s Apartment have the rooms making up the apartment on the first floor of the Palazzo, were used by the Conservators, or magistrates, for activities connected to their office; they therefore form a single entity, both as regards their function and their ornamental features. The rooms were also used for Public and Private Council meetings.  The rich decoration of these reception rooms (frescoes, stuccoes, carved ceilings and doors, tapestries) has as its main theme the history of Ancient Rome, from its foundation to the Republican Age.  The earliest cycle of frescoes goes back to the beginning of the XVI century.  The main floor of the Palace houses the  Ceremonial Rooms of the Conservators, also known as the Apartment. They are the  oldest part of the Palace: some rooms preserve parts of the series of frescoes painted at the beginning of the XVI century, whereas the decorations of the other rooms were renewed after Michelangelo’s renovation. The whole decoration of the Apartment, though it was painted separately and subsequently, present a uniform appearance dedicated to the extolling and memory of the virtues and value of the Ancients. Some ancient bronze sculptures were also installed in these rooms: they were presented by Pope Sixtus IV to the Roman people due to their symbolic value, in memory of the greatness of Rome which the papal government intended to renew. The donation of the Sistine bronzes is considered to be the foundation of Capitoline Museums, since then several works of art, sculpture and paintings of value, were collected in the Capitol.


Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)

Bust of Medusa Sculpture, 1644-1648, Marble, cm 68

According to Ovid, the mythical Medusa had the power to turn the stone anyone who looked directly at her. Bernini's is a veritable portrait of the most beautiful and deadly of the Gorgons (this is, in fact, a Bust, and not a truncated Head) at the very moment of her metamorphosis. The classical myth is re-evoked according to the contents of a poem by Giovan Battista Marino ("I do not know if mortal chisel sculpted me thus, / or, in reflecting myself in a clear glass, /sight of myself made me such", from La Galeria, 1630, I, 272): Medusa, looking into an imaginary mirror and seeing her own reflection, is represented just as she realises, with horror and anguish, the mockery of it all. Right before our eyes she is being transformed into marble. Bernini intended his medusa to be a refined Baroque metaphor for sculpture and the virtue of the sculptor, who has the power to "petrify" those who admire his extraordinary ability to use a chisel. Inventory: inv. MC1166



The She-wolf, 5th century BC or medieval, Bronze, cm 75, with its evocative power, is the symbol of the city. The donation of Sixtus IV brought the statue to the Capitoline Hill. Initially, it stood in the fifteenth century facade of the palace. Then, it was transferred inside the palace, on the occasion of Michelangelo's architectural interventions. At that time, the twins were added, attributed to some by Pollaiolo. They transformed the ancient Lateran symbol of justice into "Mater Romanorum". The creation of the work, which originally had probably nothing to do with the legend of Rome's foundation, can be traced back to Etruscan or Magna Graecia workshops of the fifth century BC. Recently, based on the casting process analysis, it was suggested that it dates back to the Middle Ages. Acquisition data: Formerly at the Lateran. Sixtus IV donation (1471)  Inventory: inv. MC1181

(拔刺的男孩"The Spinario"西元一世紀的青銅作品,其完美的體態和專注的神情,聚精會神地拔刺,好似完全無視於任何人的存在。Spinario Sculpture, 1st century BC, Bronze, cm 73, Acquisition data: Formerly at the Lateran. Sixtus IV donation (1471) Inventory: inv. MC1186)




(NOT END YET. 內文未完 敬請期待。)

Musei Capitolini's website http://en.museicapitolini.org/

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