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2008-07-25 11:35:51

July 24 幸運的一天

July 24 今天我們在Roycemore School 玩Taiwan dodgeball,我們這一組連贏兩場。可惜不是play for points,要不然我們就可以得到很多points 了。 到了下午,我們就去YMCA游泳。但是我們平常用的boys’ locker ...

2008-07-23 11:59:12

July 21 Teaching my classmates Taiwan dodgeball!

uly 22 (pictures: We are playing the Taiwan-style dodgeball) Today at Roycemore School, I taught my classmates how to play the dodgeball I played in Taiwan, because I think they will like it. I...

2008-07-21 12:41:51

July 19 Chicago downtown

July 19 Today Mom took me and Diane to Chicago downtown. We first went to a big Mcdonald’s, and I ate ice cream there.There are a lot of trash cans, each with a different language of “thank you”...

2008-07-19 12:23:29

July 17 Playing "Mafia"

Pictures:We are playing “ Mafia”) July 17 Today I played “Mafia” at school. “Mafia” is a game, and now I am gong to tell you how to play it. 1. There will be one “god person.” 2....

2008-07-16 12:14:05

July 14 I am the King!/ Clark Beach

July 14 I am the King! 今天在學校,老師把我們分成兩組,然後每組再選一個king (其實就是team captain,因為這週主題是中古世紀Medieval Times, 所以領導者當然就是king囉! ) 我居然被選中當King。 King可...

2008-07-15 13:34:40

July 12 Go to Yukiko’s house

I took this picture. From left to right: Uncle Mike, Yukiko, my mom and Stacy July 12 今天我、媽媽和妹妹一起坐媽媽的一個朋友Stacy的車,到媽媽的另一個朋友Yukiko的家。Yukiko的家很大,我和妹妹先看...

2008-07-12 01:13:27

July 10 Roycemore School Carnival

picture: I am playing the pool game. July 10 今天Roycemore School有一個 Carnival,那裡有很多免費的遊戲,食物和飲料也都是免費的。 Picture: My friend and I are discussing how to win the games. ...

2008-07-10 23:30:45

July 8 Playing Softball

(Picture: Mr. Troy and I) July 8 今天我在學校玩softball。 Softball 就是軟式棒球。 我今天當投手,我從來沒有當過投手,所以沒有當得很好,不過我有讓一個人出局,就換人當投手了。 我今天打擊也很好。...

2008-07-09 08:31:23

July 6 Chicago Children’s Museum

June 6 Today I went to Chicago Children’s Museum. The first thing I played was “Water Ways.” It was a copy of Chicago River. You have to control the water flows to make the boats go. I had a...

2008-07-05 07:20:38

July 3 Wilmette Carnival

July 3 Today we went to Wilmette to join a carnival in celebration of Independence Day. There were a ot of free games that you could play, and you could get prizes if you tried those games. Even ...

2008-07-04 01:16:04

July 2 Playing games at school

July 2 今天在學校吃完點心之後,老師就讓我們玩bombardment。我們有玩男女對抗和分組對打。我在的這一組,幾乎每一場都贏! 玩完bombardment 之後,我們就回教室do whatever we want。我去看人家玩Risk。 Ri...

2008-07-02 03:02:57

June 30 First day at the camp

June 30 今天是我第一天上Roycemore School的summer camp,我因為要升五年級了,所以被排在older group。 我們今天做了自己隊的Time machine box,玩找字的遊戲,還想出自己這一隊的隊名,我們的隊名叫做decade ...

2008-06-30 10:22:45

June 28 Millrennium Park in Chicago

June 28 今天我們全家一起坐CTA捷運去芝加哥市區的千禧公園玩。那裡面有一顆銀色的大豆子,表面像鏡子一樣。如果你鑽到豆子下面,躺在地上把腳抬高的話,再豆面上看起來像是你的背卡在牆上一樣,十分有趣。看完豆...

2008-06-30 08:34:25

June 26 Mandarin House

June 26 今天我們全家一起去一家叫Mandarin House 的餐廳吃飯。我不是很喜歡他們的主菜,不過他們的蛋花湯卻讓我大快朵頤。因為他們的蛋花湯,真的就是「蛋花」加湯,雖然聽起來好像很簡單,不過只要你嚐一口,包準...

2008-06-30 08:25:26

June 25 坐飛機到美國

June 25 今天我跟爸爸、媽媽和妹妹坐飛機去美國。晚上的時候,飛機外面有成千上萬顆星星,皎潔的月亮好像正在盯著我看。白天的時候,太陽公公好像正在運動,冐很多汗,汗珠射出強烈的光芒,比我在地面上看到的天空還...

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