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2010-06-29 13:37:04| 人氣496| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Summery of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

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Percy jackson was a half blood, that is, a child of a God and a human. He was a student at Yancy Academy in New York. He was a “trouble kid” as he got in trouble every year, so he got kicked out of every school. Now he was in the sixth grade, and his class was going to Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek and Roman artifacts. The teacher leading their class was Mr.Brunner, whom Percy liked, but the chaperone-Mrs.Dodds “loved” Nancy Bobofit, who was a big bully. When she threw her lunch at percy’s best friend-Grover, Percy became very mad, so he closed his eyes, and he felt a strange feeling in his stomach. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find Nancy Bobofit sitting in the fountain, all wet. To punish him, Mrs.Dodds let him into the room they visited. At that time, no one was in that room. Suddenly, Mrs. Dodds changed into a monster, then came flying toward him. When he caught the pen, it wasn’t a pen anymore. It became a sword. Percy swung the sword and killed Mrs. Dodds. When he went out, he found out no one seemed to know Mrs Dodds , but when he asked Grover, he hesitated for a moment and said that there was not a teacher called Mrs.Dodds.

台長: 皓皓
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