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July 17 Playing "Mafia"

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Pictures:We are playing “ Mafia”)

July 17

Today I played “Mafia” at school. “Mafia” is a game, and now I am gong to tell you how to play it.

1. There will be one “god person.”

2. When the god person says it’s night time, everybody needs to close their eyes.

3. The god person will then choose two “mafia” people, and the mafia people will choose one person to kill. But they don’t actually go to kill that person. They just point at that person they want to kill, and let the god person know.

4. Then the god person will pick two doctors, and the doctors will point at a person who they want to save. If that person happens to be the same person the mafia want to kill, then that person is saved. If it’s a different person, that person mafia wants to kill will be “dead.” That means he is out of the game.

5. After that, the god person will choose two detectives. The two detectives will point at someone they both think is the mafia. If their guess is right, the god person will nod his or her head. If they are wrong, the god person will shake his or her head.

6. Then when the god person says it’s day time, everybody needs to open their eyes.

7. The god person will make up a story about someone being killed by the mafia or saved by the doctor, and why.

8. Then the people “alive” will start suspecting people who they think are the mafia.
The people who are suspected can make up alibis to explain why they are not the mafia.

9. Then people start voting who should die, and they keep voting until both mafia are dead.
I got suspected two times, and my alibis are:
1. I just flew from Taiwan and arrived this morning. How could I kill anybody here while I was on the plane?

2. Yesterday I went to Washington Air and Space Museum. I liked it there so much that I stayed there overnight even after they closed. How could I kill anybody while I was locked in a museum at night?

I like this game a lot. I think you will love this game too. So go try this game now. Go! Go!

台長: 皓皓
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