A mind that is in the present moment is meditation.記住 在當下就是靜心
A mind that is calm, without hesitation and anticipation is meditation.
記住 平靜,沒有猶豫和期待就是靜心
A mind that has become no mind, and has come back to its source is meditation.
記住 成為一個沒有心智,並已回到其源頭就是靜心。
An inward journey with Meditation
Ready to begin the journey? 準備好開始這趟旅行了嗎?
To experience meditation, you need not go to a remote cave in the Himalayas.
Meditation is diving deep within.... at this moment.
靜心就是在這個當下 沉入內在深處
Bring the mind, which is all over the place, back to its source.
In meditation - your mind is alert, and all other organs are in deep rest.
Repose in the cool, calm, serene depth of your Being.
Letting go and Meditation 放下 和 靜心
Do you think that meditation is deep concentration? Then you’re in for a surprise:
Meditation is de-concentration, letting go.靜心是不集中專注,隨它去
To meditate: 靜心
- Let go - of anger and events from the past 放下 生氣和過去中發生的事件
- Let go - of desires and planning for the future 放下 想望和對未來的規劃
Meditation is accepting this moment, and living every moment totally with depth.
Total relaxation with Meditation 隨著靜心全然放鬆
Are you curious to know the steps/actions - that lead to meditation?
Good news is that, you need not do anything – meditation is not an act.
好消息是,靜心不是行動 不需要做任何事
Step 1: Relax 步驟1:放鬆
Step 2: Relax more 步驟2:再放鬆
Step 3: Relax more and more 步驟3:越來越放鬆
Meditation happens with effortlessness.靜心是不費力
Relax in the meditative state - you'll agree it’s valuable and precious.
您將會同意 在靜心的狀態下放鬆的價值和寶貴
資料來源: 生活的藝術國際官網 http://www.artofliving.org/tw-en/what-is-meditation
您可以體驗古儒吉親自帶領的靜心 ...安靜的坐著,閉著眼睛.....深吸一口氣,呼出來...