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2010-11-04 11:55:56| 人氣1,345| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

完全瑜珈呼吸法Full Yogic Breath

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Full Yogic Breath 完全瑜珈呼吸法

This type of breathing makes full use of lung capacity, and involves all muscles of respiration


 • Lie on your back  豎直你的背

• Take 2-3 abdominal breaths  做2-3個腹部呼吸

 • On the next inhalation, first make your abdomen expand, by using half of your breath, to fill the lower lobes of your lungs


 • Then make your chest expand, by filling up the middle lobes


• At the tail end of your breath, fill up the lungs fully. You will notice expansion in your upper chest, and your collarbones will lift up slightly


• On exhalation, first deflate the upper and middle lobes of the lungs, allowing the collarbones and chest to relax  在呼氣時,先呼出中.上肺部的氣,放鬆鎖骨和胸部

 • Then, as you deflate the lower lobes, the abdomen will relax


 • Make your breath long, smooth and rhythmic, like a wave rising and falling


• Repeat this 10-15 times 重複10-15次



**以上資料來自 AOL官網,動作詳細節請洽詢生活的藝術 SRI SRI YOGA老師,歡迎參加SRI SRI YOGA的課程


台長: Guruji
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