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2018.7.27 美國加利福尼亞)

一群尋道者在尋找Guru(上師 | 古儒)。他們來到Brahmaloka (梵天界 | 巴馬羅卡) 。那裡有音樂、知識、創意、舞蹈....Brahma (梵天 | 巴馬) 們都全神貫注,沉迷其中。所以這些尋道者停等了一會兒,然後感到不耐煩。我們還要聽多久的音樂?他們決定放棄,來到Vishnuloka (毗濕奴界 | 毗濕奴羅卡) 。那邊都是一群的保安人員,因為Vishnu本身就負責維護的部分。他在那裡不停地維護,籌畫,然後又累積不少財富,所以才需要那麼多的保安人員。正當那些尋道者想進入時,保安人員卻把他們擋住了。你知道的,這樣擋人會製造憤怒和不滿。保安人員會擋人也是因為Vishnu在忙著招待Lakshmi (財富女神 | 拉絲米)。所以這些尋道者放棄了,決定去Kailas ( 加拉薩山) ,見Shiva (希瓦神 | 希瓦) 。那裡什麼人都有。他們當中,有些是帶著我執的棄世者,還有各種各樣的人。所以這些尋道者就認為,Shiva 不適合他們。經過一段時間後,他們找Guru找得好累,最後來到地球。那時候,他們都變得非常非常老了。來到地球後,他們坐在一個樹下休息,突然一位Guru出現在他們面前。他看起來很年輕,同時保持沉默不語。但尋道者原來有的問題都消失了。

所以,是心智一直在尋找熱鬧。當你能超越我執,還有所有的Lokas (神界 | 羅卡) 。那就是心智、理智及我執,因為這三者會製造很多批判。要進入內在的核心並不是通過文字的。一旦你到了那裡,所有的問題都會消失。所以這故事其實就是描繪著永恆真理。最後一幕的畫面就是一個年輕人和一群老年人坐在一棵菩提樹下,然後尋道者的所有疑問都被解答了。

當所有的問題都卸下後,尋道者領悟到是同樣的一個Guru 存在於三種相,就是那些他們之前渴望遇見,卻後來選擇離開的那些相。

人生存有上百萬個感恩的機會,也存有上億個抱怨的機會。但是當來到Guru的面前,這一切都會被超越。Guru會打開你的眼界,引領你到另一個真相。就好像從古典化學系到量子科學系這樣。擁有一名Guru勝過所有你所抱怨的事,甚至你所感恩的事。這就是所謂的Guru Mandala (上師曼陀羅 | 古儒曼達拉)

當時那名年輕人手擺著Chin Mudra (意識手印/契合法 | 金姆德拉)。你知道嗎,有某種東西是超越醒、夢及睡的狀態,而我們的心智和我執只能在剛才說的三種狀態存在。而超越這三種狀態,就是靜心的狀態。那個意識手印就代表著你處在覺醒意識的狀態。 所以,醒來吧,去明白沒有什麼是你可以感恩的或是可以被傷害的。你只是純粹、純淨的你,而你是備受祝福的。

一般來說,我們想找一名Guru ,因為我們想找一些娛樂(Entertainment) ,或是想要有所收穫,或是希望欲望被滿足,或是獲得地位或力量。當你陷在上述任何一件事時,你就會陷在Guru Mandala (上師曼陀羅 | 古儒曼達拉) 裡。當一人能夠彎身,放下身段以便抵達宇宙時,那個明白我們是一體的意識就會綻放。唯有這樣,才能把你帶回你的內在空間,在那裡,你才能下載你另一個完全不一樣的存在層面。

如果你去分析那些來到Guru 這裡的人,一般屬於下述情況: - 他們要嘛想要獲得什麼,或是擁有欲望,所有才來到Guru這裡。 - 他們遇到一些問題,所以才來來到Guru 這裡。 - 或是你可以帶著任何情況來到Guru面前。比如帶著恐懼。人們感到恐懼,感到不確定,所有他們會尋找一名Guru

一旦你找到一名Guru, 你自然會放下那些概念。就像你開著車子到家裡後,不管你開的是什麼車子,賓士、 寶馬或特斯拉,一旦到達停車場,你不會繼續坐在車子裡面。同樣的,不論你是為了什麼原因來到這條道上,當你回到家後,你自然會從這些原因出來。那一刻你會開始綻放。

有一段很美的詩:Deh dhare ka dand hai, har kahoo ko hoye.Gyaani kate gyan se, murakh kaate roye.(詩詞當時候古儒吉並沒有以英語解釋)

你還記得今早我告訴你們關於QUAN, 你們已經找出它的意義了嗎? 他們吃了後,把紙盤丟在一旁,弟子就說,我找到答案了你們當中有幾個人已經有答案了?你們當中又有誰沒有答案? 好,那些已經找到答案的,告訴那些還沒有答案的!(現場觀眾笑) 好,好,好,讓我告訴你答案。我們的身體就好像紙盤。紙盤的用處是什麼?就是裝食物,對嗎?當你吃完後,就會把紙盤丟掉。同樣的,生命中的不同體驗,不論是物質或靈修體驗,都會通過你的身體讓你體驗。所以我們要好好照顧身體。照顧身體,並不表示你吃完後還保留已用過的紙盤,沒人這麼做的。你不會說,我吃過了,讓我把紙盤放在口袋裡。不會這麼說哦,對嗎?生命裡的每個境況,每個事件都會引領你進入那個無限的存在。而沉浸在這個無限的存在,意味著你就是已經來到Guru 那裡。讓我們重溫今早討論的知識。生命給了你上百萬個感恩的機會,還有上億萬個抱怨的機會。在這些機會當中,總有個機會是站起來運用知識或智慧的。超越這些抱怨的心智,深入你的內在美就是一種智慧。你的內在是一朵美麗的花朵。超越情緒,超越享樂,你的內在是美麗的。為了要達到那裡那個內在核心,你需要一個Guru。因為Guru 的震波會幫助你觸碰那個(核心)

所以之前我講了一個關於四位尋道者的故事。有些尋道者只想要知識。就像你去學校學習,然後之後再繼續前進。不管那位老師多棒,你不會一直和那個老師呆在一起,對嗎?你會繼續到下一個級別的課程學習。打個比喻,你的幼稚園老師很棒,但你不會說,我的幼稚園老師很棒,所以我要繼續呆在這裡。你會繼續到小學去學習。你會在那裡學習完畢後,再繼續下一個階段。反之,有個終極靈修知識,在你畢業後還會繼續留下來。這就是Guru。所謂的Shikshak (老師 |希薩) 是你向他學習知識,然後繼續前進的人。而所謂的Guru 則是你失去所謂的之後,再成為我們,就是當小我消失成為大我 (宇宙/圓滿)。當你圓滿具足時,你是無處可去的。當你找到Guru時,當你在那裡感覺感恩時,你會留下。

之前我也講了另一個關於四名尋道者尋找Guru的故事。那就是這些尋道者去到Bramha Loka(梵天界 | 班哈羅卡) 。他們發現這個創造者在忙著製造各種不同的生物。他們在那裡等了一會兒,然後感覺很煩躁。在那裡感覺不圓滿。所以他們接著去找維護者 -Vishnu (毗濕奴) 。那裡有很多財富。那裡什麼東西都有,卻沒辦法讓這些尋道者留下。在那裡,所有的欲望都被滿足,可是在那之後的情況變得怎樣?就會變得空空的。所以他們只好去找Shiva (希瓦神 | 希瓦)Shiva 是一個發電廠,但他們依然感覺不完整。之後這些人感覺累了,就在一棵菩提樹下休息。在那棵樹下,他們遇見一個笑容燦爛的年輕人。這個年輕人什麼話都沒說。他只是靜靜地看著他們,而他們也看著他,尋道者們的問題突然消失了,所有的困惑消失了,就這樣消融了。年輕人就是Guru Guru 就是圓滿具足的。Bramha (梵天 |巴拉哈 ) Vishnu (毗濕奴神 | 維濕奴) Mahesh(濕婆 |瑪赫西) ,這三個神都在他之內。Guru說,你在尋找過程時,你是要依循你的心智和你的理智,但當你變得累了,你想要停下來,這時候你會發現有個東西是超越我們的理智,我們的我執,在那裡,你會發現沒有其他的,除卻我。這一切都是我。這一切就是So Hum 我就是那。

Mudra (手印/契合法 | 姆德拉) 是當我彎身放下身段遇見神性(古儒展示他的拇指)當你勝利時,你的手會怎麼比? (古儒吉比一個V型勝利式手勢) V是英文字母。通常全球通用的手勢,代表勝利的手勢,是拇指豎立。當我們的我執(古儒吉展示食指,代表我執) 彎身,就遇見勝利。當我彎身,就遇見勝利。同樣的原理也用在我們的三個意識狀態裡: 醒,夢和睡。(古儒吉展示小指、無名指和中指)

A group of seekers wanted a guru. They went to brahmaloka. There was music, knowledge, creativity, dance... and Brahma was so engrossed in it. And so these seekers stayed for s little while and got fed up... how long can I listen to music? They were fed up... so they went to Vishnu loka. There they were guards because he is the maintainer. He was busy maintaining and organizing and there was wealth..... so there were guards. These seekers were stopped by guards and you know how much anger you get. And Vishnu is busy with Lakshmi. So they were fed up and went to kailas. They go to shiva. They find all sorts of people there.... there are Renouncers with ego and all sorts of people. So they said shiva is also not good for us..... finally they got so tired looking for a Guru and they came to earth and they got so old by then and they sat under a tree and there the Guru appeared to them. He was young and he didn’t say a word. But all questions disappeared.
It’s the mind which is for entertainment... when you go beyond the ego and the Lokas... mind intellect and ego.... it creates so much judgement. It’s not through words but u enter into inner sanctum of heart. All questions disappear. The scenery under the peepal tree was a young lad sitting with the old people and all the questions answered. 
When all the questions dropped, they realized that it was the same Guru in all three forms - the ones they were craving and rejecting.
Life poses a million opportunities to be grateful and a billion opportunities to grumble. But coming to Guru surpasses all this. It opens your eye to another reality. From classical chemistry to quantum physics. Having a Guru outweighs all the things you are grumbling about and even grateful for. This is called guru mandala.
The young boy was holding chin mudra. There is something beyond waking, dreaming and sleeping.... mind and ego works only in the three states. Beyond that is meditation... chin mudra is the state of the awakened consciousness in you. So wake up.... and you will find nothing to be grateful for or adverse toward. Just purely you are and you are blessed. 
So when you go to Guru, you go for some entertainment, or for some gains or fulfillment of desires, or position or power. If you get stuck in any one of these, you get stuck in the guru mandala. When this individuality bends down and reached universality, then the realization of we are one consciousness dawns.Only that can bring you to your inner space and then you can download a completely different dimension of your existence.
If you analyze, people who come to Guru have three things:• Either they want something or they have desires, so they come to the Guru• Or they have some problem so they come to the Guru’• And you can come to the Guru with anything, with fear. People have fear, uncertainty so they seek for a GuruBut once you come to the Guru, you have to drop all that. You drive in a car to your home. Whatever car it is, it could be Benz, BMW, Tesla. But once you reach your driveway, you don’t keep sitting in them. Similarly, whatever has brought you to the path, but once you come home you see that you come out of that. That is when you blossom.
There is a beautiful couplet:deh dhare ka dand hai, har kahoo ko hoye.Gyaani kate gyan se, murakh kaate roye. 
This morning, I told you about the quan, did you find out the meaning of that? They both had food and they threw the paper plate and the disciple said, ‘I got the answer.’ How many of you got the answer? How many of you didn’t get the answer? Those who got the answer tell those who didn’t get the answer. (Smiles) Ok. I will tell you. Our body is like the plate. What is the use of the plate? To eat the food. Once you have eaten, then you throw it. Similarly, in life different experiences, both material and spiritual, come to you through the body. So take care of the body. Taking care doesn’t mean after eating you want to preserve the used paper plate, nobody does that. If you say, ‘I have eaten food, let me keep the paper plate also in my pocket.’ No. Every situation, event, in life leads you to the infinite presence. And soaking in the infinite presence is coming to the Guru.Let’s revise the knowledge that we were discussing in the morning. Life gives you a million opportunities to be grateful and a billion opportunities to grumble. Among this is there will be an opportunity to stand up for knowledge, for wisdom. Wisdom is rising above this grumbling mind to find the inner beauty that you are. Inside you is a beautiful flower. Beyond emotions, beyond pleasures there is a beauty inside you. To reach there, the inner core, you need the Guru. Because the vibration of the Guru helps you be in touch with that.
So we said the story of four seekers. There are seekers who just want knowledge. It is like you go to school and study and then you move on. However good the teacher is, you don’t stay with the teacher, right? You move to the higher class. Suppose your kindergarten teacher is so good, you don’t say, ‘My kindergarten teacher is so good, I am staying here.’ You go to the higher school. There is some knowledge that you learn and move on. There is the ultimate spiritual knowledge, here when you graduate you stay. That is Guru. A teacher (shikshak) is one from whom you just gain knowledge and move. A Guru is one where you lose that I and become we - when the small I, I, I, I dissolves and becomes we (universality, fullness). When the fullness comes there is nowhere else to go. When you come to the Guru, when you graduate there, you stay.
And I said a story of four seekers who went in search of a Guru. They went to Bramha Loka (the world of creation). They found the creator busy in making all different species. They stayed there for some time and got frustrated. It was not complete. They went to the maintainer, Vishnu. There there was a lot of wealth. Everything was there, but the seekers didn’t stay there. All the desires were fulfilled, then what else next? That leaves you in a vacuum so they went to Shiva. Shiva is the powerhouse but then they found that was not complete. Then they got so tired that they came and rested under a peepul tree. They found a young person there with a big smile. He didn’t say a word. He just looked at them and they just looked at him and all their questions vanished, all the doubts vanished, they simply dissolved. He is the Guru. Guru is complete. Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh – all three are there in him. Guru said, “You were going with your mind and intellect on that search. But when you got so tired and you settled down, what you find that something which is beyond our intellect, our ego, from there you see that there is nothing other than me. Everything is me. That is So Hum. I am that.” 
mudra is when the I bends down to meet the divinity (thumb). (Gurudev shows a thumb-up sign.) When you win, what do you show? The V is only in the English language. Usually, the universal sign of victory is thumb up. When the ego bends, it achieves victory. When the I bends, it achieves the victory, and then it goes beyond the three states of consciousness: the waking, dreaming, and sleeping states. (Gurudev says pointing to the little, ring, and middle fingers.) 


台長: Guruji
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