思想來來去去,但是思想基礎是那個 - 靈魂(atma)。而那就是你。你就像天空,思想就像雲。這可能是人們可以提供的最接近的例子。雲,在天空中來來去去,但是,它們能以任何方式擾亂或限制無垠的天空嗎?不, 一點都不行。
所以,當你在雲層上空飛行時,當你超越雲層時,你會發現天空沒有受到任何影響。它是一樣的;它是不變的。只有思想,一直在行進。這就是在靜心裡所發生的事。當你進入 Sakshi bhaav 時,也就是當你只是成為思想的見證者時。
我們不必讓自己執著於思想。那是愚蠢的。無論思想是好、是壞 - 他們都是來來去去。你遠遠超過這一切。 這就是所謂的 Vihangam Maarg - 它意味著提升,超越思想,並且明白你與這些來來去去的思想無關。
Thoughts come and go, but that which is the basis of thoughts – is the atma (soul). And that is what you are. You are like the sky, and thoughts are like clouds. This could be the nearest example one can give. Clouds come and go in the sky, but can they disturb or limit the vastness of the sky in any way? No, not at all.
So when you fly above the clouds, when you go beyond the clouds, you see that the sky is untouched. It is the same, it is unchanged. It is only the thoughts which keep moving. This is what happens in meditation. When you come into Sakshi bhaav, i.e., when you simply become a witness to the thoughts.
We do not have to attach ourselves to the thoughts. That is foolishness. Whether they are good thoughts, or bad thoughts – they come and go. You are far above and beyond all this. This is called the Vihangam Maarg – it means rising above thoughts and seeing that you have nothing to do with these moving thoughts. ~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar~
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