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2010-09-02 13:34:24| 人氣1,394| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

做對眾生有益的事 ,你的一切將會受到照顧

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Do something useful to everybody & if you do that, then everything else is taken care of
做對眾生有益的事 & 如果你這麼做, 那其他的一切都會得到照顧
Chennai, Nov. 26: The Mahasatsang had the characteristic elements of an Art of Living celebration: Gaan (music), Gyaan (knowledge) and Dhyaan (meditation). A team of highly talented musicians played a series of fusion pieces integrating Western rock and Indian classical music, after which Sri Sri spoke and guided everyone into meditation.
欽奈, 11月26日: 大型唱場擁有生活的藝術慶典特有的三要素: 嘎納(音樂), 吉雅納(知識)和迪雅那(靜心). 一支極具才華的音樂家團隊演奏了一系列融合為一體的西方搖滾樂與印度古典音樂, 在那之後, 古儒吉談話並且引導大家進入靜心.

The 3Ms are very important for any occasion - Music,Mditation & Meals
這三個M對任何盛會都是非常重要的 – 音樂, 靜心和餐點”
Truth is that which you cannot avoid nor confront
Love is that which you cannot hide nor express totally
Beauty is that which you cannot possess nor reject."


Sri Sri then led the thousands, who had gathered for the Mahasatsang, into a meditation.
接著古儒吉引導數以千計為了大型唱場聚集在一起的人們, 進入靜心.
Later, there was a series of questions from the audience:
隨後, 有來自觀眾們各式各樣的問題.


Q. Where is the mind and where is it in the body?
問.  心智在那裏它在身體的那個地方?
Sri Sri: Who or what is asking this question and what is going to listen to the answer. Intellect is that which registers the answer yet it is the mind which is looking for the answer.
古儒吉: 是誰或是什麼在問這個問題而是什麼在聽答案. 提出答案的是理智而尋求答案的是心智.

Q. How to conquer the five senses? Can you explain in one sentence?
問. 要如何征服五種感官? 你可以用一句話來闡釋嗎?
Sri Sri: When you have sunlight and a candle, then the candle becomes insignificant. Likewise, other things become insignificant.
古儒吉: 當你有陽光和蠟燭, 那時蠟燭變得無足輕重. 同樣地, 其它的東西變得無足輕重.


Q. When do we know that we are made up of love?
問. 我們何時能明瞭我們是由愛所組成?
Sri Sri: Love cannot be known or understood. It can be felt only. The child doesn’t ask his mother – ‘What is your qualification, what do you do? Who are your friends? Tell me, then I'll love you’. Just like our body is made up of carbohydrates and amino acids, we are made up of this substance called love. Anger, greed, jealousy are all just distortions of love.
古儒吉: 愛無法被明白或瞭解. 愛只能被感覺. 小孩不會問媽媽- 你有什麼樣的條件, 你的職業是什麼? 你的朋友是誰? 告訴我, 然後我才會愛你.’ 就像我們的身體是由碳水化合物和氨基酸所構成, 我們是由稱為愛的東西所組成, 憤怒, 嫉妒都只是愛的扭曲.


Q. How to control terrorism?
問. 如何控制恐怖主義?
Sri Sri: The whole world and all religions are debating on terrorism and how to control it. I tell you - Indian spirituality and spiritual knowledge have the power to reduce terrorism and fanaticism.
古儒吉: 全世界和所有的宗教都在討論恐怖主義和如何控制恐怖主義. 我告訴你 – 印度的靈性和靈性知識有能力減少恐怖主義與狂熱.


Q. Is astrology a science?
問. 星相學是一種科學嗎?
Sri Sri: Yes, definitely astrology is a science yet that doesn’t mean all astrologers are scientists. (Laughs)
古儒吉: 是的, 星相學當然是一種科學然而那不表示星相學家是科學家(笑聲)


Q. Allopathy has no cure for cancer or tuberculosis. Can Ayurveda or Siddha cure them?
問. 對抗療法無法治療癌症和結核病. 艾育吠陀或悉達醫學能治癒它們嗎?
Sri Sri: Most definitely. You know, the Siddha system is only available in Tamil Nadu. Ayurveda is available all over India.
古儒吉: 大部份沒問題. 你知道, 悉達體系只有在塔米爾那都(印度南部)才有. 艾育吠陀遍佈全印度.


Q. Will the world be destroyed in 2012? Is that true?
問. 世界會在2012年毀滅嗎? 那是真的嗎?
Sri Sri: People used to say this in 1999 - that world will be destroyed before the Millennium. In fact, in Canada people stocked up six months worth of groceries (laughs).
There will be a positive spiritual shift that will happen. You know, people are meditating in Terra Del Fiago (near South Pole) and in Norway (near North Pole) and chanting Om Nama Shivaya, becoming vegetarians and taking up Indian traditions.
古儒吉: 在1999年的時候人們常這麼說 – 世界會在千禧年之前毀滅. 事實上, 在加拿大人們儲存了六個月份量的雜貨食物.(笑聲).一個正向的靈性轉變會發生. 你知道, 在泰瑞 地爾 費雅哥(靠近南極)和挪威(靠近北極)人們靜坐和唱頌Om Nama Shivaya, 成為素食者也從事印度傳統.


Q. Guruji, we have two requests for you. Why don’t you come more often to Chennai and start an ashram here?
問. 古儒吉, 我們對你有兩樣要求. 你為何不多來欽奈也在這裏蓋靜心所呢?
Sri Sri: Tomorrow we are going to get a meditation hall started here. You all should come here and meditate.
古儒吉: 明天我們將有一個靜心大廳在這裏. 你們所有的人都要來這裏靜心.


Q. Why don’t we start an exclusive Art of living TV channel to spread the knowledge of the Art of living?
問. 為什麼我們不創辦一個專屬生活的藝術的電視頻道來傳播生活的藝術的知識呢?
Sri Sri: Why should it be restricted only to one channel? It should be on all channels (laughs). However if you want to start one, you have my encouragement. The channel should not just be meditation or music alone. It should be spiritual knowledge with knowledge on what’s happening in world.
古儒吉: 為什麼只限定在一個頻道? 它應該在所有的頻道(笑聲). 然而如果你想創辦一個頻道, 我給你鼓勵. 這個頻道不應該只是靜心或音樂. 它應該是靈性知識把知識用在世界發生的事情上.
One final thing – Whenever you have any worries, you can just post or courier them to me. Do something useful to everybody and if you do that, then everything else is taken care of.

最後一件事—無論何時你有任何擔憂, 你可以就寄給我或差人交給我. 做對眾生有益的事, 如果你這麼做, 那其他的一切都會得到照顧.

That which you cannot express is Love.
That which you cannot reject/renounce is Beauty.
That which you cannot avoid is the Truth.”

~ Sri Sri詩麗 詩麗art of living TV生活的藝術電視



台長: Guruji

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