osted: 15 Aug 2010 12:50 PM PDT
2010年8月15日中午12:50 發表
中午12點 記者會
August 13 2010, Malaysia
2010年8月13日 馬來西亞
Question: We came to know that you are coming to Malaysia after 11years? What made you come now to Malaysia?
問: 我們得知你在11年後蒞臨馬來西亞? 是什麼原因讓你此時來到馬來西亞?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The love and affection of the people from Malaysia who have been coming to India all these years…and I had promised them that I will come this year and I had to keep my Promise.
古儒吉: 馬來西亞人的鍾愛, 這幾年他們到印度…而我曾經允諾他們今年我會到馬來西亞, 我必需信守承諾.
Question: Do you find any changes here in Malaysia now since you are coming after 11 years?
問: 睽違11年後你再度蒞臨,你覺得馬來西亞現在有什麼改變嗎?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Lots of changes…infrastructural development…restI have to find out, I have just arrived last night. I can’t form an opinion overnight, I have just arrived. Today I will be meeting people and we are having a eeting of all the teachers from all over south east Asia in Penang tomorrow, we have a workshop with all the teachers for four days and also a Silence Retreat meditation programme. Of course, lots of people from Malaysia have been regular visitors to our headquarters in Bangalore, India. I keep seeing them everywhere else in Europe, in America etc and they will always ask me “when are you coming to KL, when are you coming to Malaysia?’’, so this time I could squeeze in!
古儒吉: 很大的改變…基礎結構的發展…我昨晚才到達, 其他的我要再看看. 我才剛抵達無法在一夜之間有想法. 今天我會見一些人明天在檳城我們所有來自全東南亞的老師有一個會議, 我們和所有的老師有一個4天的研研討會, 還有一個禁言靜修的靜心課程. 當然,很多馬來西亞的朋友經常造訪我們在印度班格羅的總部. 我持續在歐洲, 美國各地看到他們, 他們總會問我”你何時到吉隆坡, 你何時到馬來西亞呢?” 所以這次我可以擠出時間!
Question: You always travel all over the world. How do you see the changes happening in the world?
問: 你一直在世界各地旅行, 你如何看待世界正在發生的改變?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know world means changes. There are some changes for good and there is deterioration as well. If you see , the human values have deteriorated, stress is increasing on one side, pollution and environmental problems, families are breaking up into smaller families, more insecurity in financial sector, crash in the world market has affected people a lot….At the same time, there are lot of positive developments as well. People have become much more sensitive towards environment, compassion has increased, people are coming out and helping in the times of disaster. So, you should see both happening and what is needed is to aid the positive aspects in the society and to reduce stress – these breathing exercises are necessary to do this and brings a sense of belongingness among people
of various communities and age groups.
古儒吉: 你知道世界意味著改變. 有一些好的轉變也有一些惡化的情形. 如果你看到人性價值已經惰落¸ 一邊壓力在增加, 汙染和環境問題, 家庭崩解成更小的家庭, 財政部門有更多的不安全感, 世界市場破產已深深地影響著人們…同時, 也有很多正面的發展. 人們變得對環境更敏感, 慈悲增加了, 在災難的時候人們走出來救助幫忙. 所以, 你應該看到這兩種事情而現在需要的是增加社會上正面的觀點同時減輕壓力 — 要做到這件事這些呼吸運動是必需的,也帶出在不同社區的人們和不同的年齡層之間的歸屬感.
Question: Guruji, as reporters we are going through lot of stress. We have to collect news and report and write articles. Other than doing meditation, which consumes time, what else can we do to relieve the stress that we get in front of computers and in front of our boss?
問: 古儒吉, 做一個記者我們經歷許多壓力. 我們必需收集新聞寫報告和寫文章. 耗盡了時間, 除了靜心, 我們還可以做什麼來解除在電腦與老闆面前所承受的壓力?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Few deep breaths! You can’t say that you don’t have time to take breaths! Take deep breaths and know that you have the capacity to handle the crisis or situation that you are in now,have confidence that ‘’I can handle any tough situation, I can handle any stress, I have the capacity’’, then faith in yourself c omes up.
古儒吉: 幾個深長的呼吸! 你不能說你沒時間做呼吸! 做深長的呼吸同時明白你有能力處理批評或是你所面對的情況. 有這個信心”我可以處理任何棘手的情況, 我可以處理任何壓力, 我有這個能力”, 然後你身上開始有信心.
Question: How do you relieve yourself? Because you are very busy all the time….
問: 你如何緩和你自己? 因為你一直都是非常忙碌….
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I don’t allow the stress to come in at all!! To relieve the stress, first you have to take the stress in, right? I filter it out right there.
古儒吉: 我不讓一點壓力進來!! 要減輕壓力, 首先你必須有壓力進來, 對吧?! 就在那裏把它過濾掉.
Question: How do you do that?
問: 你怎麼能做到?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It comes by practice and by having a broader vision that things are going to be resolved in a very positive manner.See, we have very little time and we have lots of things to do. How can we do all this with low energy? So, we have to increase our energy, be efficient in our work and good time management. For all this, we teach this course called the ‘Art of Living’. It helps in all these three dimensions. It adds more time to your life-Quality time-and increases your energy level and improves intuition.
古儒吉: 這來自於練習和有一個寬闊的視野事情會以非常正面的方式解決的. 你看, 我們的時間很少又有那麼多事情要做. 帶著低落的能量我們怎麼做這麼多事情呢? 所以我們必須提升能量, 在工作上有效率又有良好的時間管理. 為了這一切, 我們教的這課程稱為’生活的藝術’. 它在這三方面都有幫助. 它為你的生命增加更多時間- 有品質的時間- 提升你的能量層次與增強直覺.
Question: You are so busy travelling all over the world. How do you stay healthy?
問: 你這麼忙碌全世界旅行. 你如何保持健康?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I just don’t worry! I don’t worry at all. And when you are in a field of high energy, everybody is happy and, when you are connected to the source of energy within, then you can manage
a tough routine.
古儒吉: 我就不擔憂! 我一點都不擔憂. 而當你處在很高能量場時, 每個人都是快樂的, 當你與內在能量的源頭相連, 那時你就能處理棘手的例行公事.
Question: Do you have some special diet and do you exercise?
問: 你有特別的飲食嗎? 你運動嗎?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I do exercise for 20 minutes and follow a vegetarian diet.
古儒吉: 我運動20分鐘而且遵循素食.
Question: Why do you have so many followers? Are they following you
because you are a master?
問: 為什麼你有這麼多追隨者? 他們追隨你是因為你是一位大師嗎?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, that you have to ask them! They may all have different reasons to say, I can’t speak for them. One thing that I see is when people are so happy and grateful, they come to express their gratefulness. Transformation that is happening in the world is so much. Millions of people are getting transformed in their personal
life, social life and professional life. And we have these courses happening all over the world in schools, in prisons and in corporate sector as well. And in the poor sections of society, we give them education and self confidence to be more self reliant.
古儒吉: 嗯, 這你要問他們! 他們可能都有不同的理由要說, 我不能替他們說. 有一件事我看到的是當人們是如此快樂與感激, 他們來表達感激. 這世界發生這麼大的轉變. 數百萬的人們在個人的生命, 社交生活與職場生活裏得到改變. 我們這些課程在全世界各地的學校, 監獄和公司部門進行. 在社會上貧窮的地區我們給予他們教育和更能依靠自己的自信心.
Question: You mentioned the word ‘’transformation’’. Does this
transformation happen because they follow you or it happens just by
問: 你提到世界”轉變” . 這個轉變的發生是因為他們追隨你還是靠他們自己發生的?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, I am good in taking credit! I think everybody has that potential; they just need that little clue
to be guided. That is why I formed different courses. We have the courses for the children so that they can become stress free.Recently, we had a conference in Chicago where educators had come and they were sharing what had happened just in 6 months of introducing the courses in the district schools. And one of them in one of the toughest inner city school said that where children drop out and crime rate was very high to the extent of 268 crimes, it come down drastically to 60 in six months! From 268 to 60, that itself is an eye opener that children or youths can be given education in non violent way of communication or non violent way of behavior.
古儒吉: 嗯, 我很能夠獲得信任. 我想每個人都有這個潛能, 他們只需要一點線索來引導. 這是為什麼我創造不同的課程. 我們有給兒童的課程以便他們可以變得沒有壓力. 最近, 我們在芝加哥有一個會議教育工作者來分享他們在轄區內學校介紹這個課程6個月內所發生的事. 而他們之中有一位在一所最棘手的貧民區學校他說兒童退學與犯罪率高達268起, 在6個月內大大地降到60 ! 從268到60, 這本身就是一件令人瞠目吃驚的事, 兒童或青少年可以在無暴力的溝通方式或無暴力的行為下受教育.
Question: Human beings live in a state where everything is not under our control. It is not possible to relax or meditate or even take deep breaths. Is there any other way to handle things smoothly?
問: 人類活在一個一切都無法掌控的狀態下. 放鬆或靜心甚至是深呼吸是不可能的. 有任何其他的方法能平順地處理事情嗎?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is a saying “You can’t learn archery in the war field”. You have to learn archery before you get into that position. So, at that moment when you are stressed, you can’t do, but you have to do something before so that you don’t go to that level at all, you don’t get stressed. You can’t learn a new tune on the stage,
though I don’t believe in this, this is a saying, actually nothing is impossible. I would say change in the way you behave, change in the food habits, and change in the way you perceive things in life, your communication ability, your ability to withstand criticism and take criticism… Generally, the outlook towards life itself makes a
difference. Your getting connected to the universal spirit, how much you are connected to the universal spirit, that much more is your ability to function.
古儒吉: 有一句諺語 “在戰場上你無法學習箭術” 在你進入那個位置之前你必需學習箭術. 所以, 當你承受壓力的時候, 你沒辦法做, 但是在這之前你必需做一些事以便你根本不會走到那一步, 你不會有壓力. 在舞台上你無法學習新的旋律, 雖然我不相信這個, 有一句諺語, 實際上沒有什麼是不可能的. 我會說改變你的行為方式, 改變飲食習慣, 還有改變你在生命中感受事情的方式, 你的溝通能力, 你承受批評與接受批評的能力…漸漸地, 對於生命的觀點本身就造成了不同. 你漸漸地和宇宙心靈連結, 你和宇宙心靈連結有多深, 你運作的能力就有多大.
So, I would give you number of things that you can do. Small techniques like head massage, eye exercise, taking proper food, taking a walk, sitting and observing sunset…maybe in KL, you don’t get to see the sunset because of tall buildings all around! Being with nature,playing with kids etc will also help. Unfortunately, we simply sit on the couch, watch television and keep popping all the junk food. This has taken a toll on the health of the society. We need to change our ways for a healthy society.
所以, 我會給你很多你可以做的事, 小技巧像是頭部按摩, 眼球運動, 吃適當的食物, 散步, 坐看夕陽…或許在吉隆坡, 你看不到夕陽因為到處都是高樓! 和大自然在一起, 和小孩子玩…等等也會有幫助. 不幸地, 我們只是坐在沙發上, 看電視不停地吃垃圾食物. 這對社會的健康上造成很大的損失. 為了一個健康的社會我們必需改變我們的行為.
Question: What are things that make you enjoy?
問: 什麼樣的事情讓你很享受?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I enjoy when every tear turns into smile! And it happens all the time.
古儒吉: 我很享受當每一顆淚珠變成微笑的時候! 而這一直在發生.
Question: We know that with love we can transform a bad person into a good person, bad habit into good habit. But, how can we use our love to transform gangsters and criminals?
問: 我們知道用愛可以把壞人變成好人, 把壞習慣改成好習慣. 但是, 我們要如何用愛來改變匪徒與罪犯?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Oh! We have number of examples. You know we are doing these courses inside the prisons. Inside every culprit there is a victim crying for help. So, if you heal the victim, the culprit disappears. We are doing this in a big way. In a multi ethnic society like in Malaysia, it is very essential to have a sense of belongingness with each other, everyone has to live in harmony. You cannot have harmony from outside, it has to come from deep within.
That authentic belongingness come when we are out of stress and have a broader perspective of life.
古儒吉: 喔! 我們有很多實際案例! 你知道我們在監獄裏上課. 每個罪犯的內心裏都有一個受害者哭著尋求幫助. 所以, 如果你療癒這個受害者, 罪犯就消失了. 我們大規模地在做這件事. 在一個多元種族的社會像在馬來西亞, 彼此之間有一種歸屬感是很必要的, 每個人都需要和諧地生活. 你不可能從外面得到和諧, 和諧來自深沉的內在. 當我們去除壓力有一個視野開闊的生命歸屬感自然出現.
Question: How does Sudarshan kriya help in curing illnesses?
問: 淨化呼吸法在治療疾病上有何幫助?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know Sudarshan Kriya helps in preventing many illnesses. A professor who is working on genes in Oslo university,Norway says that there are 300 chromosomes which are responsible for hypertension, cancer etc. And Pranayama and Sudarshan Kriya suppress these 300 chromosomes. So, if one keeps practicing
these techniques there is less and less chance for getting these illnesses.
古儒吉: 你知道淨化呼吸法幫助預防許多疾病. 有一個在挪威奧斯陸大學從事遺傳因子的教授說有300個基因在負責高血壓, 癌症…等. 而調息法和淨化呼吸法抑制這300個基因. 所以, 如果一個人持續練習這些技術得到這些疾病的機會就很小很小.
Question: How can we use our love to transform nature? These days there are lots of natural disasters happening and can we do something to control them or prevent them?
問: 我們如何用愛來轉變大自然? 這陣子有很多的天災發生而我們可以做什麼來控制和防範它們?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This will happen slowly. If you start loving trees and plant more trees, it will definitely have an impact. You know, mining is the biggest disaster that we have created. We put so many explosives under the ground and blast them. Earth is a living organism, it is not a dead object. So, if we put in its tummy and blast it, the earth starts shaking more and more, earth quake happens more and more. Mining is the biggest cause of natural disaster that we are creating. And second is cutting off the trees. There is so much attention about tree plantation or about going green, but, nobody is talking about the explosives that we are using for mining. This we have to see.
古儒吉: 這慢漫會發生. 如果你開始愛樹和種更多樹, 一定會有影響. 你知道, 採礦是我們造成的最大災害. 我們放這麼多炸藥在地底下轟炸大地. 大地是一個活生生的有機體, 它不是一個死寂的物體. 所以, 如果我們放進它的胃再轟炸它, 大地開始愈搖愈厲害, 地震發生就愈來愈頻繁. 採礦是我們造成天然災害最大的原因. 而第二個是砍樹. 有很多關注是在造林或是綠化, 但是, 沒有人談到採礦時我們所用的炸藥. 這點我們必需要注意.
Question: How to strike a balance between development and preserving the planet?
問: 如何在發展與保護星球之間達到平衡?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: How do you balance a bicycle? In the same way!In ancient India, there was this thing that if you have to cut a tree,you have to do a ceremony. In ceremony, you promise the tree that you will plant five of its kind and then only ask for permission to cut?It is almost like you are talking to the tree. People in tribal areas were all caring for environment a lot. They considered the mountains sacred, rivers sacred, trees sacred… The sacredness allows you to honor the nature, that allows you to protect and respect the nature respect. Native Americans used to consider the nature sacred, they would never put the mines and blast the earth.
古儒吉: 你如何平衡一輛腳踏車? 同樣的方式! 在古印度, 是這樣的如果你要砍一棵樹你必需做一個儀式, 在儀式中, 你承諾這棵樹你會種5棵同樣種類的樹然後只是請求允許砍樹? 這幾乎就像是你在對樹說話. 在部落地區的人們都非常保護環境…他們認為山是神聖的,神聖的河流, 神聖的樹…這神聖使你崇敬自然, 讓你保護和尊敬自然. 尊敬. 美洲的印地安人過去一向認為大自然是神聖的, 他們絕不會埋地雷轟炸大地.
Question: What is the difference between Yoga and Sudarshan kriya?
問: 瑜珈和淨化呼吸法之間有何不同?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Unfortunately, Yoga is considered as just the physical exercises. It is just a beginning, physical exercise is just one part of it. But, then comes the breath and the mind. Tapping the inner source of energy is important. Yoga is never complete without meditation. Sudarshan kriya takes you to the deepest meditation where
body, mind and breath comes in the rhythm connecting to the source of life deep within.
古儒吉: 不幸地, 瑜珈被認為只是肢體運動. 這只是開始, 肢體運動只是瑜珈的一部分.但是, 隨之而來是呼吸與心智. 輕敲內在的能量源頭是很重要的. 瑜珈沒有靜心絕不會完整. 淨化呼吸法帶你進入最深沉的靜心, 身體,心靈和呼吸達到那連結深沉內在生命源頭的韻律.
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