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2009-05-20 09:28:44


The world is not a dead place! -- 這個世界並非是個死氣沈沈的地方 The creation is not a dead place. It is solidified consciousness, and it is dynamic. And it is new. 神所創的天地並非死氣沈沈的。這是一個...

2009-05-19 09:22:39


Yoga vs. Depression – 瑜伽與憂鬱 & {What Sri Sri says today - 古儒吉每日語錄)Yoga is to realize that your mind is dynamic, your life is dynamic. Depression is a sign of static understanding about lif...

2009-05-19 09:14:27

古儒吉 2009-4-25 保加利亞電視專訪摘錄

Interview at Bulgaria 25apr09-1.doc古儒吉大師 4月25日 保加利亞電視專訪摘錄 Interview at Bulgaria 25apr09-1.docBulgaria, Europe, April 25(Saturday) : Sri Sri is currently in Bulgaria. On his arrival, h...

2009-05-18 16:16:28


Manifestations – 表現 & {What Sri Sri says today - 古儒吉每日語錄)Your brain is nothing but manifestation of consciousness. Your body is nothing but manifestation of consciousness. Intelligence, ...

2009-05-17 01:01:11


The Presence of Consciousness – 意識的呈現The planets move around the sun. Just the mere presence of the sun makes the planets go around. In the same way, the presence of consciousness---though it is...

2009-05-15 09:06:26


Consciousness and the body -- 意識與身體 You think the body makes the consciousness? No. Consciousness has made the body.你認為是身體創造意識嗎?不,是意識創造身體! {Knowledge Sheet} Subject: Ask Br...

2009-05-14 20:06:15


Spiritual Knowledge and Science -- 靈修知識與科學All possible advancements in any field you see today, either science or arts, originated as a thought, originated in that ocean of Intelligence.People ...

2009-05-13 16:23:21


Already Connected -- 已經連結The moment you feel a connection from your side, just know you have already been connected. Otherwise you won't even come anywhere near this knowledge, this path.當你感受到...

2009-05-13 16:14:01


Everything is Consciousness -- 每件事都是意識It's one consciousness that has become the body, has become the mind, has become the intellect and emotions, ego, self. Everything that you have in you is ...

2009-05-11 23:29:46


No Rejects! -- 沒有拒絕!A master is like an ocean. Ocean is there, readily available. It does not reject anybody.上師就像海洋。海洋就在那,已經存在著。不會拒絕任何人。Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

2009-05-11 23:28:38


The God Within內在的神God is never an object of isolation but the very core of your being. The difference between Self and God is just like the wave and the ocean. Can there be a wave without the ocea...

2009-05-11 23:27:35


Move on to the Center -- 往中心點移動If you are touching something very nice, what is happening? A sensation is arising in your body. Now, put your attention on the sensation and move on to the center...

2009-05-11 23:26:44


Playing your part發揮你的部份Be thankful for the qualities you have been bestowed upon as they are not your own making. In the same way, it depends on the part that you have been given to play. Say, i...

2009-05-11 13:10:35


愛的金玉良言讀書會首發團,因場地的限制,以30人為原則 本課程係DVD方式播放,古儒吉英文原音+中文字幕+課後討論   訂於5/30(六)10:00-12:00(第1講)   14:00-16:00(第2講)  5/31(日)10:00-12:00(第3講)   ...

2009-05-10 12:23:36


The Secret of Joy -- 喜悅的秘密You are the source of joy!你就是喜悅的根源!Withdraw your senses from the object to its source, then the union happens, then the yoga happens. You look at something beaut...

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