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Everything is Consciousness -- 每件事都是意識

It's one consciousness that has become the body, has become the mind, has become the intellect and emotions, ego, self. Everything that you have in you is made up of one consciousness---like, every wave of the water is made up of the water itself and nothing other than water.

一種意識形成身體、心智,形成智慧及情感、自我及本我。你的所有一切皆由一個意識所組成 -- 如同每只波浪皆是由水自身所形成而非他物。

{Knowledge Sheet} Subject: Butterfly effect
{小知識} - 蝴蝶效應

"You know, what is unseen is much more than what is seen. Now
scientists are coming up with this theory about parallel universes and
dark matter, dark energy. If you look at this room and everyone," his
gestured toward the walls and the 600 satsangees, "what you cannot see
is 100 times more than what you can see. That's dark energy, dark
matter. It's not dark because it's scary or anything, it's called dark because.....................


read more....................


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

台長: Guruji
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