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2012.07-Fox Glacier 2:Fox冰河 2

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在Inn換宿的工作很簡單 每天工作三小時
The work exchange is very easy work,simply 3 hours per day.
早上九點吃早餐(若沒供餐 不知道要花多少錢買食物...)
We have breakfast at 9am(if the meals are not provided,I can't imagine much would cost us,the shops sale food at a double price here)
九點半開工housekeeping 整理退房的房間與重鋪床單 清理廚房與廁所
Housekeeping starts at 9:30am,we do the beds and clean up the rooms,kitchen,toilets and bar...etc
沒料到的是 我們在十一點的時候竟然還有smoko! 這時我們就回到餐廳喝咖啡吃餅乾
Unexpectedly,we have smoko at 11am!All of us(include our manager)go back to the restaurant for biscuit and coffee.
大約10-15分鐘的休息後 再繼續housekeeping的工作
After 10-15 mins break,we carry on working.
由於現在是淡季 需要整理的房間量不多 其餘時間就清理牆面污垢 備品間大掃除等等
Because of low season,there are not many rooms to do,so we clean the walls or linen cupboarrd in the spare time.
我從沒做過housekeeping 但清理一天沒多少人在使用的廚房與廁所不是一件難事..而法國室友人非常好 和她一起鋪床單也配合的很好 且我們的旅遊時間表與路線也很相近
I've never done housekeeper before,but it's not difficult to tidy up the kitchen and toilets which used be a few people only.And my French roomate is a very nice girl,we have good corperation making beds together and similar travel plan.
我們都打算在這裡待上幾個禮拜 所以一起把房間弄得非常舒適 現在房間裡有兩張從餐廳搬來的椅子 還有紙箱做的小床頭櫃以及茶几 我們兩個都睡雙層床墊(從上鋪拿下來用的) 因為老實說我們家的床墊有點薄
Both of us are planning to stay in Fox for a few weeks,so we make our room very confy.We've got two chairs from the restaurant and a tea table&    made from paper boxes.And we use double mattress(from the top bed).To be honest,our mattress is bit thin.
連經理都覺得我們倆待在房間裡的時間實在太多了 應該多出來見見人
Our manager think that we spent too much time stay in the room,better go out and talk to people.

但在這裡換宿算是非常幸福的吧 工時不長 工作量也不不大 經理還讓我們使用餐廳的廚房食材煮飯吃
But it's happy to do work exchange here,the working hours are not long and it's not hard as well.Our manager even let us feel free to use the ingredients in our commercial kitchen.
當然我們很有分寸的不會亂用食材 我看到廚房裡眾多的香料與沾醬 覺得很興奮
Of course we won't use the expensive oneI'm so excited seeing various herbs and sauces in the kitchen.
來到這裡的幾天後 我看到乾貨間裡龐大的麵粉存量 突發奇想自己烤麵包(因為我們早上把吐司吃光了)
After Ia few days,I've seen heaps of flour in panry,suddenly "bake bread by myself" came to my mind(cos we ate up toast this morning)
我從來沒自己做過麵包 先上網查了簡單的麵包食譜 用一半的量試做我人生的第一個麵包
I've never baked bread myself before.I found easy recipe on internet,then tried to bake the first bread in my life.
吃完午餐後開始揉麵糰 晚上發酵完成送進烤箱 結果烤的非常成功
I started to knead bread due after lunch.Put into oven in the evening after ferment finished.
法國室友非常喜歡這種麵包 因為一般吐司都加入過多的酵母 口感太軟且不扎實 尤其歐洲人對麵包非常講究
My French roomate loves the bread cos the local cheap toast in supermarket always has too much yeast,the texture is too soft and not firm at all,especially Europeans pay attention to bread a lot.
這種手工烘培麵包的品質自然比超市吐司好多了 這裡麵粉很便宜 只是烤箱耗費不少紐西蘭的昂貴電費
The hand-made bread is actually much better then supermarket toast.The flour is very cheap here,but oven costs pretty much lovely NZ electricity.
我在公共廚房越烤越多麵包之後 經理終於忍不住開口說 用餐廳廚房的烤箱比較好 瓦斯比較便宜..哈哈
After I  baked more and more breads in backpacker kitchen.Our manager finally told me it's better to use the kitchen in the restaurant,gas oven is cheaper...haha!
在法國室友的建議下 我發展出越來越多口味的麵包 肉桂甜麵包 / 起士 / 綜合香料 / 堅果
My roomate gave me some suggestion,that I developes bread with more flavors such as:cinnamon&sugar / cheese / mixed herbs / nuts etc...
經理拿起士麵包沾油醋醬 出乎我意料之外的好吃
Our manager dipped cheese bread with oil-vinegar dressing,it's so yummy!
在這壯麗而渺小的山城裡 我除了健行之外 也增加一項生活經驗
I had one more different life experience except tramping in the stunning&tiny alpine town.

the sunset on Fox Glacier Bridge


台長: Rainbow
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: 2012-New Zealand 紐西蘭 |
此分類下一篇:2012.07-Skydiving in Fox Glacier:Fox冰河高空彈跳!
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