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2012-08-31 18:32:41| 人氣396| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

2012.07-Fox Glacier-1:Fox冰河-1

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I didn't knew it's low season here until I arrived.
我還以為冬天的冰河會蔚為奇觀 這裡會是熱門旅遊地
Originally I thought the glacier would be more attractive and popular in winter here.
In fact,there is super long daytime here in summer(6am-nearly 10 pm),more active.

冬天極為平靜 像北島許多地方一樣 不少backpacker與motel直接休息不營業 只做一些保養與裝修
It's so quiet here in winter,just like lots of places in north island.Lots of backpackers and motels shut down during winter for remodeling and maintenace.
我換宿的地方自然也不忙 只有我與另一個法國女生一起換宿 30間房的Inn現在每天大約只有5-6間房間需要housekeeping 以及一些固定的清潔工作
The place where I'm working is not busy as well.There are only a French girl and me doing work exchange.The inn which has 30 rooms have got 5-6 rooms to do housekeeping and some routine cleaning everyday
我們另外還有一個Bar&Restaurant 冬天只有當地人晚上上門喝酒 餐廳幾乎不用營業
We've got a Bar&Restaurant,there are nearly locals for drink only.
大約每周會有一個旅行團在這裡用餐 這時我們就會去餐廳跟廚房幫忙
There is always a tour group having dinner and breakfast here,we need to help in the kithcen and restaurant.
這裡的氣氛非常平靜 但活動範圍遠比我想像中小
The atmosphere is very quiet and paceful,but the township is much smaller than I expected.
這裡沒有超市 (連four square都沒有)只有一家幾乎所有價錢都double的綜合商店 跟一個加油站內的便利商店 還好我們換宿有包含三餐(有一天我們吃完晚餐想去買糖果吃 穿好外套準備出門時 經理說六點就打烊了)
There is no supermarket here(thereis one 4 Square in Franz Josef),only one grocery shop which got about double price for everything and a convenient store within gas station.Luckily we have 3 meals in the Inn.(We were going to get some candies in the shop after dinner the other day,but our manager told us the shops were closed at 6pm already,no kidding)
淡季期間的路上自然人煙稀少 離開township兩分鐘就幾乎沒有建築物了
There are rarely people on the street during low season and almost can't see any buildings 2 minuts away from township.

但冰河是到紐西蘭必遊之地 我在facebook上卻沒有辦法把我的居住地改成Fox Glacier 只有Franz Joseph
Glacier is an essensial spot in NZ,but I couldn't change my current location to Fox Glacier,there's Franz Joseph only.
I can't believe this.
於是問了經理 這裡的人口 (我自己的猜測是100人)
Then I asked our manager the population here(my prediction was 100).
The answer was 289 people!
我與法國室友都相當驚訝 將近三百人 ...他們在哪!?
My roomate and I were surprised,near 300 people,where are they?
我也納悶著 淡季的現在 甚至不從事冰河旅遊相關行業的人們 都靠什麼賴以維生呢?
And I was wondering,how do they earn money in low season?Even those who don't live on travel industry?
生活在這樣的小圈圈裡 又是什麼感覺?
What would be the feeling living in such a small social life?

在這裡 每個人認識每個人 也認得所有的當地車輛
In Fox,everyone knows everyone and they recognize all the cars.
我們晚上的酒吧 每晚來的客人都是一樣的 經理知道所有人喝的東西 還有啤酒泡泡的多寡
We got the same customers in the bar every single night.Our manager knows what they drink and how much foam should be on the top of their beer.
當他們走入酒吧 吧台就開始準備客人的飲料 當他們走到酒吧前 他們的酒已經擺在眼前 一切是這樣進行
When customers enter the bar,bartender straight start to do their drink.When they reach the bar table,their drink is ready.It just goes like that here.
夏天旺季的時候 酒吧大排長龍等著付款 甚至有位熟客幫忙所有客人刷eftpos card(這裡的簽帳卡)並且輸入密碼
Peak season,a long queue is always in front of the bar waiting for pay,there's even a regular customer helping all of them to swip their eftpos card(local debit card)and enter pin number. 
冬天淡季的時候 我穿著睡衣走到酒吧找經理想問能不能用印表機
Low season,I was wearing pajamas and went to the bar to ask manager if I could use printer.
Someone came to ask me if I'm gonna drink here immediately

我可以想像 也可以享受住在一個小鎮 大家互相認識的情況
I can imagine and enjoy to live in a small town where everyone knows each other.
但是我沒有想到在這種封閉的情況之下 已經趨近於沒有隱私的狀態 長期生活之下 是什麼感覺?
But I can't imagine what would be the feeling to live under an enclosed and nearly without privae situation for long term?
也納悶著 除了經營旅遊事業之外 什麼樣的人會以這裏為家?
And I'm wondering,who would shift down here except operating travel industry?
同時漸漸明白 在這樣小的地方 他們是多麼樂見不同的臉孔
In the same,I gradually realize they'd love to see different faces here.
問我是不是要來喝酒 不是覺得穿著邋蹋睡衣的我有什麼吸引人之處
Asking me if I'm going to drink here didn't mean I'm attractive in pajamas...
只是對這三百人之外的臉孔很有興趣 想要和來自不同地方的人說話
They were just so interested about people outside of the 300 populations!They just wanna talk to people from different places.
在這晉級世界的壯麗景觀 人口卻稀少的小小世界 有著這樣靠近卻又有點複雜的感受
I had close and complicated feeling in the stunning scenery area where is an underpopulated small world.

Lake Mathson


台長: Rainbow
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: 2012-New Zealand 紐西蘭 |
此分類下一篇:2012.07-Fox Glacier 2:Fox冰河 2
此分類上一篇:2012.07.05:Levin to Fox Glacier/Levin到Fox冰河

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