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2012-04-16 14:53:21| 人氣260| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

2012.Mar:Work in Feijoa Farm,在feijoa農場工作

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不知怎麼小氣而狡詐working hostel老闆來問我要不要去feijoa farm工作
Don't know why our stingy & qirky backpacker owner ask me if I wanna work in a feijoa farm.
yeah,why not!?
反正奇異果包裝還不知道何時開工 why not?
Anyway we've been waiting for the job in kiwi packhouse for long and still have no idea about the starting date.

農場裡已經有個馬來西亞女生 有人做伴當然太好了
There is a Malaysian girl Lee working in the farm already,it's great to have company.
第一天工作 八點開工 我六點起床
I woke up at 6 am,work stated at 8.
Raining day for my first day...
The Malaysian girl Lee picked me up in the rain.

The weatger was horrible in my first working day.
每天的第一項工作都是撿掉落在地上的feijoa 成熟的果實會自己掉落 掉落後自然容易腐爛 所以這是每天第一項任務
The ripe fruits drop automatically which cause easily to get damage,so the first mission every morning here is to pick up the ground fruit.

feijoa是一種紐西蘭水果 應該是從南美洲引進 長的有點像芭樂 有點像蘋果 又有點像檸檬 有種獨特的香味 我也是來到農場後才首次見到這台灣沒有的水果 在這裡可要把握機會多吃一點
Feijoa is a NZ fruit.As I know,it's originally from south America.It looks between guava,lime and apple,it has it own unique flavor.I just knew the fruit after came here,got to have as many as I can~
不知道為什麼會找我來這裡工作 可能是因為這果樹很矮的關係吧?
I was so wondering why ask me to work here,probably just because my height is perfect suitable for the short feijoa tree.
因為後來Lee的室友載我來時對於這果樹的身高驚訝不已 呵呵
Because Lee's housemate was so surprise about the height of it.
"This is feijoa tree!You got to be kidding me!!"she aid.

穿上老闆車上幫我們準備的防水衣褲與工作雨靴(天知道有多少人曾經穿過了?我想也不曾有人清洗過 很難形容的尺寸與味道)
I wore the raincoat,waterproof trouser and gan boot(gosh...those stuff has been used for ages,I guess it hasn't been washed for whole life,it's defficult to discribe the smell and size)

這個農場對我們非常好 有替大家準備護膝,工作手套與雨衣(聽說很多農場完全不會替員工準備工作用品...)
The farm owner is very nice tous,they prepare knee protection,gloves and raincoat(I heard that lots of farms don't prepare antything for workers at all)
撿水果的工作非常簡單 我很不習慣的穿著臭臭的雨衣在雨中撿水果 很快的手套就濕了
It's very easy to pick tthe ground fruit,but I can't get use to wear smelly raincoat and pick up fruit in the rain.My gloves got wet in a short time.

Next,we start to pick feijoas from the tree.
這天下的不是傾盆大雨 但絕對不是小雨
It wasn't raining heavily,but it's definitely not just drizziling,
採果需要在樹中穿梭 高高低低裡裡外外的選果 手套早就濕透 很快的水就在手掌與手臂間流竄 袖子也都濕了
We need to walk shuttle through the tree for picking.Top of thr tree,inside of the tree,the gloves are wet already.And water goes through hands and arms,the sleeve is wet as well.
不過濕了之後 工作就方便了 因為不論怎麼樣都濕了 所以怎麼在樹中穿梭也都無所謂了
After everything got soaked,everything gets easier because it's always wet anyway,and no matter what we do,so it's doesn't matter we shuttle around any part of feijoa trees.
第一天工作的時候 心裡真的非常猶豫要不要繼續這份工作 心裡一直覺得 這不是我來紐西蘭想做的事!!!
I did hesitated if I should continue the job or not in the first day.I was thinking "This is what I want to do in New Zealand!!"
且在雨中採果真的非常狼狽 這輩子還第一次這樣... 遙想當年在澳洲工作雖然辛苦 但總是在室內...還可以一直講話練習英文...薪水還更高...
It was so confounded picking in the rain,I think it's my first time to suffer this situation.This reminds me the time in AU...it was tough though,but at least it was indoors.And I could practice English speaking all the tmes and the wadge was even higher!
Lots of complicated thinkings were in my mind.
只能說 沒辦法 紐西蘭是這樣的 如果總是跟澳洲相提並論 在這裡的日子是不會開心的
What I can say is this is how it goes in NZ,if I always compare this with AU,I wouldn't be happy here.
連續在雨中工作四天之後 終於放晴了
After worked in the rain for 4 days,finally it became sunny.
And I have couple of hours doing grading indoors gradually.
雖然關於果實的英文完全不熟悉  農場老闆的當地腔調又非常重 還好有L的指導
Though I'm not familiar to the words about fruit at all,and the farm owner got strong local accent,luckily I've got Lee's help.

I've been working in breeze and sunny for a few days.
提著bucket 一個人靜靜的在一排排果樹中穿梭 腳踏在厚實的草地 聽風吹過樹的聲音 呼吸著遠離污染的空氣 聞著青草與feioa的氣味
Carrying buckets,walking back and forth between the trees alone and quietly,stepping on thick and soft lawn,listen to the sound which wind blow though the trees, breathing the air away from pollution,and to smell the flavor of fresh grass tge feijoas.
鑽進果樹下蹲著採果時抬頭看著透過樹葉與果實的陽光  摸索著青綠色的果實 宜人的溫度與環境讓大腦都清澈了 沉澱了過去城市生活的複雜生活方式 覺得已經離台北生活好遠好遠 雖然也不過才幾周前的事情
I squeeze under the trees,look up the sunshine goes through leaves and fruits when I'm picking the green fruits.The comfortable temperature and environment clear the brain,it deposites previouse city lifestyle.Suddenly it feels like that was in last century,but it was just a few weeks ago.
簡單生活 其實不過如此而已..
What we need is not much actually,simple life just like this...


台長: Rainbow
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