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2012-03-10 08:23:44| 人氣370| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

2012.03.08-Days in Kerikeri

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到奧克蘭兩周之後 我離開了那個喧嘩的城市  來到Kerikeri
I left the bustling Auckland city after arrived there for two weeks,came to Kerikeri.
第二次的working holiday 和28歲的第一年在澳洲 有著全然不同的心態與期待(雖然早就知道了 )
There are totoally diffrent expectation and atittude from my first working holiday in AU.(I knew it before my departure though)
我提醒自己 為了將來 以及避免對生活的怠惰與害怕變動 這趟也許不是那麼舒服與容易滿足的路程仍舊是必須的
I told myself that it's still necessary to do this journey which might not be comfortable and easy to be satisfied.This is for the better carreer developement in the future and prevent being affraid of change.

We never know how it would goes.
本來想在奧克蘭過完冬天 找兩份餐廳工作待滿六個月 存夠錢念書與旅行
I was planning to stay in Auckland through winter,get two jobs in restaurant and work for six months to save up money for study and travel.
但不同於澳洲簽證 我只能在一個地方工作三個月 競爭力相對低很多 加上語言能力不如English speaker 自己的耐性也不足以長時間等待 於是很快的選擇一條容易有把握的路 到農場工作
Compare with AU working holiday visa,it's more difficult to get a job here becuase we are only allow to work for an employer for three months. I'm not patient enough to wait and English speaking ability is not as good as native speakers,so I decided to look for agrcultural seasonal job in my second weekend vwhich is an easier way to me.
有時候又怪自己太容易放棄了 這麼輕易屈服於眼前的挑戰
Sometime I blame myself that how coild I give up so early? Too quick to surrender myself to the challenge in front of my face.
但是面臨生存的壓力 生活能夠早日進入順利的狀態當然比較好
Sigh,but due to the pressure of live,it's better make life goes smoothly as soon as possible.

總之 我現在身處奧克蘭北方五小時車程的Kerikeri 等待奇異果成熟
Anyway,at the moment I've exactly moved north to Kerikeri where there are some people waiting for the time to do kiwifruit picking.

It's quite comfortable in thi backpacker,the best point is we've got unlimited internet here that I'm able to connect to the world all the time.
And it's a quiet town here.I always prefer quiet plce.

旅行到現在第三周 張開耳朵想聽見來自世界各地不同的想法與觀點
It's my third week here,I've heard various thinkings ahd prospections.
當然在奧克蘭的backpackers仍然一如往常的看見很多喝醉的西方人 旅行到身無分文的小女生(我的加拿大室友已經身無分文到無法支付下周的住宿費 正在backpackers裡工作換宿)
Of course I've seen lot's of drunk ravellers run out of money as uasual.(my Canadian roomate had no money to pay for accomdation already,she worked there to exchage it at that moment)
也明白原來不是每個看似漂泊瀟灑的背包客  都是如此理所當然
I also realized that not evey wandering backpacker always travels deservedly.
不是每個家庭都是我們以為的那樣支持他們 原來也有人也背負著家庭的不認同
And in fact,some of them are bearing the opposition from their family,some of them don't get support as I thought.
Some girls who have been traveling for one or two years miss the wardrobe as well!

現在我處於一個相當放鬆的狀態 專心等待奇異果成熟 可要好好把握時間 在忙碌的採收日來之前 享受難得的紐西蘭鄉間生活
At the moment I'm quite relaxed,just waiting for the time of kiwifriut picking,got to take chace to enjoy the rare and rural life here before bsuy harvest!

台長: Rainbow
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: 2012-New Zealand 紐西蘭 |
此分類下一篇:2012.Mar:Work in Feijoa Farm,在feijoa農場工作
此分類上一篇:2012.02.21-Melbourne airport nightmare墨爾本機場驚魂記

hello, are u still in Keri Keri?
I'm now in Auckland and planning to go to Kerikeri for job! But I found some backpackers are fully booked. Do you know where can I try?

2012-05-18 08:47:13
yes,kerikeri is quite full at the moment,try Aranga or Hone Heke,close to town and reliable,pls don't try Cozy Nook and Kericentral.
2012-05-20 05:57:25
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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