懷舊音樂專輯:Peter Gabriel─舞動心靈深處的藝術家
認識這位歌手,是在求學中,對於他的音樂取向,不走純流行風,以玩世不恭的態度詮釋他的人生觀,如在Digging In The Dirt 這首曲子中的取向與認知,完全的詮釋他對於自己離婚的態度與觀感。
而前期介紹的Kiss that frog更是緬懷童年的純淨幻想世界,有這第一手的印象。
這首Mercy Street,更是從這思維欣賞與品味他的歌曲的另外一個著眼點。
這首旋律優美的歌曲,仁慈街,是Peter Gabriel,86年的作品,收錄在他的So專輯中,講的是懷念離世親人,在空盪空間中,想念著親人的種種。
非常感人的一首歌,也算是這次做Peter Gabriel 的藝術創作這個計畫的意外收穫。
這首曲子的歌詞優美感人,著墨在日常生活中枝節片刻的時空凝聚,藉著感應親人最真情的一面,懷念真實的永遠。這首歌曲,Peter Gabriel 是受到一本由美國詩人:Anne Sexton,這位普立茲獎得主,所寫的劇本(Mercy Street)及詩集,就叫做:45 Mercy Street" 有所感感觸而寫。
值得一提的是:Anne Sexton 堅持不讓這詩集在她有身之年發表,從她的身世文章中得知,她長期的接受心理治療,除了她與父親的關係不好外,深受她得到67年的普立茲獎後所帶來的榮耀與名譽所苦。在74年,在自家的車庫,將自己鎖在車中,排放一氧化碳中而自殺身亡,享年45歲。在就是在她詩集及這首歌曲發表的前十二年就去世了。
歌詞有點長,Peter Gabriel,修改過Anne的詩作,使它更適於演唱。
Looking down on empty streets, all she cansee
Are the dreams all made solid
Are the dreams all made real
All of the buildings, all of those cars
Were once just a dream
In somebody's head
She pictures the broken glass, she picturesthe steam
She pictures a soul
With no leak at the seam
Let's take the boat out
Wait until darkness
Let's take the boat out
Wait until darkness comes
Nowhere in the corridors of pale green andgrey
Nowhere in the suburbs
In the cold light of day
There in the midst of it so alive and alone
Words support like bone
Dreaming of Mercy Street
Wear your inside out
Looking for mercy
In your daddy's arms again
Dreaming of Mercy Street
'Swear they moved that sign
Looking for mercy
In your daddy's arms
Pulling out the papers from drawers thatslide smooth
Tugging at the darkness, word upon word
Confessing all the secret things in thewarm velvet box
To the priest, he's the doctor
He can handle the shocks
Dreaming of the tenderness, the tremble inthe hips
Of kissing Mary's lips
Dreaming of Mercy Street
Wear your inside out
Dreaming of mercy
In your daddy's arms again
Dreaming of Mercy Street
'Swear they moved that sign
Looking for mercy
In your daddy's arms
Looking for mercy
Looking for mercy
Looking for mercy
Mercy, mercy
Anne, with her father is out in the boat
Riding the water
Riding the waves on the sea
歌詞裡的許多用詞,都有著深厚的意涵,也被全球的許多電影及電視劇集引用,如 Miami Vice,這部當年風靡全美的電視劇集,在86年的第三季中的Killing Shot劇集中引用。91年的巴西電視劇:O Sorriso do Lagarto (The Lizard's Smile),首集中引用。2002年的電影, Life or Something Like It (2002), starring Angelina Jolie (安潔莉娜裘莉)and Edward Burns(愛德華,伯恩),雖然是喜劇,也引用這首音樂。
如Warm velvet box的含意,這裡有指的是子宮(我的揣測)。
也有許多宗教幻覺的用詞也在這裡,如:kissing Mary’s lips, rhyming with “tremble in the hips”的用法,更彰顯出宗教意涵的張力對信仰的影響。
"Anne, with her father is out in the boat
Riding the water
Riding the waves on the sea"
更是Anne Saxton作者本身,以走向父親於茫茫大海中的表徵,將思念之情,推到頂點。
Both poems seethe with a boiling darkness just under the surface.
There is plenty of sexual suggestion (warm velvet box), as well as allusions to the unconscious (the sea, darkness, the unseen).
The priest in Gabriel’s song is also a father figure, and biographers know that Anne had a difficult relationship with her own father.
Another religious allusion: kissing Mary’s lips, rhyming with “tremble in the hips”, makes it that much more powerful. Sexton spent eight years in psychotherapy.
She was uneasy with success and winning such honors as the Pulitzer Prize; it didn’t take the dark visions away from her powerful, confessional verse.
Anne Sexton的原詩集摘錄如下:
Looking down on empty streets, all she can see
Are the dreams all made solid
Are the dreams all made real
All of the buildings, all of those cars
Were once just a dream
In somebody’s head
She pictures the broken glass, she pictures the steam
She pictures a soul
With no leak at the seam
Lets take the boat out
Wait until darkness
Let’s take the boat out
Wait until darkness comes
Nowhere in the corridors of pale green and grey
Nowhere in the suburbs
In the cold light of day
There in the midst of it so alive and alone
Words support like bone
Dreaming of mercy st.
Wear your inside out
Dreaming of mercy
In your daddy‘s arms again
Dreaming of mercy st.
‘swear they moved that sign
Dreaming of mercy
In your daddy’s arms
Pulling out the papers from the drawers that slide smooth
Tugging at the darkness, word upon word
Confessing all the secret things in the warm velvet box
To the priest-he’s the doctor
He can handle the shocks
Dreaming of the tenderness-the tremble in the hips
Of kissing Mary’s lips
Dreaming of mercy st.
Wear your insides out
Dreaming of mercy
In your daddy’s arms again
Dreaming of mercy st.
‘swear they moved that sign
Looking for mercy
In your daddy’s arms
Mercy, mercy, looking for mercy
Mercy, mercy, looking for mercy
Anne, with her father is out in the boat
Riding the water
Riding the waves on the sea
最後附錄Peter Gabriel 2003年在米蘭現場演唱的版本當作結尾: