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取經:金剛經英文版。The Diamond Sutra (五)

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"Subh?ti, suppose there were a good son or good daughter who made dedications of his or her life to charity in a quantity equal to the number of grains of sand in the Ganges, and in the middle of the day made dedications of his or her life to charity in a quantity equal to the number of grains of sand in the Ganges, and at the end of the day also made dedications of his or her life to charity in a quantity equal to the number of grains of sand in the Ganges, and made these dedications of his or her life to charity in this way for immeasurable hundreds of thousands of billions of eons. If, on the other hand, there were a person who heard the teaching of this scripture with the mental attitude of faith, and did not doubt it, the merit of this person would exceed that of the prior. How much more so in the case of the person who copies it, memorizes it, chants it, and explains it to others."

須菩提、以要言之。是經有不可思 議不可稱量無邊功德、如來為發大乘者說、為發最 上乘者說。若有人能受持讀誦廣為人說、如來悉知 是人悉見是人、皆得成就不可量、不可稱、無有邊、 不可思議功德。如是人等則為荷擔如來阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。何以故。須菩提、若樂小法者、著我見人見眾生見壽者見。則於此經不能聽受讀誦為人解說。須菩提、在在處處若有此經、一切世間天人阿修羅所應供養。當知此處則為是塔。皆應恭敬作禮圍繞以諸華香而散其處。

"Subh?ti, it can be summarized like this: this scripture carries inconceivable, immeasurable, limitless merit, and the Tath?gata teaches it to those who have entered into the great vehicle, and to those who have entered into the supreme vehicle. Any person who is able to memorize, recite, and teach this scripture to others is perceived by the Tath?gata, and is seen by the Tath?gata, and all attain innumerable, immeasurable, limitless, inconceivable merit. These people are the carriers of the Tath?gata’s peerless perfect enlightenment. And why? Subh?ti, those who are contented with inferior teachings are attached to the view of self, the view of person, the view of sentient being, and the view of life span. Such a person is not able to hear, understand, recite, and teach this scripture to others. Subh?ti, any place where this scripture is present, all the gods, humans, and titans in all the worlds will come and make offerings. You should know that such a place is equivalent to a shrine, where all should venerate, pay obeisance, and circumambulate while scattering flowers and incense around the place."


"Furthermore, Subh?ti, if there is a good son or good daughter who memorizes and recites this scripture, but is belittled by others, it is because this person committed crimes in a prior life which resulted in negative rebirths. Through enduring the disparagement of others in the present life, the bad karma from the prior lives can be removed, and one can attain peerless perfect enlightenment. Subh?ti, billions of countless eons ago, before the time of D?pa?kara Buddha, I have encountered 84,000 billions of countless buddhas, serving them and making offerings to them without lapse. If there is also a person in the final age who is able to memorize and recite this scripture, this person’s merit will be one hundred times, a hundred trillion times — nay, an incalculable number of times greater than that which I gained when I made offerings to all these buddhas. "


"Subh?ti, if I completely elucidated the merits to be gained by good sons and good daughters in the final age who memorize and recite this scripture, there may be people who, upon its hearing, become confused, suspicious, and unbelieving. Subh?ti, you should know that the underlying meaning of this s?tra is inconceivable, and the results [obtained from its memorization and recitation] are also inconceivable."


Then Subh?ti addressed the Buddha, saying: "World Honored One, if good sons and good daughters would like to arouse the aspiration for peerless perfect enlightenment, in what should they mentally abide, and how should they gain mastery over their thoughts?"
The Buddha said to Subh?ti: "Good sons and good daughters who want to arouse the aspiration for peerless perfect enlightenment should think like this: ’I will save all sentient beings.’ Yet when all sentient beings have been liberated, in fact, not a single sentient being has been liberated. And why not? Subh?ti, if a bodhisattva holds the notion of a self, the notion of person, the notion of sentient being, and the notion of life span, then she is not a bodhisattva. Why? Subh?ti, there is actually no such a thing as peerless perfect enlightenment."


"Subh?ti, what do you think? When the Tath?gata was with D?pa?kara Buddha, was there any such a thing as peerless perfect enlightenment?"
"No, World Honored One. As I understand the content of your teaching, when you were with D?pa?kara Buddha, there was no thing as peerless perfect enlightenment."
The Buddha said, "Correct, correct. Subh?ti, there is, in fact, no such thing as the attainment of peerless perfect enlightenment by the Tath?gata. Subh?ti, if there were such as thing as the attainment of peerless perfect enlightenment by the Tath?gata, D?pa?kara Buddha would not have conferred upon me the prediction of attainment of buddhahood, saying, ’You will attain buddhahood in the future, with the name ??kyamuni.’ It is precisely because there is actually no such thing as the attainment of peerless perfect enlightenment, that D?pa?kara Buddha conferred the prediction of buddhahood upon me, saying, ’You will attain buddhahood in the future, with the name ??kyamuni.’ "


"And why? Because ’Tathagata’ means ’all phenomena (dharmas) as they really are.’ Subh?ti, if someone says that the Tath?gata attains peerless perfect enlightenment, there is in fact, no such thing as the Buddha attaining peerless perfect enlightenment. Subh?ti, the peerless perfect enlightenment attained by the Tath?gata is neither real nor unreal. Therefore the Tath?gata teaches that all dharmas are the buddhadharma. Subh?ti, those things that are described as ’all dharmas’ are not all dharmas. Therefore they are called ’all dharmas.’ "


"Subh?ti, please take, for example, the case of a large human body."
Subh?ti said, "World Honored One, the large human body that you have mentioned is not a large body; therefore it is called a large body."
"Subh?ti, it is the same with a bodhisattva. If he says, ’I will save numberless sentient beings,’ then he is not a bodhisattva. Why? Subh?ti, there is actually no such state called bodhisattvahood. Therefore I say that all phenomena have no self, no personality, no sentient beingness, and no life span. Subh?ti, if a bodhisattva says ’I will adorn buddha-lands,’ I would not call this person a bodhisattva. Why? What the Tath?gata has called adornment of buddha-lands is not adornment. Therefore it is called adornment. Subh?ti, if a bodhisattva realizes the selflessness of phenomena, the Tath?gata calls this person a real bodhisattva."


"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the Tath?gata have the physical eye?"
"Yes, World Honored One. The Tath?gata has the physical eye."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the Tath?gata have the divine eye?"
"Yes, World Honored One, the Tath?gata has the divine eye."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the Tath?gata have the wisdom eye?"
"Yes, World Honored One, the Tath?gata has the wisdom eye."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the Tath?gata have the dharma eye?"
"Yes, World Honored One. The Tath?gata has the dharma eye?"
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the Tath?gata have the buddha eye?"
"Yes, World Honored One. The Tath?gata has the buddha eye."


"Subh?ti, what do you think? When discussing the sands in Ganges river, the Buddha calls these ’sands,’ does he not?"
"Yes, World Honored One, the Tath?gata calls them ’sands.’ "
"Subh?ti, what do you think? If each of the sands in the one Ganges river each contained its own Ganges river, and each grain of sand in all these Ganges rivers represented a buddha-world, would not their number be many?"
"Very many, World Honored One."
The Buddha said to Subh?ti: "The Tath?gata is fully aware of the various thoughts of each of the sentient beings dwelling in these buddha worlds. And how so? None of what the Tath?gata calls ’thoughts’ are actually thoughts. Therefore they are called thoughts. Why? Because the past thought is unobtainable, the present thought is unobtainable, and the future thought is unobtainable."

台長: 輕如飛燕
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