"Subh?ti, what do you think? If there were a person who was able to take enough of the seven jewels to fill all the worlds of the three galaxies, and gave them away for charity, would not, based on these causes and conditions, this person’s merit be great?"
"Yes, World Honored One, based on these causes and conditions this person’s merit would be extremely great."
"Subh?ti, if this merit were real, the Tath?gata would not say that there was attainment of great merit. It is because this merit is non-existent that the Tath?gata says that the merit is great."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Can the Buddha be discerned by seeing his perfectly-formed body?"
"No, World Honored One. The Tath?gata cannot be discerned by seeing his perfectly-formed body. Why? What the Tath?gata calls a perfectly-formed body is not a perfectly-formed body. Hence it is called a perfectly-formed body."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Can the Tath?gata be discerned by his perfect bodily characteristics?"
"No, World Honored One. The Tath?gata cannot be discerned by his perfect bodily characteristics. Why? Those characteristics that the Tath?gata has called ’perfect’ are actually not perfect. Therefore he says that these characteristics are perfect."
Subh?ti, do not think such a thought as "I [the Tath?gata] have something to teach." Do not even think such a thing. Why not? If someone says that the Tath?gata has a teaching to offer then he is slandering the Buddha, because he does not understand what I am teaching. Subh?ti, in the teaching of the dharma, there is no dharma that can be taught. This is called teaching the dharma.
Then Insight-Life Subh?ti said to the Buddha: "World Honored One. Might there at some time in the future be sentient beings who will gain faith upon hearing this discourse?"
The Buddha said, "Subh?ti, they will not be sentient beings, and they will not be non-sentient beings. Why? Subh?ti, the Tath?gata has taught that ’sentient beings’ are not sentient beings. Thus they are called sentient beings."
Subh?ti said to the Buddha: "World Honored One. When the buddhas attain peerless perfect enlightenment, is it the case that actually nothing is attained?"
"Exactly right. Subh?ti, as far as peerless perfect enlightenment is concerned, I have not attained the slightest thing. This is why it is called peerless perfect enlightenment."
"Furthermore, Subh?ti, this state is equal, have neither high or low. Therefore it is called peerless perfect enlightenment. When one, not abiding in the notions of self, person, sentient being, and lifespan, cultivates all kinds of good factors, then one attains peerless perfect enlightenment. Subh?ti, the Tath?gata says that these so-called ’good factors’ are not good factors. Therefore they are called good factors."
"Subh?ti, if there were a person who accumulated the seven jewels in mounds equivalent to all the Mt. Sumerus in the worlds of three thousand galaxies and gave them away charitably, the merit gained by such a person, compared to that of someone who memorized, recited, and explained to others as much as a four-line verse of this scripture of transcendent wisdom, would not amount to a hundredth. Nor would it amount to billionth part. In fact, no metaphor of number is capable of describing this difference in merit."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? You should not claim that the Tath?gata thinks ’I will save sentient beings.’ Subh?ti, do not think such a thing. Why? There are in fact no sentient beings for the Tath?gata to save. If there were sentient beings for the Tath?gata to save, it would mean that the Tath?gata holds the notions of self, person, sentient being, and life span. Subh?ti, when the Tath?gata says ’I,’ there is actually no ’ I.’ Yet immature beings take this to be an I. Subh?ti, as far as immature beings are concerned, the Tath?gata says that they are not immature beings."
須菩提、於意云何。可以三十二相觀如來不。須菩提言。如是如是、以三十二相觀如來。佛言。須菩提、若以三十二相觀如來者、轉輪聖王則是如來。須菩提白佛言。世尊。如我解佛所說義、不應以三十二相觀如來。爾時世尊而說偈言若以色見我 以音聲求我是人行邪道 不能見如來。
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Can one discern the Tath?gata by means of the thirty-two bodily characteristics?"
Subh?ti said, "Yes, yes. One discerns the Tath?gata by means of the thirty-two bodily characteristics."
The Buddha said, "Subh?ti, if one discerns the Tath?gata by means of the thirty-two bodily characteristics, then the wheel-turning sage kings (temporal rulers) are Tath?gatas."
Subh?ti said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, as I understand the gist of what you have said, one should not try to discern the Tath?gata by means of the thirty-two bodily characteristics."
Then the World Honored One spoke in a verse:
Someone who tries to discern me in form
Or seek me in sound
Is practicing non-Buddhist methods
And will not discern the Tath?gata
"Subh?ti, if you think that the Tath?gata attains peerless perfect enlightenment based on the perfection of bodily characteristics, then, Subh?ti, you should not think like this, because the Tath?gata does not attain peerless perfect enlightenment based on the perfection of bodily characteristics. Subh?ti, if you think that one who gives rise to peerless perfect enlightenment claims the extinction of all marks of phenomena, you should not think like this. Why? The person who gives rise to the intention for peerless perfect enlightenment does not claim the extinction of the marks of phenomena."