"Subh?ti, if a bodhisattva filled worlds as many as the grains of sand in the Ganges river, and another bodhisattva perfected his forbearance based on the awareness of the selflessness of all phenomena, the merit gained by this bodhisattva would exceed that of the former. Subh?ti, this is because the bodhisattvas do not experience merit."
Subh?ti said to the Buddha: "World Honored One, how is it that the bodhisattva does not experience merit?"
"Subh?ti, the merit generated by the bodhisattvas is not to be appropriated by them. Therefore I say that they do not experience merit."
"Subh?ti, if someone says that the Tath?gata ( ’Thus-come One’ ) comes, goes, sits, or lies down, this person does not understand the point of my teaching. Why? The Thus-come One has no place from whence he comes, and no place to go. Therefore he is called ’Thus-come.’ "
"Subh?ti, what do you think? If a good son or good daughter were to take all the worlds contained in three thousand galaxies and crush them into tiny particles, would these particles not be numerous?"
"Extremely numerous, World Honored One. And why? If these numerous tiny particles had real existence, the Buddha would not call them numerous tiny particles. What does this mean? Those things that the Buddha calls ’numerous tiny particles’ are not numerous tiny particles. Therefore they are called numerous tiny particles. World Honored One. That which the Tath?gata calls ’all the worlds in three thousand galaxies’ are actually not worlds. Therefore they are called worlds. Why? To the extent that these worlds really exist, they do so as a composite. The Tath?gata teaches that composites are not composites. Therefore they are called composites."
"Subh?ti, a composite is something that is ineffable. Only immature beings attach to such phenomena."
"Subh?ti, if someone claims that I teach the view of self, view of person, view of sentient being, or view of life span, what would you say? Has this person understood the point of my teaching?"
"World Honored One, this person has not understood the point of the Tath?gata’s teaching. Why? What the World Honored One has explained as the view of self, view of person, view of sentient being, and view of life span, are actually not a view of self, view of person, view of sentient being, or view of life span. Therefore they are called view of self, view of person, view of sentient being, and view of life span."
"Subh?ti, the person who gives rise to the aspiration for peerless perfect enlightenment, should, in regard to all phenomena, think like this, discern like this, and believe and understand like this. One should not give rise to signs for phenomena. Subh?ti, the Tath?gata has explained that these so-called signs of phenomena are precisely not signs of phenomena. Therefore they are called signs of phenomena."
須菩提、若有人以滿無量阿僧祇世界七寶持用布施。若有善男子善女人發菩薩心者。持於此經乃至四句偈等。受持讀誦為人演說其福勝彼。云何為人演說。不取於相如如不動。何以故一切有為法 如夢幻泡影如露亦如電 應作如是觀佛說是經已。長老須菩提及諸比丘比丘尼優婆塞優婆夷、一切世間天人阿修羅。聞佛所說皆大歡喜。信受奉行金剛般若波羅蜜經
Subh?ti, if there were a person who took the amount of the seven jewels in numberless, countless worlds and gave them away charitably, and there were also a good son or good daughter who gave rise to the bodhisattva’s aspiration, taking just a four line verse of this scripture, memorizing it, reciting it, and teaching it to others, this person’s merit would exceed that of the former. How should one teach it to others? Without grasping to signs, staying with things as they are, immovable. Why?
All conditioned phenomena
Are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow
Like the dew, or like lightning
You should discern them like this
The Buddha concluded his delivery of this scripture. The elder Subh?ti, along with all the other monks, nuns, male and female lay practitioners, all the worlds of celestials, men, and titans, having heard this teaching of the Buddha, experienced great bliss. They believed, memorized, and practiced according to the Scripture of the Diamond Transcendent Wisdom Scripture.