發表時間:2013-11-19 06:41:20 | 回應:0
Grandma left last week, after staying here for over 4 months. Baby Ashley acts normal so far. But Miss Liza ju...
發表時間:2012-10-30 08:07:56 | 回應:0
I always believe the reason of why my mom is so busy all the time is because she does things slowly.Mom, I am ...
發表時間:2012-10-26 03:11:13 | 回應:0
豬豬是個好爸爸。I started to sense that Andy is a good daddy the 2nd day after Ashley was born. Ashley was cry...
發表時間:2012-10-26 00:34:11 | 回應:1
So Ashley has been in day care since this past Monday, and she seems pretty comfortable of being there. Ruby w...
發表時間:2012-10-25 00:44:44 | 回應:0
進入Full Term。肚子裡的小朋友益發活潑。上次照超音波,他的頭對著地面,下半身就縮成一團的頂在胃下方。很標準的姿勢...
發表時間:2012-06-19 09:15:59 | 回應:0