"Subh?ti, if each of the sands in the Ganges river contained its own Ganges river, would not the number of sands contained in all those Ganges rivers be great?"
Subh?ti said, "Extremely great, World Honored One. If the number of even the Ganges rivers were countless, how much more so its grains of sand?"
"Subh?ti, now I am going to tell you a truth. If a good son or good daughter filled three thousand galaxies with the seven jewels equal to the number of grains of sand in all those Ganges rivers and gave them away charitably, would his or her merit not be great?"
"Extremely great, World Honored One."
The Buddha said to Subh?ti: "If a good son or good daughter is able to memorize four lines of verse from this s?tra and teach them to others, his or her merit will be far greater."
"Furthermore, Subh?ti, if someone were to recite as much as a four line verse of this s?tra, that place would become like a shrine to the Buddha, where the celestials, humans, and titans in all the worlds would come and make offerings. How much more so in the case where one completely memorizes and recites the s?tra. Subh?ti, you should know that such a person has accomplished the most subtle state of awareness. Wherever this s?tra is kept, the Buddha’s most revered disciples are also present."
Then Subh?ti addressed the Buddha, saying: "World Honored One, what should we call this scripture, and how should we practice it?"
The Buddha said to Subh?ti: "This scripture is called the Diamond of Transcendent Wisdom. You should practice it according to this name. And why? That which the Buddha calls ’transcendent wisdom’ is not transcendent wisdom. Subh?ti, what does this mean? Does the tath?gata have a teaching to explain?"
Subh?ti said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, the Tath?gata has no teaching to explain."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Are not the tiniest particles contained in the worlds of three thousand galaxies great in number?"
Subh?ti said, "Extremely great in number, World Honored One."
"Subh?ti, the Tath?gata teaches that tiny particles are not tiny particles. Therefore they are called tiny particles. The Tath?gata teaches that worlds are not worlds. Therefore they are called worlds."
須菩提、於意云何。可以三十二相 見如來不。不也世尊。不可以三十二相得見如來。 何以故。如來說三十二相即是非相。是名三十二相。 須菩提、若有善男子善女人、以恒河沙等身命布施。 若復有人於此經中乃至受持四句偈等。為他人說其福甚多。
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Can the Tath?gata be discerned by means of his thirty-two bodily characteristics?"
"No, he cannot, World Honored One. One cannot discern a Tath?gata by means of his thirty-two bodily characteristics. And why not? Because the thirty-two bodily characteristics that are taught by the Tath?gata are in fact not characteristics. Therefore they are called the thirty-two characteristics."
"Subh?ti, if a good son or good daughter dedicates lifetimes as numerous as the sands in the Ganges river to charitable acts, and there were another person who memorized as much as a four-line verse of this scripture and taught it to others, the merit of the latter person would be by far greater."
Then, Subh?ti, having heard this sermon, deeply understood its point. He was moved to tears, and said to the Buddha: "It is a rare treasure for us, World Honored One, that you have taught this profound scripture. Since the time long ago when I attained the eye of insight, I have never had access to this sort of teaching. World Honored One, if someone is able to hear this kind of scripture, purify his faith and thus [perceive] the true characteristics of things, we should know that this person has attained the most rare kind of merit. World Honored One, these true characteristics are actually not characteristics. Therefore the Tath?gata calls them true characteristics."
"World Honored One: Having presently heard the teaching of this scripture, I do not have difficulty in adequately grasping its point. But if there is someone five hundred years hence who is able to hear this scripture, and believe, understand, and commit it to memory, then this person will be most rare. Why? This person will not be abiding in the notion of self, the notion of person, the notion of sentient being, or the notion of life span. And why? Because the notion of self is not a notion. The notion of person, the notion of sentient being, and the notion of life span are also not notions. And why? Those who are free from all notions are called buddhas."
The Buddha said to Subh?ti: "Yes, yes. You are right. You should know that if someone hears the teaching of this scripture and is neither shocked, afraid, or alarmed, this person is extremely rare. And why? Subh?ti, what the Tath?gata calls the greatest transcendence, is not the greatest transcendence. Therefore it is called the greatest transcendence."
"Subh?ti, the transcendent forbearance that I teach is not transcendent forbearance. And why not? Subh?ti, in a former lifetime my body was cut into pieces by the R?jah Kali?ga. If, at that time, I was not abiding in the notions of self, person, sentient being, or life span. And why not? If, at the time body was cut into pieces, if I had been holding to the notions of self, person, sentient being, or life span, I would have felt ill-will [toward Kali?ga]. Subh?ti, I also remember some five hundred lifetimes ago having practiced forbearance as a renunciant sage.1 At that time I was also free from the notions of self, person, sentient being, and life. Therefore, Subh?ti, the bodhisattvas should free themselves from all notions and arouse the aspiration for peerless perfect enlightenment. They should not arouse this aspiration while abiding in form, and they should not arouse this aspiration while abiding in sound, odor, taste, touch, or conceptualization. They should give rise to the aspiration that has no abode. If the mind abides, then this is not abiding. Therefore I say that the mind of the bodhisattvas should not abide in the form of charity."
"Subh?ti, when a bodhisattva wants to confer benefit on all sentient beings, she should practice charity like this. I teach that all notions are not notions. I also teach that all sentient beings are not sentient beings. Subh?ti, my words are true — they are authentic, and they explain things they way they are. My words are not deceptions, and they are not erroneous. Subh?ti, the dharma that I have attained, as a teaching, has neither truth nor falsity. Subh?ti, if a bodhisattva practices charity while abiding in [notions of] the teaching, it is like a person in the dark who cannot see anything. If a bodhisattva practices charity while not abiding in [notions of] the teaching, it is like a person with eyes wide open in the sunlight, seeing all kinds of forms. Subh?ti, if, in a future time there are good sons and good daughters who are able to memorize this scripture and recite it, then I will, with my buddha-wisdom, be fully aware of these people, seeing each one of them, as each one attains countless, limitless merit.