"Subh?ti, what do you think? If a person were to fill a chiliocosm with the seven kinds of jewels and give them away charitably, wouldn’t the merit attained by this person be great?"
Subh?ti said, "Extremely great, World Honored One. And why? This merit has no nature of merit; therefore the tath?gata says that this merit is great."
The Buddha said: "But if there were a person well-attentive to this s?tra such that he or she could teach a four line verse from it to others, this person’s merit would exceed that of the former example. Why? Subh?ti, all of the buddhas and all of their teachings of peerless perfect enlightenment spring forth from this s?tra. Subh?ti, that which is called the buddhadharma is not the buddhadharma."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does a practitioner who has attained the level of srota-?panna think: ’I have attained the realization of the srota-?panna?’ "
Subh?ti said, "No, World Honored One. And why not? Because the name srota-?panna means ’stream-enterer,’ and there is in fact no stream to be entered. One does not enter form, sound, odor, taste, touch, or concepts. Therefore one is called a srota-?panna."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does a sak?d?g?min think, ’I have attained the realization of sak?d?g?min?’ "
Subh?ti said: "No, World Honored One. And why not? Although the name sak?d?g?min means to go and come one [more time], there is, in reality, no going or coming. Therefore he is called a sak?d?g?min."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the adept who has attained the level of an?g?min say, ’I have achieved the realization of the an?g?min?’ "
Subh?ti said, "No, World Honored One. And why not? An?g?min means non-returning [to this world], but there is, in fact, no such thing as returning. Therefore this person is called an an?g?min."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the arhat think, ’I have attained the realization of the arhat?’ "
"No, World Honored One. And why not? There is, in reality, no such a thing called ’arhat.’ World Honored One, if an arhat should give rise to the thought, ’I have attained the realization of the arhat, this would mean that he is attached to the notions of self, person, sentient being, and life span.’ "
世尊。佛說我得無諍三昧人中 最為第一、是第一離欲阿羅漢。我不作是念、我是 離欲阿羅漢。世尊、我若作是念我得阿羅漢道、世 尊則不說須菩提是樂阿蘭那行者。以須菩提實無所行。而名須菩提是樂阿蘭那行。
"World Honored One, you have said that I am the most proficient in terms of the attainment of the meditative absorption of no-contention, and that I am the arhat most free from the desire. But I do not give rise to the thought that I am an arhat who is free from desire. World Honored One, if I were to give rise to the thought that I have attained the level of the arhat, then you would not have said of me that I enjoy the practice of forest-dwelling, since there is in actuality nothing for me to practice. Therefore I am called ’Subh?ti, the one who enjoys the practice of forest-dwelling.’ "
The Buddha said to Subh?ti, "What do you think? When the tath?gata studied under D?pa?kara Buddha, did he gain any attainment in the dharma?"
"World Honored One, when the Tath?gata studied under D?pa?kara Buddha, there was, in reality, nothing that he attained in the dharma."
"Subh?ti, what do you think? Does the Buddha create sublime Buddha-lands?"
"No, he does not, World Honored One. And why not? Sublime Buddha-lands are not sublime. Therefore they care called sublime."
"And so, Subh?ti, the bodhisattvas and mahasattvas should give rise to the pure aspiration in this way: they should not give rise to the aspiration while abiding in form. They should not give rise to the aspiration while abiding in sound, odor, taste, touch, or concepts. They should give rise to the aspiration while not abiding in anything."
須菩提、譬如有人身如須彌山 王。於意云何。是身為大不。須菩提言。甚大世尊。 何以故。佛說非身、是名大身。
"Subh?ti, it is like if there were a person with a body as large as Mt. Sumeru. What do you think? Would this body not be huge?"
"Extremely huge, World Honored One. And why so? The Buddha teaches us that it is not a body. Hence it is called a huge body"