才説呢,空中就飛來一條大河! 氣象術語叫做:「大氣河流」。

傍晚聽收音機的新聞播報,説 Still Creek 淹水了! 這就是本地好市多門前的那條路,不知道是哪一段被淹?
Pretty significant flooding in Burnaby close to Gilmore Station.
A man pushs a car through a flooded lot in Burnaby on Monday.© Global News
【明報專訊】大氣河流帶來滂沱大雨,本省南岸多個地區降雨量均打破紀錄,大溫多個低窪地區均出現水浸。本那比Gilmore街Home Depot的商場出現汽車被水包圍,幾輛汽車有一半車身泡水的慘狀。列治文多個道路被水淹至看不到路面,汽車水中行舟,情況危險。

【下雪警報】12月9日 星期六下午,大溫哥華地區:
Rain will begin Saturday morning and become mixed with snow in afternoon. Wet snow may reach sea level but, generally, no significant accumulation is expected for most areas. Accumulations of 2 to 4 cm are possible over higher elevations of Metro Vancouver, such as the North Shore, Coquitlam, and Burnaby Mountain.