關注 1 月 12 日左右(比如 8 日到 15 日)(或者更廣泛地說,5 日到 24 日)的事件。美國的“戰爭度數”被激活,雖然我預計不會這麼快爆發戰爭,但這些天暗示美國可能在 2027 年晚些時候和 2028 年開戰的原因和地點。
Astral Reflections
Tim Stephens
Watch events around January 12 (say, 8th to 15th) (or in a wider view, the 5th to 24th). The U.S. “war degree” is activated, and tho’ I wouldn’t expect war so soon, these days hold hints of why and where America might go to war later in 2027 and 2028.
(January 8, 2022)
Another series of battle will begin to last for nineteen years. They will culminate about the year 2020 in the apocalyptic battle of Armageddon . 摘自珍妮·狄克遜:《榮耀的呼喚》(Jeane Dixon:《The call to glory》)
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