一名年輕女子滑雪發生意外後, 突然對到過的地點和建築的所有細節擁有過目不忘的能力, 她被醫生診斷為 「後天性學者症候群」 (acquired savant syndrome),此罕見病例全球已知只有50例。
化名為「 珍」(xoJane)的這名女子撰文指出,大學放寒假時,她和家人去滑雪,下坡半途,她以高速滑出斜坡邊緣,飛至半空,跌落地上即不省人事。不久醒來,她沒任何頭昏嘔吐症狀,只感到頭痛和肩部劇痛,隔幾天才發現嚴重脫臼和鎖骨斷裂。

Jason Padgett 在酒吧嚴重受襲之後,卻變成幾何數學天才。
In 2002, two men savagely attacked Jason Padgett outside a karaoke bar, leaving him with a severe concussion and post- traumatic stress disorder. But the incident also turned Padgett into a mathematical genius who sees the world through the lens of geometry.
Padgett, a furniture salesman from Tacoma, Washington, who had very little interest in academics, developed the ability to visualize complex mathematical objects and physics concepts intuitively. The injury, while devastating, seems to have unlocked part of his brain that makes everything in his world appear to have a mathematical structure.

Sandy Allen 腦部手術後,竟然從理工轉成藝術天才。
Some of the most striking examples of acquired savant syndrome occur when a person switches their leanings entirely, from science to art, for instance. As with Dr Anne Adams, Sandy Allen's taste had always been science, utilizing the left side of the brain, believed to govern logical processes. So inclined, she enrolled at medical school at the age of 40.
However, within three years, Allen received life-changing news: there was a malignant tumor in her left temporal lobe that required surgery. This was not a degenerative disorder, but, in operating, doctors were forced to remove part of the left side of her brain. It was as if, as Allen described the situation, “it turned on the right side of my brain.” Allen suddenly found herself prolifically creating collages and surrounding herself with self-created furnishings, and it's interesting to note that both her mother and sister are talented artists. Allen's case appears to be a key example of the brain's capacity to unlock previously hidden talents.