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2010-11-30 22:36:28

The reflection of reality / 真實的影子

René François Ghislain Magritte(1898-1967)「你看到的不是煙斗」如果這不是煙斗,那會是什麼?Magritte在畫了一支煙斗之後,又在下方以一行字加以否定。他究竟要說什麼?任何人看了都會認為畫中之物是一支煙斗...

2010-11-29 21:13:41



2010-11-28 18:13:28

Reading and Flirting / 閱讀與調情


2010-11-28 17:37:17

Citizen Kane / 大國民

導演Orson Welles在本片中大量採用仰角的運鏡手法,以凸顯人物的大與建築物的宏偉,誇飾效果令人印象深刻。【經典對白】You never really give me anything that belongs to you, that you care about.你從未真正給我...

2010-11-28 07:21:41

Women series -- beauty salon and insurrance / 美容院與保險

Beauty salon and insurranceAgroup of women were gossiping cheerfully about their new hair styles .They had gone to the same beauty salon one after another. Each one spent approximately six thousand do...

2010-11-28 00:31:07


Peeking, imagining, conjecturing, misunderstanding;and peeking, imagining, conjecturing, misunderstanding;and..........World, in which we live, is made out of endless illusions.

2010-11-28 00:16:14

Mostly Martha / 美味愛情甜蜜蜜

當秩序遇上混亂美味、愛情、甜蜜蜜來源網址: blog.udn.com/millie5302/3062220德國、義大利導演:Sandra Nettelbeck珊卓拉妮特貝克演員:Martina Gedeck瑪蒂娜吉黛克, Maxime Foerste瑪西梅佛斯特, Sergio Castellit...

2010-11-28 00:05:57

The Museum of Innocence / 純真博物館

之前閱讀過Orhan Pamuk的作品,總為瀰漫書中的純真氣息所打動,不管在哪本虛構的小說裡,我都能嗅出躲在幕後的Pamuk。純真是他很特出的屬性,那屬性就自自然然、無所不在的流動在每個情節裡。最令人興奮的是,這純真...

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