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2008-11-22 19:09:52| 人氣364| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

From Success to Disaster -- CT 手記

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 2008. 11. 22



     最近一期的 Harvard Business Review 主題叫 Leading In Turbulent Times 其中一篇,題為 The Trouble I Have Seen 作者David James是一名聲譽卓著的企業危機管理專家,曾成功地拯救過多家瀕臨破產的英、美中大型知名企業。




“……The healthiest-looking companies are often the most likely to get into trouble. The dynamic usually unfolds this way.




    Delighted with the company’s results, shareholders press management to grow by increasing production capacity, moving into new markets, or even making acquisitions, often backing up their demands with offers to fund more equity. At the same time, the company’s banks are eager to lend to what they perceive to be a sure credit risk.




   Competitors, however, are usually eyeing the very same opportunities. As they close in, they offer customers the chance to play the various companies off against one another.


   可是在此同時,許多競爭對手,也正虎視眈眈的覬覦著同樣的商機。當大夥兒短兵相接時,就給了客戶設局, 讓他們在價格上互相廝殺的機會。


    That places the incumbent’s market share and margins under considerable pressure, leaving the company very exposed to a downturn…….”




    David James 描述的企業興衰因果 動力機制”(dynamic)其實是極簡單,且顯而易見的道理。可是人總是心存僥倖,認為自己的企業,可不受此項鐵律的規範; 或對自己的判斷能力,過份自信,以為自己能預知災難並及時脫逃。


    不過就像一般賭客,到賭場賭贏就收手的,絕無僅有,更何況經營企業,要做到收放自如,談何容易! 尤其是我們東方人,生性不見棺材不流淚,總是要等到把事業弄垮,才會承認自己犯錯,或死也不認錯。






    以上所述,乃企業觀點。若站在消費者的立場觀之,企業三不五時瘋狂的擴大產能,最後導至生產過剩,製造廠和各層經銷商,為消化堆積如山的商品庫存,只好忍痛以各種瘋狂的折價出售,產銷者雖可能因此受到重創, 對消費者而言,卻是好事一樁,莫非這也是 相對論的另一種闡釋? 大家若能這麼想,眼前的日子會不會好過些?

台長: CT
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此分類下一篇:景氣寒冬來襲 CEO該做些甚麼?

&quotGrowth can be advantageous or disadvantageous, it depends on how you plan it based on costs & benefits analysis.

Future situation is predictable and unpredicable. How to predict right, it involves a lot of factors. CT, you know more than I do.
2008-11-26 11:03:30
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