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2008-04-30 18:26:57| 人氣1,052| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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2008. 4. 30





    我的觀察是,我直接或間接熟悉的近代中外成功的企業家,都具有某種程度的 “霸氣”。

    霸氣有別於霸道。霸氣是一種擇善固執的堅持; 霸道則是不分青紅皂白的一意孤行; 霸氣讓人敬畏; 霸道則讓人不齒; 霸氣能凝結並提升組織的士氣; 霸道則常將組織成員搞得士氣低落,陽奉陰違。

    霸氣者於堅持中帶有 human touch; 霸道者則是一逕的自以為是,甚至言行粗暴,目中無人。霸氣者,其堅持總是為了組織的利益; 霸道者, 其堅持則常為了一己的私利或顏面。

    霸氣源自領導者追求實現夢想和目標的強烈企圖心. 少了這份企圖心, 一個人就不可能顯現任何的霸氣. 霸氣是領導者形之於外的企圖心.



    他的信念是: 對不稱職的人鄉愿,等同拿公司的利益當兒戲。

    我一直有個自己未有太多機會施展的信念 : 一個企業的領導人,若能於做重大決策之前廣徵建言和意見 (程序民主,以確保決策的品質),做成決策後,即施鐵腕徹底加以執行 (手段專制,以確保執行的成果),則該企業成功的機會,必定遠大於其他公司。


    現代企業的經營環境變化異常劇烈, 主事者幾乎每日都會遭遇各種極為棘手的難題. 其中有些必須迅速立即的反應處理. 面對這種狀況, 他根本無暇廣諮建言後才採取行動, 他只能快刀斬亂麻.迅速做決定.

    寧可作錯決定, 也不可延宕不決, 是經營者永遠無可迴避的難題, 這時候只有霸氣能為他解套.

    總之,我所熟悉的近代成功的大企業家們,幾乎無一不是霸氣十足,令人敬畏交雜的 “傢伙”, 王永慶, 郭台銘, 張忠謀, 以及GE的傑克 威爾許 (Jack Welch Jr.) 等人都是個中的典範。


台長: CT
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此分類上一篇:企業經營管理的我見 -- 續

Lawrence Chyn
Dear C.T.,

2008-05-01 21:21:49
Dear Lawrence,

I am glad that you are still reading my blog.

How have you been doing? Keep in touch!

2008-05-01 21:48:49
CT: &quotArrogance&quot, &quotinsistence&quot, and &quotself-conceited&quot are brothers. If you behave properly, &quotarrogance&quot may become &quotelegance&quot. No leaders without insistence on things proposed to show his or her determination which is one of the leadership essence. Just like, my friend Dr Ma Ying-jeou. I did not say he is my &quotold&quot or &quotgood&quot friend, just a friend.
He appointed Ms Lai as the chairwoman to head the council for mainland affairs. He shows his &quothidden&quot arrogance in power, but he resolved the crisis through his elegant attitude to honestly convinced, if not all, the dissenting voice. Isn`t it?
2008-05-02 11:00:33
On the case of Ms. Lai I think that Ma was considering the appointment from a postion higher than most of his critics, especially those in the KMT.

So I think that it is meaningless to comment the case from the level of the critics. The only thing that concernes me is that whether the appointment is for the interest of the country. Ma apparently believes that it is, andI believe in his judgement.

In fact, if I were at Ma`s position I would probably try to seek more really capable and professional people from the opposition parties for my new cabinet.

The antagonism among Taiwanese political parites and people, emanating from different
ideology has to be stopped if this country wants to progress ahead.

The fact that Shen Shuei Bien has failed to do that does not necessarily mean that Ma cannot succeed either.

I pray that Ma would make a totally different President and the leader of the country where the people would soon understand that we, regardless of political positions, are in fact in the same boat, sharing the same destination.
2008-05-05 13:32:36
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