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2005-03-17 14:21:34| 人氣5,737| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【The Scarlet Letter】(紅字/赤色誘惑)

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回歸正傳,對韓國電影才疏學淺的我並不想在此侃侃而談李恩宙的演藝一生,反而想後談談這齣備受爭議、李恩宙的遺作《The Scarlet Letter》(紅字/赤色誘惑)。

雖然我未有機會拜讀原著【The Scarlet Letter】,【Scarlet Letter】兩詞彙可解作為通姦標記、或猩紅色,但看畢此片時對「Scarlet」這個字一直揮之不去:越軌的愛戀、妖艷的情慾、血腥的報伏、腿紅色的創巴。

近年來華人觀眾透過韓國電影看到愛與慾的亞洲新視野,《追訪有情人》導演邊赫的劇本意是一宗殺夫案為軸,帶出兩女一男婚外情、同性的崎戀,本來性慾為幅題,反而最終成為談論點。事實上,筆者認為這是編導之責,故事上半段仍可平行描述命案及韓石圭(警探Ki-hoon)、Uhm Ji-won(太太Soo-hyun)及李恩宙(情婦Ka-hee)之婚外情,但當Ka-hee發現自己有身孕後,劇情過於則重Ki-hoon、Soo-hyun及Ka-hee三人行,再加上Ka-hee與Ki-hoon被困車尾箱的一段,情況急轉直下,令觀眾惜手不及,未能有機會再交代殺夫案的疑團,顧此失彼。



最後,很懷念李恩宙站在酒廊的舞台上與Live Band合唱愛爾蘭樂隊The Corrs一曲「Only when I sleep」,原來此曲已有Ka-hee在影片中的結局玄機(以下你可細味歌詞),也可能是她臨終前的背影心聲。

You're only just a dreamboat
Sailing in my head
You swim my secret oceans
Of coral blue and red
Your smell is incense burning
Your touch is silken yet
It reaches through my skin
And moving from within
It clutches at my breast

But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams
You got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But I only hear you breathe

Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But its only when I sleep

And when I wake from slumber
Your shadow's disappear
Your breath is just a sea mist
Surrounding my body
I'm workin' through the daytime
But when it's time to rest
I'm lying in my bed
Listening to my breath
Falling from the edge

But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams, (dreams)
You got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But I only hear you breathe
Somewhere in my sleep, (in my sleep)
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But its only when I sleep
It's only when I sleep

《The Scarlet Letter》:http://global.yesasia.com/assocred.asp?FXE7EAAL+http://global.yesasia.com/b5/PrdDept.aspx/pid-1003965055/code-k/version-all/section-videos/did-165/


《The Scarlet Letter》原聲大碟:http://global.yesasia.com/assocred.asp?FXE7EAAL+http://global.yesasia.com/b5/PrdDept.aspx/pid-1003884705/section-videos/code-k/version-all/

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