鋼琴家也跟流行藝人一樣唷換簽約新東家也是新聞,尤其是像P-L這種中壯輩A咖--說天王也不誇張竟然拋棄黃色大帝國轉投德國Pentatone明年三月的新東家的首發錄音是梅湘的鳥類圖誌昨天跟國外朋友馬克談到這件事他說這條新聞讓他一整天都很振奮DG過於商業化的發片方式讓很多P-L的拿手曲目無法面世,鳥類圖誌便是其一馬克說P-L曾經抱怨去年古典唱片市場沒有人發鳥類圖誌這個曲目,因為沒人要買...下面新聞有提到,P-L在2016年首次演奏梅湘鳥類圖誌,地點就是在Aldeburgh音樂節音樂會全長18小時,分三段進行:從凌晨到中午再到傍晚,演奏地點位於Snape Maltings音樂廳外的Cafe,這是最接近戶外大自然的地方。接著P-L將同樣模式音樂會複製到歐洲和美國幾個地點。我沒有馬克那麼振奮原因是:Pentatone的唱片超貴的!Pentatone的唱片一張都六百以上吧,有的甚至到八百!當然Pentatone錄音品質沒話講啦很符合P-L對於音質的吹毛求疵只是樂迷的荷包就慘了。
July 21, 2017
Pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard has signed to the Dutch label PENTATONE.
Pierre-Laurent, on joining PENTATONE, states: “I am delighted to be starting on this new collaboration with PENTATONE and am looking forward to working on the many exciting repertoire plans that we have been discussing.” Renaud Loranger, the Dutch label's Vice President Artists and Repertoire, echoes Pierre-Laurent's sentiments: “I have long admired Pierre-Laurent’s unparalleled artistry and uncanny, fascinating intellect. It is a great privilege to be developing recording projects with him that will certainly be recognized as landmark interpretations. His appetite for repertoire, old and new is properly immense, and he will find at PENTATONE a new artistic home where he can share his captivating insights with a broad audience of connoisseurs and newcomers alike.”
The first release, scheduled for March 2018, will be a complete recording of Messiaen’s Catalogue d’oiseaux, which was inspired by the composer’s deep passion and knowledge of birdsong found in the French countryside.
This summer, Pierre-Laurent brings the Catalogue to the Tanglewood and Ravinia Festivals in Lenox, MA and Highland Park, IL, respectively. He revisits the physically and mentally-demanding day-long performance which he first presented at the 2016 Aldeburgh Festival, which takes place this time at Mass Audubon's Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary over the course of three days from July 27-29, 2017.
At the 2016 Aldeburgh Festival in the UK’s Suffolk Coast, Pierre-Laurent performed selections of the Catalogue over the span of 18 hours at first light, midday, dusk and night-time. On this performance, the Guardian stated, “The pedigree of the performance was impeccable. Aimard is one of the finest Messiaen interpreters around, and the Catalogue was composed for his teacher Yvonne Loriod.”
Click here for more information.
(LINK: https://www.pentatonemusic.com/news/pierre-laurent-aimard-signs-to-penta...)