今天早上我作了個夢,聯想到...原住民都會大自然的某物當作自己的保護神/分身...那麼,這種行為, 可以算成""archaic identity"嗎?
(這是我很久以前在<人及其象徵>看到的, 但早就忘了是哪本書...是夢今天告訴我之後, 過了好多天我才發現的)
"童話裡的動物主角們, 其實是人們內在特質的投射;
比如童話裡老虎角色很貪婪, 其實是意喻人的貪婪;"
原句: "As long as there is still an archaic identity,
and as long as you have not taken the projection back,
the animal and what you project onto it are identical;
they are one and the same thing."
暫翻為: "只要原始的同一性??(Archaic identity)??還存在,
裡面有好一大章, 由Franz講的"活出遠古的認同"
過了數日, 我又找到一段文字:
Participation mystique
A term derived from anthropology and the study of primitive
psychology, denoting a mystical connection, or identity,
between subject and object.
(See also archaic, identification and projection.)
[Participation mystique] consists in the fact that
the subject cannot clearly distinguish himself from
the object but is bound to it by a direct relationship
which amounts to partial identity. . . .
Among civilized peoples it usually occurs
between persons, seldom between a person
and a thing. In the first case it is a transference
relationship . . . . In the second case there is a similar
influence on the part of the thing, or else an identification
with a thing or the idea of a thing.["Definitions," CW 6, par. 781.]
[Identity] is a characteristic of the primitive mentality
and the real foundation of participation mystique,
which is nothing but a relic of the original non-differentiation
of subject and object, and hence of the primordial
unconscious state. It is also a characteristic of the
mental state of early infancy, and, finally, of the
unconscious of the civilized adult.[Ibid., par. 741.]
Primal or original. (See also participation mystique.)
Every civilized human being, however high his conscious
development, is still an archaic man at the deeper
levels of his psyche.["Archaic Man," CW 10, par. 105]
"It is a well-known psychological fact that an
individual may have an unconscious identity with some
other person or object (Jung et. al., 1964:24)."
另外還可以參考關於"Participation Mystique"的來由如下面網址:
整合起來, 似乎是participatation mystique一開始是
但加入了unconscious的概念...所以archaic identity
"原初的同一" vs "古老/遠古的認同"...呵呵..翻譯各有所長耶...
而且Franz還說要 "活出"古老的認同, 可見這不單單是個負面的詞;
我想暫時決定用 "原始的認同"好了..呵呵呵
但這麼翻, 其實也少掉了那種不自覺感, 用"認同"太理性了,
但說實在的, 我的生命經驗還沒有整理到這一段..
所以不管怎麼翻 , 就給個括號放英文就行啦..呵呵!