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獨處, 並不意味著缺少愛


中譯: lutin

Solitude is not the absence of Love

獨處, 並不意味著缺少愛

by PAULO COELHO ~保羅科爾賀

Without solitude, Love will not stay long by your side.

不能獨處, 愛便無法在你身邊長久

Because Love needs to rest as well, so that it can journey through the heavens and reveal itself in other forms.

因為,愛也需要休息; 休息够了, 才能邁向通往天堂的旅程, 並展現出其他愛的姿態

Without solitude, no plant or animal can survive, no soil can remain productive for any length of time, no child can learn about life, no artist can create, no work can grow and be transformed.

不能獨處, 植物或動物便無法生存, 土壤便無法孕育, 孩子便無法學會生命, 藝術家無法創作,作品無法完成, 無法轉化

Solitude is not the absence of Love, but its complement.
獨處並非缺少愛, 而是愛的互補

Solitude is not the absence of company, but the moment when our soul is free to speak to us and help us decide what to do with our life.

獨處並非少了伴,而是靈魂自由與我們對話的時刻; 它幫助我們決定生命的方向.

Therefore, blessed are those who do not fear solitude, who are not afraid of their own company, who are not always desperately looking for something to do, something to amuse themselves with, something to judge.

因此, 那些不怕獨處的人有福了, 不怕與自己相處的人有福了, 不會焦慮著找些事情忙, 找些事情自愉, 找些事下論斷的人, 有福了.

If you are never alone, you cannot know yourself.

如果你從未孤獨過, 你便不能了解自己

And if you do not know yourself, you will begin to fear the void.

如果你不了解自己, 你將會對空虛感到害怕

But the void does not exist. A vast world lies hidden in our soul, waiting to be discovered. There it is, with all its strength intact, but it is so new and so powerful that we are afraid to acknowledge its existence.

但空虛其實並不存在, 一整片世界就藏在我們的靈魂, 等著被發現. 它就在那裡,飽滿而完整地在那裡, 它是如此嶄新, 如此有力, 使我們幾乎懼於承受它存在的事實

Just as Love is the divine condition, so solitude is the human condition. And for those who understand the miracle of life, those two states peacefully coexist.

一如愛是神的condition? 獨處則是人的condition. 那些懂得生命奇蹟的人, 這二種狀態是可以和平共存的

英文文字摘自:Paulo Coelho 的新書: ‘Manuscript found in Accra’. 

台長: lutin
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