Magical Poetry
It is healthy for one’s sense of noble prose to quote the great words of a Thoreau, a Lincoln, a Plato-yet for guidance in living, those words frequently boil down to nothing more novel than “Be decent and generous, and the world and you will be happier.” But you cannot be decent, you certainly cannot be generous to other people in their way, unless you have a mature imagination. And neither the sagest advice nor the whole cyclopedia of facts will cultivate that imagination as will these lines of poetry which are pure magic:
“A rose-red city, half as old as time.”-JOHN WILLIAM BURGON. “Petra”
“…delight of battle with my peers
Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.”-TENNYSON, “ULYSSES”
“Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
of perilous sea, in faery lands forlorn.”-KEATS, “ODE TO A NIGHTNGALE”
“A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e’er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon lover!”-COLERIDGE, “KUBLA KAHN”
Lines like these can never be too familiar! If you read them often enough to comprehend them, they are enchantments which lead on your imagination so that it perceives not only your own street, but all the streets and valleys and oceans in the world. They are keys that open the minds of all men-when you have learned how to turn them. It does not vastly matter whether you “know what they mean.” Like music, they mean something beyond words and sense - something emotional and holy - and in the atomic age we need such holiness as well as the shrewdness of Franklin, the courage of Jefferson.
一. 如果時間的衡量從什麼時候開始,那麼,這玫瑰紅色小城的歷史,便有一半那麼久遠。-威廉布根「潘杜拉」
二. 狂風呼嘯在遠方特洛伊沙場上,我與夥伴們以征戰為樂!-但尼遜「奧德賽」
三. 這是一片荒漠的仙境,在那浪濤洶湧的海上,有誘人的魔窗開啟著。-濟慈「夜鶯頌」
四. 這是何等蠻荒的地方啊!聖潔而迷人,在這朦朧的月色下,彷彿常常有婦人在這裡為負心的情郎而慟哭。-柯立芝「忽必烈汗」