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2011-03-07 23:00:00

Your Jesus! My Buddha! Chap4-2

In the past long years, Fr. Albert acted as the director of “the Committee of Religious Dialogue and Cooperation of Roman Catholic Church”. He hoped to pass the work over to the young fathers. But t...

2011-03-07 10:28:33



2011-03-05 23:00:00

Your Jesus! My Buddha! Chap4-1

Time: 2005Place: Tien Education Center, TaipeiThanks to the mission to Detroit, I came to a better understanding of “marriage” and “belief”. Marriage is the outcome of a long period of getting alo...

2011-03-03 22:45:57


世界回教聯盟(Muslim World League)於2011年2月21~22日在台灣舉辦「2011人類共同價值對話」研討會,共有十四國、近六十位的學者專家遠道而來。當天早上,我從台東趕到會場時,只見整個中央圖書館國際會議廳擠滿了人...

2011-03-03 17:01:57



2011-03-02 10:27:57


那些CD堆放在櫃子裡至少兩年了吧,兩個月前,會館請我幫忙挑選一些適合在用餐時播放的音樂,我才認真去整理這些CD,其中竟有一張杜梅(Augustin Dumay)所演奏的「法郎克、德布西的小提琴奏鳴曲」。我心裡暗笑,怎麼...

2011-03-01 17:39:19



2011-02-28 23:00:00

Appendix 2: Lovers Will Meet Again at Last!

Dear Sense! The key to the riddle is made known. It is me that will go first! When we come to the critical moment, I am very much moved. Whatever it will be, I am finished!I am reluctant to let you go...

2011-02-28 01:00:00

Appendix 1: A Letter to Bao-Bao!

Appendix 1: A Letter to Bao-Bao!Bao-Bao! It’s me! I am still alive! I am still in Taiwan! Because of the absence of Sense a body of seventy kilograms, you can’t call me “Fatty!”Don’t you cry! But...

2011-02-22 01:00:00

Your Jesus! My Buddha!─6 I am a Taiwanese!

At that time I did not know a non-Catholic can’t have sacred meals. But the moment I received sacred meal, suddenly I felt I was full of sacred soul, with tears falling down my cheeks. I felt thankfu...

2011-02-20 00:00:00

Your Jesus! My Buddha!─5 Faith is my strongest power!

He heard what I said and closed his eyes, praying. I read ‘Great Compassion Mantra Buddhistic carolthe great compassion mantra’ (大悲咒) in silence! I prayed to Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) ...

2011-02-18 00:00:00

Your Jesus! My Buddha!─4 from Taipei to Detroit

《Company---the Concern of All Religions about the renovation of 921 Earthquake》Time: 2002Place: from Taipei to Detroit, America I respect Fr. Albert very much. But we got together well, honestly and...

2011-02-15 14:08:13



2011-02-14 10:05:27


信仰虔誠的阿姨帶著來家裡玩的小朋友們到門口,問了一個問題:「你站在門中間,如果進了門,你的爸爸會死;出了門,你的媽媽會死。你該怎麼辦?」 小朋友天馬行空的回答:「跳起來呀!」「變隱形呀!」「不要進去也不...

2011-02-11 11:08:22

Your Jesus! My Buddha!─3The First Meeting!

Your Jesus! My Buddha!─Written by: Sense Chen Translated by: Justin Huang Chapter Two ─The First Meeting!I did not know until the third day Fr. Albert (Albert Poulet–Mathis, S. J.) was admitted to...

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