At that time I did not know a non-Catholic can’t have sacred meals. But the moment I received sacred meal, suddenly I felt I was full of sacred soul, with tears falling down my cheeks. I felt thankful for all these. The mission enabled me to get acquainted with so many people who practiced moral teachings. We tried to cooperate to promote world welfare. I was thankful to Fr. Albert for his sickness, because it gave me the chance to make more friends. But I truly hoped that I could bring him back peacefully. I prayed to God sincerely. The officiating father invited us to the altar to pray together. Fr. Albert stayed in his seat. I did as the officiating father did. He prayed in silence and I did the same. He opened both of his hands and I did as he did. At this particular moment, I saw a strange smile on his face!
At the beginning of the conference, Fr. Albert accompanied me while I briefed the experiences of religious cooperation in Taiwan. We shared our experiences of cooperation based on “Company” communication net after 921 Earthquake. In addition, we offered our experiences of sponsoring “Religious and Peaceful Life Camp” for youngsters. The close and friendly cooperation of different religions in Taiwan on a large scale meant a lot to some tense countries. At night, Fr. Albert broke down. He was too tired! He was hospitalized to have more examinations. He stayed in the hospital for several days until the conference came to an end. It was time to go back to Taiwan. But the week he stayed in the hospital, he did not sleep for a whole week. And he ate little. He was told he had irregular heart beat. He was asked to stay in the hospital for further observation. But the doctors did not make any more treatment. All his acquaintances and friends tried to persuade him to stay in America for better care until he got over or at least got better. After all, more than ten hours of flight were too much for him. Any problem would be troublesome on the way! He himself hesitated! He was not sure of his health condition! This time it was the turn for the fathers in the Society of Jesus in Detroit to take care of him. We were discharged from the hospital and moved to the branch of the Society of Jesus in Detroit for rest. It depended on his physical conditions to decide whether Fr. Albert would go with us.
We went back to our assembly hall to pack our luggage. Fr. Albert said he would go out for a while. I wanted to keep him company. But he rejected and he went ahead! I was worried and followed. Oh, the sacred hall was his destination! At that time there was nobody in the church. The light was weak and twinkling! I stood outside, looking at him at a distance. He knelt down with difficulty. I knew he was praying! He wanted to go back to Taiwan, I thought.
The next morning, the fathers in Detroit drove us to the airport. As son as he unloaded our luggage, he drove away without taking our conditions into consideration. I inquired Fr. Albert whether he could stand the long journey.
Fr. Albert looked pleasant.
I bought something for breakfast. I insisted we should eat something to keep ourselves in high spirits. He was obedient. And then we enjoyed our breakfast in the waiting room. He jokingly said he would try his best to keep alive in case he might make trouble to me and to the passengers.
On the plane, we did not sit side by side. Fr. Albert sat behind with an aisle between us. I asked the woman beside him whether Fr. Albert could change seats with her. If Fr. Albert sat by the aisle, then I could take his seat and I could take care of him more easily.
The woman near the aisle could speak fluent Chinese. She kindly told me she was exhausted. She needed sleep. In her seat, she could stretch out her legs. It was more comfortable in the long flight. Obviously, she had no intention to change seats! I knew I had better keep my mouth shut. After all, it was us that troubled others. I reminded Fr. Albert to call me any time he needed help!
On the way I kept praying, asking Buddha to bless us! From time to time, I turned to see if he was all right! If he found, he would smile at me. He meant he was ok by way of his eye expressions. Sometimes he seemed to whistle to hide his tenseness on purpose! Whenever he closed his eyes, I looked at him for a few seconds more! I was very much afraid he might lose his breath, never to wake up.
I remember well while we were in the airport in Detroit, Fr. Albert heard some people singing hymns. The hymns meant something like: “If only people follow God, they must have confidence! There is nothing to worry about.” But I heard nothing at all. I thought little of father’s words. But we heard the same hymn on the plane connection in Osaka, Japan, and even louder. He asked whether Southwest Air Line had something to do with Roman Catholic Church; otherwise, why was the same hymn played over and again? But I still heard nothing at all!
We were coming near to Taiwan. I went closer to understand how he was. And he looked fine! We gossiped. The woman next to him was busy filling in the immigration application form. I was kind enough to remind her that a Taiwanese native did not need to do so. She said she had a green card! She was not a Taiwanese! She looked proud! Shame on her!
Perhaps because I said nothing, the atmosphere was somewhat embarrassing! She actively asked why the father could speak Chinese so well. I said Mr. Albert was a Frenchman and he had lived in Taiwan for more than forty years!
Then she asked again: “If he is a foreigner, why doesn’t he need to fill in the application for immigration?”
Fr. Albert took out his wallet and showed his permanent resident card. He said happily: “I am a Taiwanese!”
After more than ten hours of flight, finally the plane was flying over Taiwan! The tourists as we were felt happy and warm to see the bright and sparkling hometown lights. The way of returning home was so far and took so long a time! It was really beyond imagination! The mission for more than ten days was really a matter of life or death to Fr. Albert! I had two different feelings under the same sky! I said with relief: “Fr. Albert, here we are in Taiwan!” He nodded and he looked relieved!
The moment we got out of the “Customs”, I sighed with relief. Fr. Albert was as happy as a kid. Fr. Albert said: “Do you hear? It is the same hymn as we heard on the plane. It even sounds louder.” I shook my head. I heard nothing. Fr. Albert asked: “Do you still hear nothing?” I answered: “God played the hymn only to you!”
Two “brothers” of Fr. Albert’s from the Society of Jesus in Tien Education Center came to the airport to meet us. The driver was a father (lay brother) in his sixties. The other was a Spanish father in his eighties named Father Lai. He was a doctor. He could immediately check the physical condition of his old friend in his seventies. I was in the front seat. I understood none of their conversation because they talked in their mother tongue. Father Lai said when they were told Fr. Albert fell ill, they were very much worried. Bt Fr. Albert vigorously detailed the misfortunes he had met in America. He described the happenings freely and lightly. But in fact, when he was in the hospital, there were many tubes all over his body. Nobody knew what would happen next. Whenever Father Lai heard the moment of crises, he used to say: “God bless you!” The driver followed: “God bless you!” All the way homeward, “God bless you!” came into my ears! Oh, thank God!
Fr. Albert showed his deep, warm and sincere thanks to me. He said I was full of confidence and composure and that let him feel easy and peaceful. Fr. Albert said: “Sense Chen acted as if he was a father in Chicago. In the mass, he opened his hands to bless for me!” Oh, so! It was his strange smile on his face that meant this incident! I felt embarrassed when I got his meaning! Father Lai said to me smilingly: “You are the guardian angel sent by God to take care of Fr. Albert!”
The car which we were in was traveling on the freeway. The lamps on both sides spread far to the distance. The square Chinese characters on the posters meant we were back in Taiwan. Fr. Albert said happily: “It is wonderful to be home!”
I couldn’t agree more. Before going abroad, I told my wife Heaven Chi that I would not call on her during the ten days while I was in America. There are “time differences” between Taiwan and America. It was very hard to get in touch with each other. We had better do our jobs peacefully rather than worry about our communication. If everything went well, we would meet ten days later. In case of emergency, it was no use to worrying. We would get informed!
In those days, Americans were still living under the atmosphere of 911 terrorist attacks. On the night before departure, I wrote her a letter (Appendix 1). It was something like a “will”. Heaven cried while she was reading my letter. She saw it as “forever departure”! It is the longest time for us to part from each other since we got married. She knew I was to do what I should do. She focused on doing what she should do obediently. During that period, she completely “put down!” --- This is our experience of practicing moral teachings! And we encouraged each other to execute our appreciation from experience. When I got home, she was surprised! We felt “Time did fly!” She showed me her “Life Message” (Appendix 2). I was touched after I finished reading it. I felt happy to have so good a soul partner in life! We lighted incense and thanked Buddha for His blessing and protection and we prayed for His blessing Fr. Albert!