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2011-02-28 23:00:00| 人氣893| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Appendix 2: Lovers Will Meet Again at Last!

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Dear Sense! The key to the riddle is made known. It is me that will go first! When we come to the critical moment, I am very much moved. Whatever it will be, I am finished!


I am reluctant to let you go. I am reluctant to leave our sweet family. And I am reluctant to leave the beautiful world and human kindness. Because I am reluctant, I put all the “reluctances” deep in my mind. And I fill them to the full. Dear Sense! How happy I am in this life to have as my life partner! Because of you, my life has become richer and fuller.


You are a happy person! Our life is full of happiness and laughter when we get together. Though there are only two people in the family, I never feel lonely. You often laugh at me, saying I am silly. You say you treat me so heartily and I do not know. How come I don’t know? While waking, eating or sitting absent-minded, I smile sweetly whenever I think of you! I even smile in my dream! Dear Sense! Many thanks! Thank you for you sincere concern and true love! I heartily hope I can accompany you to the end of life! If we can not leave the world together to another world, it means we still have left much undone! And these unfinished thins are waiting for you. I know you can take good care of yourself. You have so many good friends! Though we have no kids, we do not feel lonely! But without my reminding, you might eat too much and become a “Fatty”. When we meet in the Heaven, I may be unable to recognize you!


Please take good care of Mother and younger brother like the time I am alive! People say lovers will meet again at last!


(The above two articles are selected as the prize winners in the contest of “Life Message” sponsored by Bureau of Heath Promotion.)

台長: 亞特蘭提斯的追夢人
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