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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2013-04-13 16:54:59

[NPSC][AC自動機DP] a640. A. 曉涵的紙牌遊戲

內容 : 曉涵和朋友們最近流行玩一個遊戲:首先準備好一疊紙牌,每張紙牌都有一個編號,編號為1 到N 之間的正整數,假設現在共有P 位玩家(包含曉涵在內),則每個編號都分別有P 張紙牌(故共有P × N 張紙牌...

2013-04-13 08:24:39

[NPSC][線段樹] a651. D. 小可魚兒向上游

內容 : 江江江江,有一條江耶!經 過長時間的觀察,老姜發現這條江有許多支流,且整個河系可以用一個以源頭為根的樹狀結構來表示。除此之外老姜還發現有許多小可魚循著某種規律在江河中悠游 穿...

2013-04-12 17:41:01

[NPSC][歸併樹] a656. E. 胖胖天天天胖

內容 : 胖胖天,天天胖!身為一個專業飲料愛好者,胖胖天經常研究飲料相關的問題並樂此不疲。現在有許多飲料在胖胖天面前排成一排,每個飲料都有其購買的成本。他想從特定區段中挑出盡量多瓶飲料...

2013-04-11 20:43:07

[UVA][幾何、半平面交] 11265 - The Sultan's Problem

Problem FThe Sultan’s ProblemInput: Standard InputOutput: Standard Output Once upon a time, there lived a greatsultan, who was very much fond of his wife. He wanted to build a Tajmahal for his wife (...

2013-04-10 14:35:13

[UVA][生命遊戲] 447 - Population Explosion

Population Explosion You just received a call from NASA's chief scientist who is working on a habitable structure to be built on the moon. He has designed various models of enclosed cities that ...

2013-04-09 21:41:19

[UVA][maxflow] 10511 - Councilling

Problem C Councilling Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Each resident of a particular town is a member of zero or more clubs and also a member of exactly one political party. ...

2013-04-09 21:36:16

[UVA][2SAT、SCC、線段交] 11930 - Rectangles

Rectangles Given a set of rectangles in the plane, determine if it is possible to choose one diagonal from each rectangle such that none of the selected diagonals intersect. Two diagonals inter...

2013-04-09 08:59:05

[UVA][窮舉+組合] 10574 - Counting Rectangles

Problem H Counting Rectangles Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Time Limit: 3 Seconds Given n points on the XY plane, count how many regular rectangles are formed. A...

2013-04-09 08:01:05

[UVA][math] 11254 - Consecutive Integers

Problem B - Consecutive Integers Any positive integer can be written as the sum of several consecutive integers. For example, 15 = 1 + ... + 5 = 4 + ... + 6 ...

2013-04-09 07:46:19

[UVA] 10264 - The Most Potent Corner

Problem B: The Most Potent Corner Problem Every corner of the N-dimensional (1< N<15) unit cube has weight (some positive integer less than 256). We will call two corners neighbour...

2013-04-08 19:37:00

[UVA][AC自動機] 1254 - Top 10

We all use search everyday; to find a file in a directory, to find an email in the inbox, to find a song ina playlist. Search is more than just a linear scan through a list of texts in a dictionary; I...

2013-04-08 08:01:52

[UVA][dfs] 705 - Slash Maze

Slash Maze By filling a rectangle with slashes (/) and backslashes ( ), you can generate nice little mazes. Here is an example: As you can see, paths in the maze cannot bra...

2013-04-07 21:51:34

[UVA][dfs] 614 - Mapping the Route

Mapping the Route Finding a path through a maze is a popular problem for computers. In this problem, a maze will consist of a rectangular array of square cells, each of which may have walls ...

2013-04-07 16:13:54

[UVA] 552 - Filling the Gaps

Filling the Gaps At the largest conference on coding and cryptography the following theorem needed a proof or a counterexample: Suppose you are given a set of words of equal length; each word...

2013-04-05 19:39:02

[UVA][dp] 11725 - Colorful Board

C Colorful Board Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output You are given a board. You are asked to draw M horizontal lines and N vertical lines in that boar...

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