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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2013-09-25 07:38:15

[UVA] 11719 - Gridland Airports

I I U P C 2 0 0 9 Problem G: Gridland Airports The country ‘Gridland’ is a strange country which have R*C cities arranged in R rows and C columns. The bottom-left cit...

2013-09-23 09:55:27

[UVA][最少費用流] 11301 - Great Wall of China

G. Great Wall of China Time Limit: 6 sec Description The alfalfas team is visiting the Great Wall of China. They want ...

2013-09-23 09:41:30

[UVA][TSP] 11643 - Knight Tour

Problem H Knight Tour Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output In the game of chess in 8 x 8 grid a knight can move in an interesting way. Its moves are like “L” shape. A knight...

2013-09-23 09:35:29

[UVA][maxflow] 1242 - Necklace

A necklace in an undirected graph is a sequence of cycles C1, C2,..., Ck(k1) , satisfying the conditions below: Any two cycles have no edges in common. There is exactly one common v...

2013-09-23 09:25:14

[UVA][半平面交&射線法] 588 - Video Surveillance

Video Surveillance A friend of yours has taken the job of security officer at the Star-Buy Company, a famous depart- ment store. One of his tasks is to install a video surveillance system to g...

2013-09-23 09:08:55

[UVA][大整數因數分解] 11476 - Factorizing Larget Integers

Problem F Factorizing Large Integers Time Limit : 15 seconds Given an integer N(≤10^16) find its prime factoring. ...

2013-09-23 09:01:03

[UVA][矩陣] 11486 - Finding Paths in Grid

F Finding Paths in Grid Given a grid having 7 columns. 4 players will start there journey in that grid. Initially all of them are in first row. A player can move diagonall...

2013-09-22 22:08:18

[2013/9/22] 理由

最近沒截圖,先拿老尼克給的圖墊墊。說是最近,也是好一陣子沒寫這個日記了,其一原因是這漫長暑假、單一要素生活,也無須紀錄什麼。寫 ACM 題目是我最常做的事情中最有意義的事情,雖然說是有意義的事情中,也是唯一...

2013-09-22 21:57:18

[UVA][SCC&負環&DP] 11721 - Instant View of Big Bang

I I U P C 2 0 0 9 Problem I: Instant View of Big Bang Have you forgot about wormholes? Oh my god! Ok, let me explain agai...

2013-09-22 21:42:27

[UVA][maxflow] 12159 - Gun Fight

The above diagram illustrates sample #1. The imaginary line is represented by the red line passing through two watch towers shown in red. There are 5 gun towers in total. The two groups are r...

2013-09-22 21:27:09

[UVA][dp] 1250 - Robot Challenge

You have entered a robot in a Robot Challenge. A course is set up in a 100m by 100m space. Certain points are identified within the space as targets. They are ordered -- there is a target 1, a tar...

2013-09-22 21:19:43

[UVA][窮舉&二分&貪婪] 1079 - A Careful Approach

If you think participating in a programming contest is stressful, imagine being an air traffic controller. With human lives at stake, an air traffic controller has to focus on tasks while working ...

2013-09-22 21:12:47

[UVA][二分&BFS] 10876 - Factory Robot

Problem G Factory Robot Input File: Standard Input Output: Standard Output In a factory hall (size 1000 x 1000 meters) there are a number of circular pillars having various radii. The pi...

2013-09-22 21:01:03

[UVA][BIT&線段樹] 11610 - Reverse Prime

Problem F Reverse Prime Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output There are a few 7 digit positive numbers whose reverse number is a prime number and less than 10^6. For example: 1...

2013-09-16 08:55:27

[UVA][三分二分] 11574 - Colliding Traffic

Problem C: Colliding Traffic For a boat on a small, constrained body of water, other traffic can be a major hazard. The more traffic there is in the same area, the higher the risk of a collision....

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