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2004-06-17 18:12:42| 人氣183| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

不斷改變 (EVER-Changing)

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Today I just finished the finals, and have found the place to stay next semester(It's not bad. Though it's small, the bethroom is quite clean). However I am still at the statement of fatigue, feel like nothing. Finally the part-time job scheduel is out, it's Very full(for the money I can do it). Having my own place to stay is good, that means I have privacy and will NOT be bothered by roomates alarm clocks :) But the rent is a burden. And the commuting is also another problem.

This semester is settled and passed, maybe moving out is kind of change for me. SO I am changing!

Because of the contract problems, I have to find another one......

台長: Yurii
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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