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2010-07-18 08:42:16| 人氣639| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Ready to explore?

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It’s been a long time that I can just sit and write whatever I want in a Saturday morning. Part of it is because I am now engaged in a new job; part of it is because of My grandpa’s funeral.

As it comes to my job, it’s kind of hard to tell you what I do everyday. In the first month, all I do is about fixing the old designs for the media. Since we designers have our own way to make our arts, it’s kind of hard to make little change on the original art works.
“It’s just change the date on the poster, I don’t know how hard it could be!”

“Just resize the art work from A4 to 90 cm x 120 cm”

“Do you know what date is the Fashion Show? You edited the poster weeks before?”

“If you cannot remember the show date last time, I will mash your head with a hammer!”

Well, I guess in the work atmosphere in Taiwan, it’s always full of bullying, especially coming from your boss. I am not being sexist, but I will definitely taking a serious consideration before working under a bitch.

She gets to work late, of course, no card-punching for her, and gets off kind of early. Stingy to pay more, but constantly ask you to give more.

“I don’t think you have put your heart to it.”

I did put my heart to it! My gosh, that is most unbelievable BS I have ever heard. What are bosses made of? Craps? Do you know how many Chi-nglish you have on that little piece of paper? Your proposal look like a copy-and-paste Frankenstein! I wonder why there is no foreign exhibitors other than Indians. Because they cannot even read your English Brochure! The weird translation, the same show report year after year. Sign.... If I ever own a company and looking for attending a expo, YOUR mighty company will never show up in my head.

In business, especially in a family business, it’s never about how good or talented you are at work. It’s more about how close you are to the CEO. Because blood means everything in the family.

Sorry for the complaints....

台長: Yurii
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辛苦你了...看遍職場百樣人,仍然站立得住就是恩典。Survive it, then you'll understand it. Even better, you'll learn to cope with those freaks and love them :-p
2010-08-13 11:52:56
2010-08-13 11:54:05
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