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2004-06-16 11:58:11| 人氣254| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Hyperballad 《Bjork》

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This is the song that keeps repeating in my MD player,


We live on a mountain
Right at the top
There's a beautiful view
From the top of the mountain
Every morning I walk towards the edge
And throw little things off
Car-parts, bottles and cuttery
Or whatever I find lying around

It's become a habit
A way
To start the day

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

It's real early morning
No-one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
Still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
On their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
Imagine what my body would sound like
Slamming against those rocks

When it lands
Will my eyes
Be closed or open?

I go through all this
Before you wake up
So I can feel happier
To be safe up here with you

台長: Yurii
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全站分類: 偶像後援(藝人、後援會)

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