記得第一次與《Dancing in the Wind》這支 MV 邂逅﹐是難得在香港某個悠閑的週末下午。手握著電視遙控器遊走各台之間尋找適合當下心情節目的我﹐無意間在亞洲電視台 (ATV) 看到了正在播放的這支 MV。片中飄逸的歌聲﹐隨著海風飛舞的白色窗簾﹐以及在海邊手舞足蹈的小女孩﹐都如同一股清流注入心中。仿彿只要一伸臂﹐一仰首﹐迎著風向著海﹐就能夠把心中所有的煩憂都拋至九霄雲外。
之後每隔一段時間﹐總是會在另一個偶然的週末﹐同樣在 ATV 再次看見這位愛爾蘭女歌手 Tara Blaise 清秀的身影﹐欣賞她熟悉的歌聲。
我喜歡這首歌以及 MV﹐更準確地說應該算是一見鍾情。原來這首歌的創作靈感來自於葉慈的詩。《To a Child Dancing in the Wind》這首詩收錄於葉慈 1914 年 《Responsibilities》作品集中﹐也因此造就了許多音樂佳作。
《I To a Child Dancing in the Wind》- by W.B. Yeats
DANCE there upon the shore;
What need have you to care
For wind or water’s roar?
And tumble out your hair
That the salt drops have wet;
Being young you have not known
The fool’s triumph, nor yet
Love lost as soon as won,
Nor the best labourer dead
And all the sheaves to bind.
What need have you to dread
The monstrous crying of wind?
《II Two Years Later》
Has no one said those daring
Kind eyes should be more learn’d?
Or warned you how despairing
The moths are when they are burned,
I could have warned you, but you are young,
So we speak a different tongue.
O you will take whatever’s offered
And dream that all the world’s a friend,
Suffer as your mother suffered,
Be as broken in the end.
But I am old and you are young,
And I speak a barbarous tongue
詩詞中所體現的是一位歷經歲月滄桑的老人﹐靜靜望著在海邊無憂無慮隨風起舞的可愛女孩﹐不禁感嘆年輕真好! 但他知道﹐女孩將來必定也得面對命運中接踵而來的難題與挑戰。
Dancing in the Wind... 歷經生命中種種挫折、苦痛與煎熬之後﹐擺脫自身的煩躁與週遭的束縛﹐自由自在地在風中起舞﹐是我在新的一年對自己慇切的期許﹐也與身旁的朋友們共勉之。
觀賞 MV:
《Dancing in the Wind》
Let me take your hand in my hand
This will be our only time
Only your fragmented soul
Is allowed to have control
And the tangled branches stare
Let the sun undress your hair
Just imagine you’re alone
Let the freedom grow
Ooooh Let me take your hand
Dance, dance in the wind
Let the breeze feel the rhyme
Dance, dance in the wind
Let me take you by the hand
Dance, dance in the wind
Let the breeze feel the rhyme
Dance, dance, dance, dance
And you turn your head
And you move away
But there’s something here
Makes you want to stay
Just enjoy this day’s embrace
Innocence improves all taste
In your serenade
Ooooh Let me take your hand
Dance, dance in the wind
Let the breeze feel the rhyme
Dance, dance in the wind
Let me take you by the hand
Dance, dance in the wind
Let the breeze feel the rhyme
Dance, dance, dance, dance