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2016年第一屆台北世界武術錦標賽~圓滿閉幕,於6月25日在臺北市 6月25日(週六)上午10點開幕明德國小活動中心大禮堂4F(台灣精武體育會正對面明德國小大門川堂左邊樓梯上四樓)。一年一度武術盛會,精彩無比!隆重舉行。據國際武術聯盟總會台北會長黃連順介紹,第一屆台北世界武術錦標賽將2016年於6月25日至臺北市舉行,國際武術聯盟遍布於世界各地的80多個分會。今年兵器和拳術(三項全能)及兵器對練拳術對練等武術比賽項目外,大賽還將頒發個人比賽成績,團體總成績獎及世界武術之最,傑出獎等獎項。個人比賽成績冠軍:Adam J Woolsey , 榮偉佛, 李承翰, 黃俊嘉, ArsalanHabib,Forest Griffin, 詹承勳, 詹孟霖, 仲村優花, 簡銘頡, 陳楷文, 黃賀翊團體成績獎總冠軍:美國猶他州金剛般若武術學院。青少年組團體成績獎總冠軍:<把勢生活>。
在回顧該會成立30年的歷程時,從1981年創建成立到現在,該會從洛杉磯的一個華人武術機構,已經發展成為在世界五大洲的82個國家和地區擁有分會的國際性武術團體。特別是自1987年每年舉辦一次的『世界盃』國際武術錦標賽,對於在全球弘揚中華武術和中華武術精神,起到了相當大的作用。           2016 The first World Wushu Championships - Taipei successfully concluded, on June 25 in Taipei June 25 (Zhouliu) 10:00 to 12:00, out of German activity center auditorium 4F (Taiwan Jingwu Sports Association German small door opposite the Ming Chuan Tang left on the fourth floor stairs). The annual martial arts event, very exciting! Was held. According to the International Wushu Federation League president Huang Lianshun Taipei introduced the first session of the Taipei World Wushu Championships 2016 in Taipei June 25 to be held, the International Wushu Union in over 80 chapters around the world. This year boxing and other martial arts weapons and events, the contest will be awarded individual game results, Team General Award and the Award for the most outstanding martial arts and other awards. Individual game score championship: Adam J Woolsey, Rongwei Buddha, Licheng Han, Huangjun Jia, Arsalan Habib, Forest Griffin, Zhan Chengxun, Zhanmeng Lin, Nakamura Yuka, Jane Ming Jie, Chen Kai Wen, Huang Heyi, etc., group achievement award champion: Utah Diamond Prajna martial Arts Academy. Youth group achievement award champion: .In reviewing the course will be set up for 30 years, from 1981 to create the establishment to the present, the Chinese martial arts organization will be from one of Los Angeles, has developed into a club in the world on five continents 82 countries and regions in the international martial arts groups. Especially since 1987, held annually in the "World Cup" International Wushu Championship, for the world to promote the Chinese martial arts and Chinese martial spirit, played a considerable role. 

台長: 黃連順會長

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