崙仙宗道家養生功法 /《劉培中大師仙宗道功》
第三階段「通玄達妙」 運用玄奧、操縱、玄妙三體規,吸取人身體外電能,在人體內交泰生化,增加人體電能,參修玄妙。
第四階段「靈光靈慧 」 運用靈體魄體,溝通天地電能,吸取三光三寶,參修零光靈慧。
第五階段「道光道慧」 運用紅藍白三色外線,收發電射光速,接連天地真元,參修道光道慧。
第六階段「金仙大道」 運用三才規、天規、地規、宇宙規,修煉身合天地。一同運轉,參修金仙大道。
(一)修身 健康、長壽
導氣五式、長生六字訣、道家養生袪病法、胎元呼吸、水火風三路,小周天、大周天(河車運轉)、三花聚頂、胎元八卦運轉、腦下垂體修煉 (降血壓,補骨髓,增進荷爾蒙 分泌)、松果體修煉 (調理人體身理時鐘,退黑激素分泌,免疫系統之提升)、攝護腺修煉(固精法,防治頻尿煉精化氣,美容養顏)、增補腦汁,心血精汁、筋脈骨髓動靜脈之保養修護、腎上腺素修煉
(二)修心 心胸開擴 快樂安祥 精神集中 、返老還童,美夢成真、身心之調整
入靜法(1)凝視入靜 (2)靜守胎元入靜(3)六字大明咒、五氣朝元,相對是心猿意馬(肝心脾肺腎五氣之調理)、六神統一.相對是三心二意(增強精神集中度,增進與宇宙磁場連繫)、心如紫金蓮、人與天地合一,心胸自然開擴、平心靜氣、身心合一、心誠則靈
(三)靈性提昇 開發智慧 建立美好磁場
六字大明咒、上下髮璇會合胎元、導氣五式、返老還童美夢成真、胎元呼吸守靜至靈氣充電、靈性合天、率性參天、靈機一動、通天透地、三才合一(意神性合一)、三才合一(天地人合一) 、一氣化三清、通玄達妙
陰陽合一為道,道生萬物。成仙易耳,須知返本還源。----祖師大道的修煉,千言萬語,尋根求源,要訣只在動靜二字。祖師說,宇宙有日月星,乃是大天地。天文學家說,「地球」是太陽星系的九大行星之一,其能量來自太陽的放射,受太陽引力的操縱,被攝領著在一定軌道上運行。「太陽」又為銀河星系兩千億個星星之一,其能量來自銀河核心,受銀河引力的操縱,被攝領著在一定軌道上運行。「宇宙太空」有一千億個銀河星系,其能量來自宇宙核心的放射,受銀宇宙力的操縱,被攝領著在一定軌道上運行。這一層一層的能量的放射吸取及引力,發生了大自然的交泰生化作用,而生萬物。這就是道家所說「陰陽為道,道生萬物。」的道理。人體的能量----精氣神也是循以上歷程,來自宇宙的精氣神,是人體生命智慧的泉源。 人體先天帶來的能量有限,後天呼吸飲食所補充的能量也有限,如果人體能繼續不斷直接吸收太空來的能量,那就取之不盡,用之不竭,而可延年益壽,益智生慧了。人體是個小天地,人體的關竅和太空的日月星一樣是能吸收和放射能量的。現代醫學也證明,人體神經叢是能吸收和放射電能的,醫學上所稱的「神經叢」,就是道家所稱的「關竅」。
太極拳、形意拳、八卦拳是中國傳統體育項目之一,以練意、練氣、練身(形)三結合為其特點的一種獨特健身防病的運動,經過科學研究的證明:太極拳練意、練氣、練身得全面調練方法,是針對人體生命活動的全部,實踐證明長期練習,對身體各系統機能發揮很大的良好影響,是我國傳統體育健身的文化瑰寶。道家養生氣功是中國醫學的民族保健運動,透過練功發揮形體及精神自我的鍛練,對人體防疫功能增進,並發揮人體潛能最有效的方法,可強化內分泌系統及免疫系統,調整新陳代謝,打通全身氣脈達到抗病、抗老化等具體功效是一套結合密教道家融合按摩導引和中醫藏象學說的陰陽五行生克知說於一爐,進而打通人體氣脈三生萬物的開始。把醫、易、佛、道和手印法訣融為一體,追求「天人合一」的境界,體現「身、心、靈、氣」的人體觀,進而煥發人體潛能及生命智慧。 The Kunlun Mountains immortal ancestor Taoism keeping in good health merit law/"In Liu Pei Master Immortal Zong Daogong" Taoism uses has systematic method, develops human body's energy, urges body's health, therefore, the content is comprehensive, is one kind of body, the heart, the spirit whole coordination. From the medicine physiology anatomy's angle discussed that contained had the skeleton (spirit), the nerve (nature), the blood circulation (god), the internal secretion (Italy), the marrow (soul), the reproduction (soul) and so on six large-scale systems. But says from Taoism, namely for the spirit, the nature, the god, Italy, the soul, the soul connection of is called “the six spirits”. The six spirits are human body's six kind of electrical energies, is also our so-called energy, because the person has the six spirits, can become “the highest of all creatures”. Therefore, our Taoism's keeping in good health merit law, is outside repairs body's health, in repairs the mind the purification. Characteristic of the Taoism keeping in good health merit law Taoism's keeping in good health merit law, not only on body's health, at the same time it can also purify our mind emphatically, thus lets us during the unconscious practice, has produced joyfully, grows our wisdom, simultaneously brews beauty the intelligence. For instance from the health angle, we can use to have system's method to urge the health very much: Is all the rage at present likely, spends the expensive money, hits the placenta element, or the bacillus botulismus and so on, serves the beautiful purpose; Perhaps eats sheds the black hormone, helps the sleep; Has the menopause barrier, must arrive at the hospital to hit Hormone; Masculine prostate gland large puzzle and so on, these diseases have the method to be possible to prevent beforehand, by the usual practice, achieves the nature to supplement that our body interior metabolism needs to raise the share balanced, may also be far away from disease. The Taoism keeping in good health merit law not can only achieve hammers 鍊 “the body” body's health, simultaneously needs “the heart, the spirit” joyfully regarding us on, beautiful, with the wisdom, can make the boundary which “the body, the heart, the spirit” unite. Keeping in good health merit law and Chinese medicine annotation This merit law divides into moves the merit and the static merit two kinds. 'moves the merit part' is the affiliation is extending the muscle to pull out the bone, to pick trades clear muddy, achieves the detachable vitality, the god fresh air crisp effect, is far away from each kind of indisposition. 'the static merit part' may strengthen in vivo energy, the well distributed five internal organs, cause in vivo five lines (five lines looking from Chinese medicine angle, heart are fire, liver are wood, the spleen are earth, lung are gold, kidney are water) can balance, the masculine and feminine elements can compromise, penetrates the practice which again sits in meditation, establishes the good magnetic field, the mind natural growth, the good luck is also following. Also penetrates the usual practice, achieves the nature to supplement that our body interior metabolism needs to raise the share balanced. The breathing like a fetus, the congenital breath congenital is exasperating the body before has not been separated from the mother's womb, is interlinked the company blood vessels of with the parent substance, grows the adult with the navel absorption parent substance nutrient electrical energy, but on body's viscera, the veins marrow, and so on is wonderfully long after eight arteries by the navel. In the navel 1 inch 3 branches, said that the merit practice noun is called the embryo Yuan, this place is the human body umbilical artery and the umbilical vein convergence point, is also the human body masculine and feminine elements total harmonic point, therefore road of merit practice the Taoism starts from the embryo Yuan to practice an embryo Yuan breath first. The young baby inside the womb is the water, shuts up, also does not breathe, is with the breathing like a fetus, the breathing like a fetus is the congenital breath is the electrical energy, is the first weather. After the young baby is born, the umbilical cord shear, namely becomes the circulatory system alone, starts with the nose/lungs breath, will be the day after tomorrow breathes. Taoism sits in meditation the practice breathing like a fetus, is to sum up to look for the book, retrieves the congenital breath. The human body congenital can come from the parents, the day after tomorrow will supplement can come from the diet breath, because the energy will be limited, the consumption will be more than the absorption, will therefore die of illness senilly gradually. Repairs practices the breathing like a fetus, has ability to absorb the world universe energy, supplements the human body energy, achieves the healthy longevity, surges the brain development potential growth wisdom. From the embryo Yuan practice breathing like a fetus, the embryo Yuan is practices the breathing like a fetus the first spot, an embryo Yuan breath is beginning of the practice breathing like a fetus. Six stage practice main point The first stage is “the fitness longan” the utilization embryo Yuan with six critical junctions qiao, from recognizes qiao, looks qiao, defends qiao, nine revolutions, to pass the triple burners, to be unified to six gods, communicates the human body electric circuit, the centralized human body electrical energy, makes the preliminary movement, changes the makings, promotes the physical and moral integrity, abundant vigor, fitness longan, for practice basic curriculum. The second stage “the longevity lives brightly” is mainly obtains from human body's basic movement, the practice veins marrow, strengthens the electrical energy, and using the embryo Yuan and the related pass qiao, the absorption magical things spirit, supplements the human body electrical energy, by long receives the ecology. The third stage “acquires understanding of esoteric teachings reaches the utilization to be mysterious wonderfully”, the operation, the mysterious three body gauge, absorbs the person in vitro electrical energy, hands over the peaceful biochemistry in the human body, increases the human body electrical energy, the senate repairs mysteriously. The fourth stage “the miraculous glow is keenly intelligent” the utilization spirit body and spirit body, communicates the world electrical energy, absorbs three light three treasures, the senate repairs zero light to be keenly intelligent. The fifth stage “an ecliptic is bright” Using the safflower white tricolor outwire, receives the electricity generation to shoot the speed of light, connects the world Yuan, the senate cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine the ecliptic to be bright really. The sixth stage “the golden immortal main road” the utilization three life forces gauge, the day gauge, the gauge, the universe gauge, practice the body to gather the world. The revolution, the senate repairs the golden immortal main road together."Summary" the Chinese goldthread rhizome is suitable The Taijiquan, the Chinese boxing imitating various animals, the Eight Diagrams fist is one of Chinese tradition sports items, practices Italy, to practice breathing exercises, to practice the body (shape) the three-in-one combination the movement which prevents disease for its characteristic's one kind of unique fitness, undergoes the scientific research the proof: The Taijiquan practices Italy, to practice breathing exercises, to practice the body to move comprehensively practices the method, is aims at the human body vital activity the entirety, the practice proves the long-term practice, to the bodily various systems function display very tremendous good influence, is our country tradition sports fitness cultural treasure. The Taoism keeping in good health qigong is the Chinese medicine national health care movement, by exercises martial arts the display physique and spiritual self-exercising, promotes to the human body guard function, and displays the human body potential most effective method, may strengthen the endocrine system and the immune system, adjustment metabolism, made a connection with the whole body breath and pulse to achieve disease-resistant, the anti-aging and so on concrete effect is a set of union esoteric buddhism Taoism fuses massage guiding and the Chinese medicine Tibet theory masculine and feminine elements five lines engenders and overcomes the knowledge saying that likely in a stove, then made a connection with the human body breath and pulse three to live the myriad things the start. The medicine, easy, Buddha, the road and the hand imprint law knack merges into one organic whole, the pursue “the beauty unites” the boundary, manifests “the body, the heart, the spirit, to be mad” the human body view, then glows the human body potential and the life wisdom.