WitchVera: I enjoyed the past week to theheights unimaginable. Ask me why? Well, I spent good time with people I love.You know, when you come to think of it, that's the bottom line for happiness.Spending time with people you love. That said let's look at what this week hasto offer.
There is this small support group and thisgroup is my world and they take care of all the emotional disturbances I runinto. I don't need to be the richest man in the world; I just need thesebeautiful people called friends to be around me till I walk off into thesunset. That's all I wish for. August31 2012(註1)

↑ 20120825 01.jpg photo took by Chichen and download via facebook.

↑ 20120825 03.jpg 佳餚美饌

↑ 20120825 04.jpg 佳餚美饌

↑ 20120825 05.jpg 佳餚美饌

↑ 20120825 06.jpg 佳餚美饌

↑ 20120825 07.jpg 佳餚美饌

↑ 20120825 08.jpg ....“俺有70公里路程要趕, 咱們明年見囉~~”
所以在原榮兄於8月2日以email 通知同學們, 加上國緯兄協助下, 隨後至少80通電話聯繫, 於8月25日晚上6點由各地向板橋市文化路的吉立餐廳集合。
有偕同妻子女兒前來的明欽兄, 帶著三歲兒子且大約20年未見的O縈, 還有也帶兒子來的O雯, 孩子們不一會兒就完在一起,我們這些”哥哥姐姐”們, 也在燈光美氣氛佳的包廂裡,享用有台股贊助的佳餚。
陸續於下班後前來的O梅、 O玲及O蓁, 依序入席就位, 拍下美照連連。
歡呼下好久未出現的O縈可讓同學們開心了, 盤盤佳餚上桌, 並討論出下次的聚會主辦O蘭(似乎也是半指定狀況), 及預訂明年農曆年假期間再敘。
大約9點左右開始道親愛的,“俺有70公里路程要趕, 咱們明年見囉~~”

↑ 20120825 09.jpg 吉立餐廳一隅

↑ 20120825 10.jpg 訂席預約單
From: syr.oo@oo.onet.net
CC: Vivoo@gmail.com; samaoo@gmail.com
Subject: 同學會通知
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 09:17:23 +0800
1. 剛好有藍月現象(以下取自Facebook中央社新聞粉絲團)
【今天是「藍月」日,大家有被地震嚇到嗎→http://goo.gl/Mb4s5 】

↑ Fullmoom 20120831.jpg download via CNA website.
※ 音樂取自 Xuite.com 係 St. Elmo's Fire(聖艾摩之火)